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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

About Last Night

May 25, 2024 by Robbie626
So last night I was added to a “get shot” list because I ruined a 2-merge streak and called out someone who keeps mentioning how their “pedophile” is doing in a stars poll comment to just trigger me out of spite after a year of an incident because I was in DENIAL before the accusations being confirmed and they got banned. I somehow have to explain myself for something not relevant on this site anymore.

Fetish it was not completely unrelated to Eilish blogs. It WAS completely related and indirectly targeted me. You are friends with them so you would provide the platform for Eilish to make that comment. It was not slick at all. It’s not too late to take the blog down…

There are hundreds of Tengaged users who had been friends with a pedophile without being aware of conducting misconduct as they have done it in secret and at times they would do the misconduct in public. At times their friends would defend them because they are (1) in denial about the situation, (2) friends, and if someone is trying to make a serious allegation, they would be a good friend to defend them.

Not many people know this but my close friends, I was molested by a family member when I was 9 years old until I was 15. I reported it to a therapist in high school and the family is in prison. Did you know half of my family believed I should have kept the abuse a secret? They were in denial because they wouldn’t believe they would do something like that because they were a favorite in the family. Did it negatively impact me and feel disgusted? Yes, so in that length of regard, I understand your frustration and being angry with me for being in denial colter and Eilish. It is a NATURAL REACTION to DENY a person you TRUSTED and admit to committing something illegal and inappropriate. Being in denial is not equivalent to supporting someone’s act. Being in denial is equivalent in being disbelieving in someone’s act.

Some arguments of YuNoLoveMe are known from his previous account I was literally told last night that everyone knew about it. I was not very active on .com when was active. The Spanish site was my main community. I banned myself with porn links to moderation because the .com community was super toxic back in the day. There were a few months back to back I was not online. I am not expected to be aware of every person’s multiple accounts. YuNoLoveMe NEVER disclosed his previous accounts. Do you know why? Maybe people who commit inappropriate behavior want to make sure to hide their past actions from people who do not know their history.

When Josh Gotti did inappropriate misconduct with me as a teenager, no one knew he was also PringoBoy, Swaggy, and Jboy14. There were the same people with different acts and names. I got a lot of heat at the time when people were in denial, but I was not taking it out on them because THEY NEVER HURT ME. The person who traumatized me did.

I do want to add, Eilish and Colter, you BOTH have treated me like shit simply for being associated and friends with YuNoLoveMe BEFORE coming forward and showing screenshots on the blogs page. From my perspective, you lost credibility at the time for being well-known to be toxic on this site. I was naturally even more critical of the situation like were just gathering stuff to defame and ban someone. Once he got banned I ACCEPTED what her did was wrong.

The whole situation ruined my Tengaged experience and my friend group/frat. These kinds of events and pedophile behavior harm ALL parties (the victim(s) themselves and the abuser’s friends who once trusted and admired them as good people). Our hurt at the time was different, but kind of the same. We trusted this person once and did something we can never forgive/forget because we never thought they would do something like this.

I honestly do not appreciate defaming my character whenever you guys see me:
Posting updates about
Playing Stars and mentioning this shit while I am keeping my boundary and not wanting to associate with you guys

I am kind of tired of owing more apologies than I need to for my mistake of being in denial and defending a former friend. They are BANNED. They are not hurting you anymore. I am not trying to hurt you or want to make your life on this website a living hell. You are in a safer space now. Please find the time to heal yourself and not be a piece of shit to other people who are doing better in their life. I had shit hit me from left to right and probably dealt with more trauma than you had dealt with, but I show compassion and kindness to others.

Please LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE and do better with your time. It is very tiring for even having to explain the denial aspect when bad things happen it is quite common. Everyone had been in denial about something small or big. You people are the reason why users and moderators quit. Maybe the reason Randomize does not want to update a toxic community either.

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