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The Tailslover13's blog

Posts 252 posts

Kaôh Rōng Episode Thoughts Apr 13, 2016
That episode was amazing. It sucks Debbie is out (she was actually my preseason winner's pick), but I think it had to happen. I hate Jason, but I was rooting for his side to come out on top this episode. I didn't want to see another One World bullshit of all the women going to the end and Scot, Jason, Tai and Joe going down in order. That would suck. Doesn't matter how much you like the ladies; that is just bad TV.

So, this was a lot of fun. We got to see a lot of strategy from Julia, we got to see Aubry and Cydney finally revert to being bitches, we saw Tai's evil side (and do NOT pick on him; he had to do what he had to do, because he had no choice, since going with the women would've been suicide), we saw Scot and Jason mocking the others at tribal with the two idols, we saw a rather unique and fun challenge...I loved it! Again, I hated seeing Debbie leave; wish it had been Cydney. But, it was a great episode.

I know I'm likely in the minority, but since I really liked the episode, I had to share my thoughts.

Points: 47 5 comments
Tengaged Survivor Question Apr 12, 2016
People, let me ask something. For all of you who have played Survivor on this site, what is the most common annoyance you run into? I'm just curious. What has been your most awful experience and why?

What just happened in a game I was in is someone (a black level at that) was doing several things wrong, including:

1. Stoking the fire
2. Eating food when they had no reason to
3. Hunting when we already had 100 food, and we couldn't eat at the moment to make it go down, so the hunted food was pointless
4. Getting constant low scores in games and blaming it on their phone

So, when I questioned why they were doing it, and calmly asked them to stop it, they exploded. They ate all the food and drank all the water and basically wanted to be medically evacuated, screwing over the tribe. Then several others rush to the "victim's" defense and start insulting me and using vulgarity against me, yelling at me that I'm "picking on them", like I did something wrong, when I've played Survivor many times, AND I know how to properly run a tribe, AND I was getting high scores the whole time and trying to keep morale high.

Do any of you others run into people like this, who basically just screw over the tribe, then cry about it and (with really bad typing skills) whine to the others and get them to side with them when you KNOW they're wrong? It's just ridiculous.

Points: 40 10 comments
Survivor Kaôh Rōng Rankings (So Far) Mar 3, 2016
Why is it that every time Jeff brags up a season, it turns out crap...but when he undersells one, it turns out amazing? At least so far, this is one of my favorite seasons in years! I mean, what can you say negative about it? It's just so freaking fantastic so far! Shockingly, I only hate three people (currently) in the game; all the rest I either love or don't mind.

Here are my current rankings (of everybody):

1. Tai (Love)
2. Caleb (Love)
3. Debbie (Love)
4. Scot (Love)
5. Alecia (Love)
6. Joe (Love)
7. Jennifer (Love)
8. Aubry (Love)
9. Anna (Like)
10. Darnell (Like)
11. Michele (Like)
12. Julia (Like)
13. Neal (Neutral)
14. Cydney (Neutral)
15. Jason (Hate)
16. Liz (Hate)
17. Peter (Hate)
18. Nick (Hate)

Are you all loving the season as well? Let me know!

Points: 36 6 comments
Survivor Kaôh Rōng Opening Thoughts Feb 17, 2016
Very solid start. Thankfully everyone got some attention, whether it be good or bad. We have some likable characters, some annoying characters, and one big asshole (Kyle/Jason). The challenge came right down to the wire and was exciting, Jennifer's bug/ear problem being an omen of signs of things to come this season, and overall it was good!

At this moment, I'm most rooting for Tai, Caleb, Scot, Debbie, Joe and Jennifer. Those are the six that stood out to me and I honestly liked most. Kyle/Jason is just an asshole, a lot of the other women are boring, and most of the other men are douches (Nick, Neal, Peter). So, I have some people to root for and some people to hate! Yay!

Points: 24 6 comments
25th Birthday Jan 15, 2016
So, yep, another January 15th is here, which means it's my birthday. Some of you may call it "leveling up" or your "hatch day" or some other nonsense, but one way or another it's another year passed and I'm still living. So, yay, I guess? To the great man I share my birthday with, Martin Luther King Junior, it's always an honor to be alive and spend another year on the planet knowing I was born on the same day as one of the greatest living beings in the history of the world. I myself am pretty useless and irrelevant in the grand scheme of things, no matter what you all may say, but it still makes me happy.

