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The Russell11's blog

Posts 1901 posts

Team Michaela May 11, 2016
Points: 0 0 comments
Anybody need me to plus a design? May 10, 2016
Points: 11 2 comments
Heyyyy May 10, 2016
Could U guys please please please donate to me here if u can

It's for an HoH that I need really bad :), I'll be sure to return the favor whenever U need it :)

Points: 0 0 comments
Briana-funny I like her so far, especially since I think she's the one that ends up fighting Camila
Brandon-seems really cocky so far, don't really like him

Devin-don't like that he treated women badly in AYTO, but he seems ok so far
Cheyenne-she's funny and I like her, I think her Showmance with Cory will be we downfall tho

Cory-he's ok, I think he's just gonna use Cheyenne tho
Ashley-I like her, especially since she's not acting like a dumbass this time

Sarah-She's been on 1,000 seasons and won 1, but for the first time I'm semi-rooting for her lol
Bananas-I think it's dumb that he's mad at for Sarah for doing what she did when he literally does that every season, not rooting for him

Simone-I think she just wants attention tbh, doesn't seem like she'll go far but I hope she does
Thomas-I just don't like him, idk why

Christina-she left a bad first impression for me cuz of last season's premiere episode, but I guess she's not acting too slutty this season
Nate-I'm not mad at him for not jumping cuz I prolly would've had a panic attack if that were me, he's cool so far

Nany-She'll prolly go far this season and get eliminated right before the finals or get eliminated before that since Wes is her teammate. Hopefully her vet friends can save her tho\
Wes-I actually like Wes, but i think his reputation will screw him and Nany over this season\

Nicole-Have u guys seen this girl without make-up? Yikes, but nonetheless I like her, don't think she'll make it far tho\
Dario-I was hoping they would bring his brother back instead of him, but I mean I guess. Neither he or Nicole r rlly strong competitors so I don't think they'll make it THAT far\

Jenna-Yasss, I love Jenna, she's like another Janelle, I have high hopes for her once again this season\
Vince-eww, the only reason why I don't loathe him this season is cuz he's Jenna's partner\

Camila-Sometimes I like Camila, sometimes I don't, I like that she's a strong competition and doesn't take BS but I hate when she goes crazy (which happens at least twice every season she's on)\
Tony-hated him on Real World, but I can tolerate him on the challenge. Why is he always getting into it with girls and why is he flirting with Jessica, doesn't he have a girlfriend and a baby at home lol?\

Jamie-I really liked him last season so I was happy he won, and he and KellyAnne seem like a strong team so they should do well this season\
KellyAnne-Isn't she like early 40's, late 30s now? I liked her better in her older seasons but she's still good in my book\

Jessica-I love Jessica's bubbly personality, but she seems like she's always getting out early everytime except for that one time on free agents where she was floating for most of the time\
Johnny-I hate him, glad Nia beat his ass with the hair dryer \

Averey-I actually like her, now that she isn't with Johnny this week and I think she's stronger than a lot of ppl think
Leroy-he should go far this season, but I think it's inevitable that back injury is getting him and Averey sent home

Points: 25 0 comments
Why didn't anyone like Raul this season? May 7, 2016
Points: 38 5 comments
OMG May 6, 2016
Someone PLEASE gift me the rainbow eyes, I've never been gifted before and it would be an amazing birthday present

Points: 9 0 comments