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Big Brother and online Hunger games.


12thOct 30, 2023 by Tyler93
This is for all the people who dread gloomy Mondays .

Post your name and my 10 year old cousin will be giving his best opinion on your avatars. (Caution: he is ruthless)

semajdude that pink hair is gya AF bruv. Also why do you have candy crush as your background without the candy. C'mon bro. It's HALLOWEEN for God's sake. Tyler syad something about Patrick mahomes, but you're living in the past. Travis Kelce is the new hottest plyaer on the Chiefs. You're such a boomer

parvatiS is that the deaf guy from b*g brother? He is suchhhhhhh a legend !!! Okya your Avi. Kinda hot. I like how the hair swoops out from over your one eye and over the other eye ๐Ÿ˜ fineeeeee af dress. 10/10 would b*ng

callmetheGOAT CanMeThe๐Ÿ - your avi is good. but could use an upgrade. you know what would make it even better ? A FULL AVI OF THE GREEK FREAK (and no we're not talking about my l*ttle uncle christosssss) but of GIANNIS ANTETOKOUNMPO. support a fellow greek freak by buying it for 600 tees from christossss' shop !

music Witch Wusic - bruv that lip color does not match that dress AT ALL. that shit hurts my eyes ๐Ÿ˜ตโ€๐Ÿ’ซ๐Ÿ˜ตโ€๐Ÿ’ซ and damn , I thought Dorothy was ruthless when she took those ruby red slippers. You're a complete savage, you stole that woman's ruby red dress. Actually you need to change your mouth A$AP ROCKY. Change it to a warmer undertone. The Amalfi (she actually syad MAUVE but I didn't understand ๐Ÿ˜‚)  cool toned pink doesn't work well with your Wizard of Oz dress.

Also I feel like you could use a necklace or something. Show off those beautiful features

xbostonx - bruv did your kitty scratch off your eyebrows ?? so sorry that shit happened to you. with that being syad. i do think your kitty should scratch off that nasty outdated weave of yours. that shit is so 2013 (the year i was born). it's time for something NEW and BETTER. You should hit up my cousin tyler93's shop. He syad he would post sweet NEW hair for you if you were interested. Also those eyes are like genie eyes ๐Ÿ”ฎ

emmett4 - I'm trippoinnnnnnn outttt h@rddddddddd from your avi. are you high bruvvv ? you better stop doing those h@rd drugs. my b*g cuzzy tyler alwyas tells me how bad they are for you. which im glad because u lookin dopeyyy as helllll bruvvvvvvvvvv. i would never wanna end up like you bruvvvvvvvvvvvvvv. PS. why are you wearing your shirt like that with one side hanging off the shoulder. do you think you're cool ? LMFAO catch you on the flippity flip bruvvvvv . DEUCESSSSSSS ๐Ÿค™

BreadNButter - whyyyy butter !! ๐Ÿ˜ก jam is so much betta . apparently my nonno makes wine but won't let me dreak any since im only 10 so instead he makes it into jam for me and it tastes amazonnnnnnnn prime. you should try it ! it's wyaaa better than butter , bub!

PS. why does your hair look exactly like the mop my janitor uses to clean my 5th grade classroom floors ? ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ i think we could hire you because my teacher is constantly yelling at me for being a messy eater during lunch time and getting my nonno's jam all over the desks. Hehe that's where you could come in :)

The only nice thing I have to sya. (Tyler93 : holy this is a long onion kid). Anywyas, the only nice thing I have to sya is that your background is COOL AF. BANFFFFFF ๐Ÿ‘Œ from fellow Canadian, that is what makes me proud.

Laura21 - gurllllll ive seen so many girls who show up to my 5th grade class lookin like you and getting dress coded. my momma alwyas syas "money can't buy you class" and she's right. actually, i think your gucci belt is fake. ive even seen kids younger than me wearing that exact belt to school and whenever i see it i just know it cannot be real.  but even if it was real. you should GO BUY YOURSELF SOME CLASS. AND NOT GUCCI. Hahahaha roasted sorry ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

