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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Survivor Disney Episode 11

Sep 1, 2010 by Tombique55
Tribal Council: The votes come back and everyone awaits the results. With six votes, TARZAN becomes the 11th person eliminated from the game AND the 3rd member of the jury.

Reward Challenge: The castaways would be divided into teams of three: black, red, and white. The teams would have a row of eight team-colored ceramic tiles on frames belonging to them. Playing in rounds, one member from each team would throw a metal ball at the other two team's tiles to try to break them. When all eight tiles of a team were broken, the team would be out of the challenge. The last team with an intact tile would win.

Reward:A whitewater rafting trip and a picnic of sandwiches, chicken wings, brownies, watermelon, and potato chips.

Winners: White Team (Yzma, Mowgli, Queen of Hearts)

Immunity Challenge: The castaways would be blindfolded during the challenge. At the starting line would be a Samoan mask. At the other end of a net obstacle would be a duplicate mask with some pieces removed. Three bags of puzzle pieces would need to be carried across the net obstacle one at a time. The puzzle pieces would then need to be assembled to replicate the mask at the start line. The first castaway to correctly replicate the mask would win.


Tribal Council: The Heroes suspect that Tiana may have sold out Tarzan and voted him out to get in better with the villains, so they consider ggetting rid of her. On the other side, the villains see Yzma talking to the Heroes a lot and think she may try to switch over.

Up for elimination: Yzma...Tiana

Captain Hook
Lady Tremine


Sent by pikasadge,Sep 1, 2010
Sent by adam12,Sep 1, 2010
O MY GOD! i love them BOTH!!!!  arg why must it be them? 

hmm lets go with... Yzma.. yes yes, yzma
Sent by TheKid28,Sep 1, 2010
Sent by MattyBB9,Sep 1, 2010
Sent by EmilyJones,Sep 1, 2010

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