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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Survivor Disney Episode 13

Sep 3, 2010 by Tombique55
Tribal Council: When the votes come back, Cruella recieves three votes and the Queen of Hearts recieves 5. THE QUEEN OF HEARTS becomes the 13th person voted out of the game and the 5th member of the jury.

Before the challenge: It was discovered that the reward was going to be spending time with loved ones. HEre is who came for who:

Mowgli- Best Friend Baloo
Simba- Wife Nala
Cruella- School Mate Anita
Tiana- Husband Na'veen
Dr. Facilier- Friend Lawrence
Pocahontas- Father Chief Powhatan
Medusa- Business Partner Mr. Snoops

Reward Challenge: The survivors, while blindfolded, must scoop water using a bucket and must pass it to their loved ones. The loved ones will now transport the bucket to another bucket which is elevated from the ground. When there is enough water in that bucket, the weight of the water will lower the bucket, raising a flag. The first person to raise their flag wins Reward.

reward: A picnic that consists of fried chicken, meatloaf, and apple pie and will enjoy it with their loved ones.

Winner: Tiana (Took Mowgli and Simba)

Immunity:The castaways will have to race out into the water and maneuver across a series of obstacles. When a tribe member reaches the end, he or she will retrieve a bundle of sticks and race back. Then each tribe member must repeat the process for a second bundle of sticks. Once a person has both bundles back, they'll untie the sticks and use the rope and the sticks build one long pole. The tribe member will then use the pole to collect two rings. The first person to retrieve both rings wins Immunity.

Winner: Tiana

Tribal Council: After the reward and Immunity challenge, most of the tribe wants to get rid of the strongest of the group to "level out the playing field." So, they look at the possibility of eliminating Medusa, Simba, and Pocahontas

Up for elimination: Medusa...Simba...Pocahontas

Captain Hook
Lady Tremaine
Queen of Hearts


Sent by pikasadge,Sep 3, 2010
Sent by adam12,Sep 3, 2010
Sent by haybay2468,Sep 3, 2010
Sent by TheKid28,Sep 5, 2010

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