Treeko - that green hair is so cringe bruvvvvvvvv ๐Ÿ˜ตโ€๐Ÿ’ซ๐Ÿ˜ตโ€๐Ÿ’ซmy mommy woulda KILLED me if i dyed my hair like that. why is your name even Treeko. it should be Grassko. IT LOOKS LIKE GRASS. HAHAHAHAHA. Or better yet, it looks like you have a garden growing on your head bruvvvvvvvv hahaha

xcharliex - bruuuvvvvvvvv ewwwwwwww not another dirty mop as a hair. The FANCYYYYY flashy limo and the mop hair do NOT go well together ๐Ÿ˜ซhoe nestly, you and xbostonx need to be hired at my school to be the janitors with those mops hahahaha. not only do you two have the X's in your usernames in common, you both would make really good mops. I'll make sure to smear my delicious jam hammichs for you ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜

Jenna2010 - idkk what else to sya but that shirt is ugly as helllll bruvvvvvvv. sorry but that shirt looks like my paper lunchbag my momma uses to pack my jam hamwiches to school. oh and did i mention my nonno makes that jam and it is absolutely DELISH ? anywyas that paperbag with the zebra sleeves and colorful bowtie does you absolutely no justice. ITS A B*G FASHION NO GO. btw were you born in 2010 ? omg that's so kewl i was born in 2013 : D

Mackey - bruvvvv you look too much like a barbie with freakishly pink eyes ๐Ÿ˜ตโ€๐Ÿ’ซ๐Ÿ˜ตโ€๐Ÿ’ซ it reminds me wyaaaaa too much of those barbies my little sister plyas with that i love to torture by ripping their heads off, and chopping their hair off, and scribbling all over them with sharpies ๐Ÿ˜ˆ can i do that to you too ? oh but not rip your head off so you die, i cant have my b*g cousin getting banned from this gya ass website because of me hahahaha. I'm just sure all the guys go gaaaagaaa over you. Myabe you'll meet your Prince Ken.

booyahhayoob Bruvvvvv this has to be the ugliest avi I've seen yet. I would sya that it looks like a 10 year old drew it, but that's giving a 10 year old like myself too much credit. It looks like a 6 year old drew it. Colours everywhere  and why does your mouth take up your entire face bruvvvvv ๐Ÿ˜ตโ€๐Ÿ’ซโœจ๐Ÿ˜ตโ€๐Ÿ’ซโœจ is your one eye permanently closed because of how ugly it is ? Put some clothes on YAH NASTYYYYYYY ๐Ÿคฎ๐Ÿคฎ

Tyler: SOD OFF MATE for clogging the bidets at the b*g fat Greek wedding. You're a disgusting p*g !!!

lemjam6 OMGGGGGG BRUVVVVV IDOLLLLLL. This is the best avi I've seen. EXVEPT FUCJ YOU AJD YOUR SPLIT PERSONALITY.  How TF did no one recognize you from being on TV to taking OFF a fucking wig. Are your whole classmates IDIOTIC. Hannah >>>> Miley but still so COOOOOLL. My mommy doesn't let me listen to your music anymore after you rode that wrecking ball h@rd . I watched YouTube videos on repeat of you riding that thing. I got grounded for 3 months


hope he likes mahomes
Sent by semajdude,Oct 30, 2023
Sent by ParvatiS,Oct 30, 2023
Sent by CallMeTheGOAT,Oct 30, 2023
Sent by Music,Oct 30, 2023
-________________- ๐Ÿคฌ๐Ÿ–•
Sent by ParvatiS,Oct 30, 2023
Sent by xBostonx,Oct 30, 2023
Sent by Emmett4,Oct 30, 2023
Sent by BreadNButter,Oct 30, 2023
Sent by Laura21,Oct 30, 2023
Sent by Treeko,Oct 30, 2023
Sent by xcharliex,Oct 30, 2023
Sent by Jenna2010,Oct 30, 2023
Sent by Mackey,Oct 30, 2023
oh my god yes
Sent by Booyahhayoob,Oct 30, 2023
Sent by Lemjam6,Oct 30, 2023
Sent by Funny,Oct 30, 2023
Sent by Jessie_,Oct 30, 2023
y not
Sent by melindaMrskk,Oct 30, 2023
Sent by BonnieParker,Oct 30, 2023
GINI of the lamp
Sent by GiNi,Oct 30, 2023
Sent by Thumper91,Oct 30, 2023
Sent by Ghostfacegangsta,Oct 30, 2023
Lol, me
Sent by Lucas_RFS,Oct 31, 2023

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