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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Game-Play Idiocy & Selfish Actions Rant

Aug 2, 2013 by Tailslover13
You know what's bullshit? The Angry Video Game Nerd not putting out a 'You Know What's Bullshit' video in a very long time!

Okay, but seriously, you know what's bullshit? These players who THINK they know what they're doing and they really don't, and all they do is act like robotic jackasses who enjoy harassing and picking on others for the sake of inflating their own selfish egos. For example, I have a very close friend who is currently playing in a Casting. Basically, these three morons constantly demand plusses for their comments, regardless of what the comments actually say, and if you don't give them plusses, they bitch at you and neg you and make it clear that you are the scum of the earth and they are goddesses. Oh my God, I'm so sorry. Just because you guys are all high color levels and you THINK you know how to play these games, that gives you the right to dictate to others what they can to do kiss your sorry asses and just hand the game over to you? I don't think so!

So, this person will constantly be spewing stupid posts that scream "plus me" and things of the sort. But, for someone who is actually INTELLIGENT, I'm pretty sure no one would plus a stupid comment that simply says "lol" or "y r u not plusin meh?" or other bullshit. Okay, I get it. We're on the internet and you don't have to act in a way you don't want to, since we can't see your cowardly face and we don't know where you live and we probably wouldn't waste our time hunting you down to kick your ass if we did. But, that is NO excuse to type like a four-year-old to the point of making everything you say illegible and moronic, and then demand plusses for it! Seriously, what are you, a little baby? Grow up and stop making dumbass comments that irritates people around you. It's not strategy; it's just idiocy.

No, you don't need to CONSTANTLY write "lol" in every single damn sentence you write. I don't CARE if you "like to have fun" and "that's how you are". There's having fun and being playful, and then there's just being a little kid who likes to act like a whiny brat when they don't get their way and they use obnoxious, annoying actions to irritate and piss off those around them. If you are going to write bitch comments or bogus ones, I'm sorry but you do NOT deserve plusses, so stop begging for them. The point of these games is to have fun, but not to the point of making yourself look retarded. Is fake money and karma worth losing your integrity and others' respect for you? I don't think so. Let me just make this perfectly clear: You CANNOT abuse the system. That's not how Tengaged, or really ANY game works. You don't plus everyone. You actually be friendly and sociable so people will WANT to plus you. You are supposed to earn them, not just write stupid "lol" one-liners or very weird sentences that no one can read and expect to just waltz to a win over smarter, more deserving people than you. Spamming idiot pictures and spamming stupid sentences are both wrong, too. Pictures can work when you're telling a decent joke or trying to be funny, but not constantly. Get that through your skulls.

I don't care if any of you reading this calls me out for being "self-righteous", since I've been called that more times than I can count. Go right ahead, but the fact is you know I'm right. Why do you think television today is so bad? Why do you think crime is so high and pollution is high? Why do you think we allow murderers on our favorite sports teams? The fact is that today's society is ten times worse than it used to be, and what we see on the internet nowadays justifies my conclusion. When people are this stupid, this selfish, this lazy, and this irritating, it shows just how far we've sunk. It's depressing. Thankfully, there still are a lot of good people out there, and I'm glad I've met some on here. I'm sure that you all have, too. But, sadly, a lot of people only care about themselves and their egos and it's just sickening. You can make a difference, though. Next time you go into a game, any of them, try to actually be a HUMAN BEING, would you? Thank you.


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