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The Tombique55's blog

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Survivor Disney Episode 14 Sep 5, 2010
Tribal Council: The votes come back. Simb recieves one vote, Cruella recieves two, and with four votes, MEDUSA becomes the 14th person eliminated from the game and the 6th member of the jury.

Reward Challenge: The castaways would have to go through an obstacle course of digging underneath a log, crossing a balance beam, and under a rope crawl. The castaways would then run across a field to where a spinning series of ten mathematical symbols would be displayed. The castaways would have to memorize the sequence of symbols, run back to starting line through the obstacles, and use the symbols in the correct order to solve a math equation. The first castaway to solve the math problem would win.

Reward: A new car.

Winner: Dr. Facilier

Immunity Challenge:The castaways would be asked trivia questions about Samoa. For each question answered correctly, the castaway would earn one ball. After four questions are asked, the castaways would throw the balls that they won down a hill at a target divided into zones. The castaway who throws their ball into the zone closest to the center of the target would win.

Winner: Tiana

Tribal Council: The entire tribe is looking towards the finals and they see two very obvious snags in the plan. On one hand, Simb has made so many friends and has done nothing but good things, so anyone who went up against him would lose. also, Dr. Facilier has backstabbed and lied the entire game, thus if anyone brought him along it would mean that one more spot in the finals would be lost.

Up for elimination: Simba...Dr. Facilier
Points: 19 4 comments
Survivor Disney Episode 13 Sep 3, 2010
Tribal Council: When the votes come back, Cruella recieves three votes and the Queen of Hearts recieves 5. THE QUEEN OF HEARTS becomes the 13th person voted out of the game and the 5th member of the jury.

Before the challenge: It was discovered that the reward was going to be spending time with loved ones. HEre is who came for who:

Mowgli- Best Friend Baloo
Simba- Wife Nala
Cruella- School Mate Anita
Tiana- Husband Na'veen
Dr. Facilier- Friend Lawrence
Pocahontas- Father Chief Powhatan
Medusa- Business Partner Mr. Snoops

Reward Challenge: The survivors, while blindfolded, must scoop water using a bucket and must pass it to their loved ones. The loved ones will now transport the bucket to another bucket which is elevated from the ground. When there is enough water in that bucket, the weight of the water will lower the bucket, raising a flag. The first person to raise their flag wins Reward.

reward: A picnic that consists of fried chicken, meatloaf, and apple pie and will enjoy it with their loved ones.

Winner: Tiana (Took Mowgli and Simba)

Immunity:The castaways will have to race out into the water and maneuver across a series of obstacles. When a tribe member reaches the end, he or she will retrieve a bundle of sticks and race back. Then each tribe member must repeat the process for a second bundle of sticks. Once a person has both bundles back, they'll untie the sticks and use the rope and the sticks build one long pole. The tribe member will then use the pole to collect two rings. The first person to retrieve both rings wins Immunity.

Winner: Tiana

Tribal Council: After the reward and Immunity challenge, most of the tribe wants to get rid of the strongest of the group to "level out the playing field." So, they look at the possibility of eliminating Medusa, Simba, and Pocahontas

Up for elimination: Medusa...Simba...Pocahontas

Captain Hook
Lady Tremaine
Queen of Hearts
Points: 6 4 comments
Survivor Disney Episode12 Sep 2, 2010
Tribal Council: The votes come back four votes Yzma and four votes Tiana. So, the girls go to the fire pits and begin the tie breaker. After 10 minutes, Tiana's fire breks the rope. Yzma becomes the 12th person voted out and the 4th member of the jury.

Reward Challenge:The castaways would, in private, answer a survey about their fellow tribemates. They would then have to guess whose name came up the most from the group. Each time a castaway guessed correctly, they would be given the opportunity to chop at a rope that held a weight above a statuette that represented another castaway. After three chops of the rope, the statuette would be smashed and that castaway would be eliminated from the challenge. The last castaway whose statuette was not smashed would win reward.

Reward: A trip to Jellyfish Lake to swim among stingless jellyfish  with a selection of two additional castaways to share the reward.

Winner: Queen of Hearts (Took Cruella and Medusa)

Immunity Challenge:Three large sand pits are surrounded by signs with symbolic coordinate. Each castaway would be given a pair of ropes and a set of coordinates. They would use the ropes to match the coordinates up so that the ropes intersect within the circle. At that intersection point, they would dig up a bag of puzzle pieces. This would give them the coordinates to use with the ropes on the second sand pit. The process would be repeated until a final bag of puzzle pieces would be retrieved from the third sand pit. The first person to complete the last puzzle wins immunity.