It certainly was a crazy year for me. I got into Five Nights At Freddy's and Undertale, and laugh at all the pathetic haters each series has and continues to have. I fell more in love with My Little Pony and Littlest Pet Shop, and laugh even louder at all the whiny, jealous fools who hate THOSE series (mainly the former). Several people I knew from my school days sadly passed away, leading to some sad days. My kitty, Chichi, is still alive and will be 16 in two weeks. I got a new baby, fluffy bunny...and my mother and I can't decide on a name, so we call her many things (Autumn, Bun-Bun, Fluffy, Cutie Pie, Stinky). I'm still on SSI due to my depression, anxiety disorder, OCD, and bipolar disorder. I watched some crappy seasons of Survivor, Big Brother, and The Amazing Race. I got my favorite sports teams to again suck and not win it all like I dream. I tried to hurt myself several times, but none of the times led to anything catastrophic. I made some new friends...I lost some old friends...and I feel the same as I always have.

Well, that's that. Don't know what's in store for me today, but hopefully it's something good and not too painful or miserable. If I actually get any gifts from anyone online, which is highly doubtful, I'll be sure to post them and share them to let everyone know the thoughtfulness of these individuals. I'll let you know later, for anyone who cares, what I did for the day and if I got anything in real life. Other than that...thank you for bothering to read a pointless journal about one, stupid, irrelevant online person's birthday ramblings. You are all patient and very nice, even those of you that love to insult me or attack me.

See you all soon!
Points: 42 2 comments
Survivor Cambodia Rankings Dec 17, 2015
Did it live up to the hype? Did the second chance part really give us what we wanted? Well...yes and no. I mean, it really depends on your perception of certain players and what your idea of a second chance really is. In some ways this season did, but in other ways it did not. Some players on this season pissed me off, while others I found a lot more endearing than I had imagined. And then others I simply loved going in and loved going out. And the winner? SWSU said to me: "He's a safe winner. Not great, not terrible, but Consider him a 'meh' type of winner." That's basically how I can sum up this season. It COULD'VE been epic...and in some ways it was,, it just turned...meh. Not amazing, not terrible, but the middle.

Here are my rankings for this season, on how I felt about all 20 players after the season ended:

20. Abi-Maria Gomes (7th Place): For the love of God, people, stop voting this little bitch back in! Sure, once in a while she can be funny, but...the things she said about Woo? And (as much as I hate him) Joe? She's just a despicable, horrible, rotten, hateful little spawn of Satan. Keep her OUT of Survivor.

19. Monica Padilla (16th Place): Can you retards PLEASE tell me exactly why you wasted a spot on this irrelevant moron and didn't instead let Teresa or Sabrina in? I mean...why? You people are utterly ridiculous. As I already knew the second her name was called, she was gonna be useless, irrelevant and pointless. And she was. Thanks for wasting a spot, you stupid voters. Just because she had a fight with Russell doesn't make her a worthy player to come back! Jesus Christ.

18. Joe Anglim (8th Place): ENOUGH with the adoration and worshiping of this stupid idiot! I DEMAND YOU ALL TO STOP IT! He's just a boring guy who really isn't even all that attractive! I'm not female and I'm not gay, but Jesus Christ he is NOT handsome! And just winning a ton of challenges doesn't make you a damn good player! He's BORING and arrogant and just...UGH! I can't stand the amount of gushing, brainless, moronic people always sucking this guy off. ENOUGH!

17. Tasha Fox (3rd Place): I'm putting her as 3rd place because I think Spencer would've beaten her otherwise. And...sorry, but she was just a BITCH this time around. Even if I wasn't really rooting for her in Cagayan, at least she was more likable and funny. Here...she was just...well, she was either one of two things: irrelevant but fun, or relevant but bitchy. And I hated both sides. So disappointing that she was worse than she was her first time.

16. Vytas Baskauskas (20th Place): Again, why was this moron voted back in? He's so stupid, he even got himself banned from the reunion! Yeah, in case you all were wondering where he was, he got himself banned from the show. I'm not entirely sure why, but apparently it had to do with him coming back to the USA early and spoiling that he went out early (I'm sure all of you KNEW he went out early; if you didn't, you live under a rock). But, in the game? He was just creepy and useless.

