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The Tombique55's blog

Posts 750 posts

Survivor Disney Episode 8 Aug 29, 2010
Tribal Council: The votes are read. Tarzan recieves two votes, but with four votes, ESMERALDA becomes the 8th person eliminated from the game.

Reward Challenge: Tribes must construct an SOS signal. The most creative yet recognizable signal wins.

Reward: A plane will airdrop a crate full of additional camping supplies, some food and sewing supplies.

Before the Challenge: The VIllains decide to sit out Medusa and Cruella


Immunity Challenge: Each tribe will be belted into a large six point sliding hub resembling a star. By shifting, sliding and adjusting each other they will maneuver through a course of bamboo poles. Along the way the tribes will pass through five gates. Making things more difficult, the tribe paths intersect at four points in the course, which could result in the two tribes colliding before reaching the finish line. The first tribe to get all their members across finish line wins Immunity.

Before the Challenge: The Villains decide to sit out Dr. Facillier and Captain Hook

Winners: HEROES

Villains Tribal Council: The villains blame their loss on three sole people. The Queen of Hearts for one, because her constant bickering made everyone lose focus and fall behind. Medusa, because she was lagging behind. And Captain Hook, because he volunteered himself out of the challenge even though most of the tribe thought he would rule at it due to his experience as a Captain.

Up for elimination: Captain Hook...Queen of Hearts...Medusa
Points: 8 2 comments
Villains Tribal Council (and episode 7) Aug 28, 2010
Results: When the votes come back, there are four votes Randall and four votes Captain Hook. For the second time in one night, they go to a tie breaker. Both the villains begin furiously making a fire, but Captain Hook was able to get his fire roaring and breaks the rope. RANDALL became the seventh person eliminated from the game.

Reward Challenge: Two castaways would face off against each other by spinning a roulette-like wheel with various food items on it that would be blended together and have to be drunk by the castaways. The castaway would score one point if they were able to drink the whole glass. The challenge would not be a race and there was no time limit on getting the food item down. The first tribe to score five points would win.

Reward: A sailing trip aboard a three-masted barque and lunch.

Before the challenge: Before the challenge, the Heroes chose Esmeralda to go twice.


Immunity Challenge:  - Each tribe will race to arrange a series of logs, building a staircase to the top of a tower. Once the entire tribe is on the tower, three tribe members will sail down a zip line into the water, retrieve a bag of puzzle pieces and swim back. Once all three are back, they must climb a rope ladder to the top of the tower where the three remaining tribe members will solve the puzzle. First tribe to solve the puzzle wins Immunity.

Before the challenge: The villains decide to sit out Yzma


Tribal Council: The heroes are desperate to find where the weak link in their tribe is, but at the same time they are thinking about the upcoming merge. They consider Esmeralda as a target because of her stregth in challenges. They consider Pocahonts because her likeability could earn her new friends at the Villains camp and could result in everyone else being eliminated before her. They also look at Tarzan because of his weakness in water challenges.

Up for Elimination: Esmeralda...Tarzan...Pocahontas
Points: 11 3 comments
HEROES Tribal Council Aug 28, 2010
Result: The votes come back as three votes Robin Hood, three votes Mowgli,and one vote Tiana. A tie breaker challenge is put into placeand within 5 minutes of starting, Mowgli's fire breaks through the rope,signaling that yet again he is safe.

ROBIN HOOD hasbecome the sixth person eliminated from the game.

After Robin Hood leaves, the entire Villains tribe comes in and sits in their place.The heroes are told to begin eating as the converstions of Tribal council go on.
Points: 9 1 comments
Survivor Disney Episode 6 Aug 27, 2010
Tribal Council: The votes are revealed. Yzma recieves one vote, Dr. Facillier recieves three, and with five fotes FROLLO becomes the fifth person to be eliminated from the game.