Winner: Medusa

Tribal Council: After the reward chllenge, most of the tribe can see that the women villains have a bit of an alliance going on, and some want to get them out. The girls, however, start to plant more seeds to save themselves. Their scapegoat, Tiana.
Up for elimination: Cruella...Queen of Hearts...Tiana
Points: 38 6 comments
Survivor Disney Episode 11 Sep 1, 2010
Tribal Council: The votes come back and everyone awaits the results. With six votes, TARZAN becomes the 11th person eliminated from the game AND the 3rd member of the jury.

Reward Challenge: The castaways would be divided into teams of three: black, red, and white. The teams would have a row of eight team-colored ceramic tiles on frames belonging to them. Playing in rounds, one member from each team would throw a metal ball at the other two team's tiles to try to break them. When all eight tiles of a team were broken, the team would be out of the challenge. The last team with an intact tile would win.

Reward:A whitewater rafting trip and a picnic of sandwiches, chicken wings, brownies, watermelon, and potato chips.

Winners: White Team (Yzma, Mowgli, Queen of Hearts)

Immunity Challenge: The castaways would be blindfolded during the challenge. At the starting line would be a Samoan mask. At the other end of a net obstacle would be a duplicate mask with some pieces removed. Three bags of puzzle pieces would need to be carried across the net obstacle one at a time. The puzzle pieces would then need to be assembled to replicate the mask at the start line. The first castaway to correctly replicate the mask would win.


Tribal Council: The Heroes suspect that Tiana may have sold out Tarzan and voted him out to get in better with the villains, so they consider ggetting rid of her. On the other side, the villains see Yzma talking to the Heroes a lot and think she may try to switch over.

Up for elimination: Yzma...Tiana

Captain Hook
Lady Tremine
Points: 21 5 comments
Survivor Disney Episode 10 (The Merge) Aug 31, 2010
Tribal Council: The votes come back. Yzma only recieved two of the votes, but Lady Tremaine, with four votes, becomes the 10th person eliminated from the game AND the 2nd member of the jury. After Lady Tremaine walks off in anger, Jeff hands the Villains 10 purple buffs and announces that the tribes will be merging. They are told to put on the new buffs and go to the Heroes camp to deliver their new buffs. All items that they have won on reward will be waiting for them at the new camp.

Immunity Challenge: The new tribe, which is now called Harambe, all gathers on the challenge beach. The Immunity Idol is thrown into the ocean and an immunity necklace is brought out. Jeff goes on to explain the first individual immunity chllenge. The castaways would hang on to the top of a pole as long as they can. The last person left hanging without touching the ground would win.

Winner: SIMBA

Tribal Council: Both tribes are looking to one up eachother and get onte of the other teams tribemembers eliminated in order for them to pick them off one by one. After countless hours of talking, it comes down to two names. Tarzan for the Heroes, and Dr. Facilier for the Villains

Up for elimination: Tarzan...Dr. Facilier

Captain Hook
Lady Tremaine
Points: 27 3 comments
Survivor Disney Episode 9 Aug 30, 2010
Tribal Council: The votes come back. One sole vote is for Lady Tremaine, but everyone else votes off Captain Hook. He has become the 9th erson eliminated from the game AND the 1st member of the jury.

Reward Challenge:The tribes would be tethered to a 20-foot (6.1 m) long, 200-pound (91 kg) cloth snake. The tribes would start at opposite ends of an oval course. Both tribes would run counter-clockwise around the course and try to catch up to the other tribe. If a tribe member could not continue, they may unhook themselves from the snake and the remaining tribe members would continue the challenge. The first tribe to catch the other tribe and touch one of the opposing tribe members would win.

Reward: Croissants, fruit tarts, chocolate éclairs, coffee, and tea.

Before the challenge: The villains chose to sit out Lady Tremaine.


Immunity Challenge: Each tribe would use a slingshot to shoot out a tile in three towers full of sand. After a tile is broken, the sand would be released from the tower which would cause a bag of puzzle pieces to be released and the tile at the next tower to be uncovered. The same tribe member could do all of the shooting with the slingshot or different shooters may be substituted. Once all three bags of puzzle pieces were collected, two tribe members would have to assemble the puzzle to win the challenge.

Before the Challenge: The villains sit out the Queen of Hearts

Winners: HEROES

Villains Tribal Council: Many people in the tribe are looking for the best person to cut loose before the merge. Do they get rid of Yzma, whose weakness could enable her to float to the end? Or do they get ri of the Queen of Hearts, whose temper could cause the Heroes to vote her out first and give them a disadvantage in numbers. Or, do they get rid of Lady Tremaine, who is doing less and less around camp and is ever increasingly annoying

Up for elimination: Lady Tremaine...Yzma...Queen of Hearts

Captain Hook
Points: 6 3 comments