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Teajay' Blogs

Posts 199 posts

Please Apr 18, 2018
Vote me in this poll! 馃構
I plus any spam in return!
Points: 0 0 comments
Love the new avi Apr 15, 2018
M_davis1998 we look good 馃槣
Points: 12 2 comments
Sky Level!!! Apr 14, 2018
After 1 year and 7 months, I鈥檝e made it to Sky level!
I never thought I鈥檇 get it LMAO
I want to thank all my friends who鈥檝e made this site so fun for me and helped me so much in reaching this milestone!!!

And many more that I鈥檓 too lazy to put, but you get the idea!!!
Thank you all so much for helping me make it this far ily all!!!! :)
Points: 72 12 comments
Not the best day on Tg... Apr 9, 2018
Points: 10 0 comments
One Year Ago Today Apr 9, 2018
A year ago today, my brother passed away.
My best friend, my partner in crime, the person I loved most in the world.
The person I spent as much time as possible with.
The person people asked if we were twins and we laughed and told them we鈥檙e 5 years apart
The person who got an unfair shot at life
Who was born with an extremely rare disease called Ataxia Telengiectazia
Who had cancer 2 times in his 19 year life
Who through all that, still managed to smile and laugh and enjoy some things in life
Who still cared about others
Who still wasn鈥檛 bitter towards the world, even though he had every right to be
The person who taught me how to play video games, and who I played them with every single day
The person who we would take a bunch of stuffed animals and do a season of Big Brother with
I can say much more, but I鈥檒l keep this short.
Now, that time is all a memory
That will stay in my heart forever
Some day, some way I hope to see him again
My brother, my friend, I miss you every day, but you鈥檒l always be with me.
Points: 1066 20 comments
A Special Thank You Apr 7, 2018
To all the people who wished me happy birthday, and speicifically to this blog
Today was going to be a hard day for me, it not only being my birthday but the first anniversary of the day I found out my brother would never be awake again and would end up passing away a couple days later. I didn鈥檛 expect to acknowledge today very much and didn鈥檛 expect to be happy at all on this day, but you people surpisig me with all those kind words put a smile on my face I didn鈥檛 know I could鈥檝e had, so thank you for that. You鈥檙e all amazing 鉂わ笍 and I鈥檓 so lucky to have met some great people on here, especially during this difficult time.
You鈥檝e made me smile when I didn鈥檛 think I would, and made a day I expected to loathe much more bearable.
Points: 171 11 comments