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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Survivor Disney Episode 6

Aug 27, 2010 by Tombique55
Tribal Council: The votes are revealed. Yzma recieves one vote, Dr. Facillier recieves three, and with five fotes FROLLO becomes the fifth person to be eliminated from the game.

BEFORE THE CHALLENGE: IT is revealed that there will be a double elimination, both tribes will go to Tribal Council and one hero and one villain would be eliminated from the competition. However, the competition ahed will be for reward and Individual immunity where one person on each tribe will be safe.

Reward/Individual Immunity Challenge: The tribes would compete separately for individual immunity. The castaways would be attached to a rope threaded through obstacles which they would have to climb under, over, or around. The first Hero and the first Villain to win will be immune from the vote. Then the two winners will be competing in the final round. The final round's challenge would be the same, but with a single obstacle three levels high. The first castaway to complete the obstacle would win reward for their tribe.

Reward: Hot Dogs and Soft Drinks to be enjoyed at the opposing tribe's Tribal Council.

Heroes Winner: Esmeralda

Villains Winner: Dr. Facillier

Reward Winner: HEROES

Heroes Tribal Council: The Heroes tribe enters tribal council first, still deciding what to do. Some still see Mowgli as a liability even though he hs been working harder than ever to prove himself. Others look at Robin Hood and re wary of the fact tht he is so good at challenges and yet still does so little for camp life. Others look at Tiana and see a "floater" who has not made a lot of new friendships around camp.

Up for elimination for the heroes: Mowgli...Robin Hood...Tiana

Villains Tribal Council: The Villains try to begin plotting as soon as possible, some not even waiting to enter Tribal to make their final choice. Captain Hook and Lady Tremaine have been at eachother's throat all week and they would love nothing more than to see eachother go home. Cruella and Yzma are still seen as  the weaker of the tribe, but Medusa proved herself a worthy competitor at the challenge, almost winning for the villains. Randall's hostile attitude towards others helping him at camp has earned him many enemies.

Up for elimination from the villains: Cruella...Randall...Captain Hook...Yzma...Lady Tremaine

(Thats right! You guys get to vote TWO off. Choose wisely)


Robin Hood and Captain Hook.
Sent by 1Swampy8,Aug 28, 2010
Mowgli and Randall
Sent by TheKid28,Aug 28, 2010

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