15. Spencer Bledsoe (2nd Place): I am seriously so disappointed in Spencer. Time and time again when I think he's turned over a new leaf...he reverts back to his cocky, arrogant, douchebag side from Cagayan. The side most all of us despise. And him pretty much bullying Jeremy in the finale like he did against Woo back in Cagayan when Woo picked Tony instead of Kass? Ridiculous and awful. Spencer is pretty much a freaking hypocrite. I THINK he's trying, but he's not trying too hard, since he's seriously still an immature, emotionless idiot half the time. And I HATE that because I REALLY WANT to like him! But, he didn't endear himself to me this time.

14. Peih-Gee Law (18th Place): Yeah...basically just Monica, but talked a bit more...and got into a fight with Abi over something stupid. That's all Peih-Gee was. I mean...she was so pointless in the grand scheme of things! She wasn't horrible...or stupid...or robbed...or anything! She really turned out to be just a number. I can't really hate her, but I have no reason to gush over her, either. So sad, since I didn't watch her play the first time and I was hoping for something great from her.

13. Andrew Savage (12th Place): I am so torn on Andrew. He is just so polarizing. Half of me wants to love him, but half of me hates him. Sometimes, Andrew can come off as deep, emotional, intelligent, and likable. The other half of the time he comes off as arrogant, cocky, delusional, rude, and downright STUPID. The times he's shown at Ponderosa were downright retarded; this guy went full douchebag! In the game, sometimes I rooted for him, but other times I wanted to smack his stupid face. UGH! Was he like this back in Pearl Islands, too?

12. Kelly Wiglesworth (11th Place): Really pathetic how the runner-up to the infamous Richard Hatch went out this way. I'm sorry, people, but she's just not a good person for Survivor. She pretty much got to the end by dumb luck in Borneo. As proven here, she's got no real game or personality. True, her final tribal council question was hilarious, since it's what Greg did to her back in season 1, but other than that...she's just pointless! Please keep her out of Survivor, as she wishes.

11. Kass McQuillen (13th Place): I wish I could put her higher, but I just can't. This is high enough for her. Unlike Abi, who was just rotten, Kass actually DID really try her best. But, when she made that STUPID move to take out Woo for no reason, it bit her in the ass big time and she allowed her evil self to come back...and got promptly eliminated. So, like an alcoholic, she relapsed at the wrong time. The Kass that made Kelley that birthday gift? Really sweet and awesome! The Kass that eliminated Woo and then picked a fight with Tasha? Really stupid and disappointing.

10. Shirin Oskooi (19th Place): This one hurts. I loved Shirin going into this, and I loved her going out...but, she really needs to step back out of the spotlight for a while. All the chaos that surrounded her in Worlds made it far too soon for her to come back. She was just all over the place and now it's one big mess. I really like her, and I still feel for her, but...this is as high as I can reasonably put her after she got picked off very early. I wouldn't mind seeing her again somebody, but not for a long time, please.

9. Ciera Eastin (10th Place): I liked her more after she got eliminated, if that makes sense. She tried to get Stephen out, and that pissed me off, so she got punished for it. Serves her right. Before that, she got my guy Woo out for no freaking reason! So, her wanting to make such big moves...I can respect. But she did them against the wrong people! Seriously, Stephen over Joe or Jeremy? Woo over Andrew or Spencer? SERIOUSLY? Ciera ran her mouth way too much for my liking...but, she ended up an underdog, and for that I KINDA liked her. But I liked her more last time instead of this time.

8. Kimmi Kappenberg (6th Place): It truly sucks her "breakout episode" ended up being her elimination one. And what an insane way to go out, right? I was so sure Keith was gonna sacrifice himself for her, but...nope! Kimmi basically did three things this season: angrily vote out Monica, attempt to start an all-girls alliance, and then try to oust Jeremy and get eliminated due to tiebreakers. That's it. That's your precious Kimmi! Nothing with Jeff Varner. Nothing about chickens. Nothing about anything. Kimmi was pretty much irrelevant the whole season. I liked her by the end, but...far too pointless.

7. Terry Deitz (15th Place): You can't possibly hate on this guy, right? As much as I COULD say about him being naive and clueless, I can't. How he took himself out, and what took place back at home for far exceeds the game. He did what he could, but there were more important matters needing him back home, and I don't think any of us can hate him for that. He was a great guy, and as he showed by comforting Abi, he really did learn a lot from his first time. Really sad to see him go, but I think I speak for all of us when I say we're happy for him and his son.

6. Jeff Varner (17th Place): Who else was completely blindsided that this guy went out so soon? Not to mention equally as disappointed? I wanted more of this guy! I mean, I'm glad he went instead of Woo, but come on! You set us up for a great season with this goofball...and then you snatch him away from us? WHAT? The editing this season truly sucked, as I'm sure you all agree. Jeff was so awesome. He was insightful, insane, intelligent, funny, and just downright a delight. I didn't really find him annoying or overbearing at all. It sucked seeing such a huge player like that go early.

