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Big Brother and online Hunger games.


18thApr 2, 2015 by RasCity
There's just something about this website...
3 accounts Silver+ *Ques Miley Cyrus*

Just can't stop!

Despite the fact I've been on this account for a little under 2 months, my JOURNEY has lasted a lot longer. I've already gained more karma than a good percentage of this website. It took me over a year and a half to reach this amount of Karma, and a little over 2 years to actually reach silver on my original account( ).

On RasGrand, I managed to annoy the website constantly with my annoying childish antics and blog's, and obnoxious and ignorant behavior in frookies. Despite being hated/disliked by a large amount of this website, I still managed to survive 3/6 of my nominations in stars. TWO! of which, were by .4%(Hai Don_Draper SurvivorFreak13). It honestly feels like SO long ago, since RasGrand, and that day full of bitterness and boredom, in which I got so bored with this website I decided to just throw it all away for a moments of attention, followed by years of regret.

However you want to take it, I believe it is safe to assume to this day, RasGrand was my most successful account...
Karma: 2116
Played: 720 times
Last Activity: 554 days ago
Tagging some people who used to talk to me on RasGrand, but now I guess that I don't have the full avatar, 2000+ karma, a lot of t's and the ability to join stars their too good for me or something(or just don't use the website anymore.)

The first main part of my Tengaged Story has concluded... what follows? 4 months of FUN! going to the gym, getting in shape, hanging out with my friends every day. What could've possible happened after 4 months?
*ques OG MACO*

Tengaged(also known as )
On SuperCam, it seems like it was a breathe of fresh air...  I got to see my friends after 4 months, earn karma and have fun, however*PLOT TWIST*I honestly don't remember ANYTHING about SuperCam. I don't even know how in the fuck I played 300 games on it, and got 1000 karma, however I have gotten the feel from MANY, people that SuperCam was actually liked, and my reasoning for posting porn on this account was harassment from the corrupt MODERATION, AND!!!!!!!! I saw no light at the end of the tunnel, the stars enrollment kept increasing, and it was at TV Star, and I had just earned gold, and saw no way for me being able to earn another thousand karma and join stars, and I got really really bored of tengaged.
Shoutout to good friends I remember that don't really talk to me anymore:

and oh baby, if there wasn't ENOUGH of Ras on this site, I just had to make another appearance, this time on ( )

Yep... RasCity, the current account  I use... I've been blessed with another opportunity on this website, and have already accomplished Silver Level in less than 2 months and a little over 100 games... This paragraph is going to be the shortest, This account has the least amount of karma... does that mean this is my worst account? or does that mean it's still being written.

Tagging some amazing people, who are my friends and MAY have been my friends in the past, but I still consider close friends, lol, you get it... please DON'T get offended if you're not listed:( it's  not personal, and doesn't even suggest we aren't friends it's just that I wasn't thinking of you when I wrote this, take that how you please however keep in mind you've probably thought of me about 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% of your ongoing life.(if that)
Drb00m(even though we burely talk)
NickGQC(even though we burely talk)
TheSexiestDude990(even though we burely talk)
jb237613(even though we burely talk)
Sahmosean(even though we burely talk)
and I know there are so many more people who I am lucky enough to call my friend, and knowing I left some of you guys out makes me feel bad... however I know you guys will get over it xD and I'm probably gonna wind up adding a lot of you to this list.

Anyways... at the beginning of this blog I said "There's just something about this website..." There are actually MANY things I love about this site... the attention... the ability to be the person I want to be, and accomplish great things, stars, frookies, the blogs page... however I will end this blog on this *Ques Drake*

I will be Gold again one day, I will join stars again one day, I will become a TV Star for the first time one day...
Maybe it's the way I'll catch up...(Sorry 4 Cheeziness maybe bruh.)
TYSM! if you actually read this long ass blog:D means alot.


okay can you take it easy now
Sent by SurvivorRocks,Apr 2, 2015
haha so happy you beat don lol
Sent by jethro,Apr 2, 2015
grats bro
Sent by jenzie,Apr 2, 2015
Lol I don't even use the site anymore but congrats
Sent by ajg31397,Apr 2, 2015
Sent by EliOrtiz1234,Apr 2, 2015
Congratulations dude and I didnt know you were in stars before
Sent by JayElVeeIsBack,Apr 2, 2015
You can't really judge me for not talking to you anymore when
a.) You never message me
b.) I no longer log on my TG skype
c.) I no longer play Tengaged games
Sent by 1Swampy8,Apr 2, 2015
I hated supercam he backstabs
Sent by HUmanMustard,Apr 2, 2015
wow you stayed against me who is the most irrelevant person on this site *CLAP CLAP MOTHERFUCKER*
Sent by SurvivorFreak13,Apr 2, 2015
Congrats on Silver :)
Sent by YuNoLOVEME,Apr 2, 2015
Sent by baza76,Apr 2, 2015
Congrats!! :D
Sent by Pegasus1234,Apr 2, 2015
Sent by TheBlackDog,Apr 2, 2015
Grats but honestly why the need to throw shade, my best friends on this site are people with less then 2000+ karma and no designs -_-

Don't judge me when u don't know me or the people I talk to, if u wanted to keep in contact u could have just asked rather then being shady
Sent by XoXU,Apr 3, 2015

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