BEFORE THE CHALLENGE: IT is revealed that there will be a double elimination, both tribes will go to Tribal Council and one hero and one villain would be eliminated from the competition. However, the competition ahed will be for reward and Individual immunity where one person on each tribe will be safe.

Reward/Individual Immunity Challenge: The tribes would compete separately for individual immunity. The castaways would be attached to a rope threaded through obstacles which they would have to climb under, over, or around. The first Hero and the first Villain to win will be immune from the vote. Then the two winners will be competing in the final round. The final round's challenge would be the same, but with a single obstacle three levels high. The first castaway to complete the obstacle would win reward for their tribe.

Reward: Hot Dogs and Soft Drinks to be enjoyed at the opposing tribe's Tribal Council.

Heroes Winner: Esmeralda

Villains Winner: Dr. Facillier

Reward Winner: HEROES

Heroes Tribal Council: The Heroes tribe enters tribal council first, still deciding what to do. Some still see Mowgli as a liability even though he hs been working harder than ever to prove himself. Others look at Robin Hood and re wary of the fact tht he is so good at challenges and yet still does so little for camp life. Others look at Tiana and see a "floater" who has not made a lot of new friendships around camp.

Up for elimination for the heroes: Mowgli...Robin Hood...Tiana

Villains Tribal Council: The Villains try to begin plotting as soon as possible, some not even waiting to enter Tribal to make their final choice. Captain Hook and Lady Tremaine have been at eachother's throat all week and they would love nothing more than to see eachother go home. Cruella and Yzma are still seen as  the weaker of the tribe, but Medusa proved herself a worthy competitor at the challenge, almost winning for the villains. Randall's hostile attitude towards others helping him at camp has earned him many enemies.

Up for elimination from the villains: Cruella...Randall...Captain Hook...Yzma...Lady Tremaine

(Thats right! You guys get to vote TWO off. Choose wisely)
Points: 10 2 comments
Survivor Disney Episode 5 Aug 26, 2010
Tribal Council: The votes come back four votes Mowgli and four votes Mulan. As a result a tie breaker is put into place. Both of the contestants fight their hardest to get a flame going, but Mowgli finishes and sits back down. Mulan smiles a bit as she now gets to go home to her family. MULAN has become the fourth person eliminated from the game

Reward Challenge: The Survivors will square off, one on one, on a platform. Using large padded bags they will battle sumo style, knocking the other tribe member off the platform to score a point for their tribe. The first tribe to score seven points wins Reward.

Reward: The winning tribe will have a choice on the reward. There are three options. First option is luxury items from home, second option is a duplicate set of fishing gear and third option is a basket of fresh fruit.

Before the challenge: The Villains sit our Dr. Facillier and Frollo

Winners: VILLAINS (they choose the fishing gear)

Immunity Challenge: Castaways were to run through a "gauntlet" bridge, requiring them to cross several floating obstacles over water in order to collect flags on the other side. As they were crossing, two opposing tribemembers would be hurling swinging bags of sand at them all the while. If knocked off, the player would be forced to go back to the beginning. The first tribe to collect all 10 of their flags wins.

Before the challenge: The Villains sit out Captain Hook and the Queen of Hearts

Winners: HEROES

Tribal Council: The villains quickly realize that the Heroes are gaining power, and they need to end it immediately by cutting off the dead weight. They all see Yzma and Medusa as the weakest in the tribe, which paints a big target on their back. Frollo seems to be getting more and more bossy around camp and is progressively doing less and less. Dr. Facillier, most of the villains believe, is completely untrustworthy.

Up for elimination: Frollo...Yzma...Dr. Facillier...Medusa
Points: 31 4 comments
Please take a look Aug 25, 2010
I am doing a "Survivor Disney" blog and so far its going ok, but I have found that I am not getting the large ammount of feedback that I need. If you think you would be interested, go to my page and check it out. Read it, comment, and dont forget to check back every day for a new episode. Peace
Points: 11 0 comments