5. Jeremy Collins (1st Place): Check this out. Going into this season, Jeremy was ranked dead last for me. That's how much I LOATHED him from San Juan Del Sur. I found him really grumpy, rude, hateful, annoying, entitled, brash, obnoxious, and really just awful. THIS time around? Well...he was better. Much better. After he played that idol for Stephen and showed his true colors, I finally came around to him. And him basically fighting just for Val and his three kids...really sweet. I'm not gonna gush over him and or call him one of the best winners ever (even though he kinda is, considering he played a perfect game, since his three votes didn't count), but he really did finally endear himself to me and made me root for the final three. I really wanted Kimmi, Keith or Kelley to win, but...I'm glad Jeremy won in the end against Spencer and Tasha. Good for him.

4. Kelley Wentworth (4th Place): Again, I openly admit I was outraged that she was voted back in over Sabrina and Teresa. I mean, WHY? Kelley did NOTHING her first time out! She was boring, useless, and ended up being a non-player! But, as our good buddy Drew said: "She's a huge threat!" Drew was actually right about something! Imagine that. Even if I didn't exactly want her to win over Keith...I really was rooting for her in the end. She really did play her ass off. Two idols, two immunity wins and fighting until the very end...even though her last challenge attempt sucked badly. I still stand by the fact she didn't deserve to be in this season, but I will say that she was one of my favorites by the end. So good on her.

3. Keith Nale (5th Place): Oh we all adore you. You are simply what makes watching Survivor great in the first place. You all can keep your strategic masterminds and your intellectual, brilliant robots...I'll take my goofball, clueless, lovable losers any day! Keith was a delight. From stealing and riding little go-cart things, to whining about how Survivor isn't fun, to forgetting Tasha's name, to not wanting to use a fake idol because it goes against his character, to running around blindly and not being able to hear Kass' big mouth in a I love this guy. He's just so enjoyable and entertaining! And, hey, for all that you may knock him for...he's played twice and made the final five twice! And, from the looks on the jury, if Keith had made it to the end...he would've likely won. Keith is just really so much fun. I'm so happy he got to come back and he was SO close again. Dammit.

2. Woo Hwang (14th Place): Completely and utterly ROBBED. Woo was trying so much harder this time around...and thanks to Ciera being a big idiot crybaby and not wanting to just play along and take out Spencer, she had to take out Woo. Hey, Ciera, if you were SO scared about Andrew...WHY NOT JUST VOTE ANDREW? STUPID BITCH! Woo himself was just as delightful as he was the first time. Charming, funny, hilariously clueless (at times), great at challenges, energetic and always trying his hardest...he's just awesome. He 100% deserved to be on again, regardless what you haters may say, and I was COMPLETELY outraged and upset when he got taken out right before the damn merge...and our first-ever 10-person jury. Goddammit, that just kills me. Woo is one of my favorite Survivors ever. Period.

1. Stephen Fishbach (9th Place): THIS is how you make a great edit for a player and how to make them 100% endearing (at least to me). Stephen is a VERY intelligent person and COULD be a mastermind...yet we didn't get an overbearing edit for him. He CAN be dorky, clueless, silly, and downright hopeless in a lot of regards...but not ALWAYS. He was edited in such a human way, and it was so fascinating and easy to relate to. When we saw him crying and in pain...I really felt it. I could feel his pain and misery. When he was sobbing that he didn't want to waste his second chance and he wanted to get Joe out SO badly...I felt that deep in my heart. When he made those hilarious, boneheaded mistakes in challenges...and then chopping wood...and then trying to find idols...that was so easy to relate to! That's probably how most of us would be, since a lot of us just aren't cut out for being on Survivor, no matter how much we don't want to admit it. Yet Stephen kept trying his hardest...and while he could be geeky and nerdy like Cochran...he didn't do it in such an "in-your-face" kinda way. It was more like an: "Yes, I'm a nerd, but I'm still human...look how pathetic I truly am...but I'm still trying, so don't pity me! I can do this!" Stephen truly was an amazing sweetheart...and he actually got me to LIKE JEREMY. That alone was astonishing. The fact that I adored him even more than Keith and Woo is saying a LOT. So, for me, Stephen was my favorite player this season. Hands down.

Points: 0 0 comments