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I'll have you know; I was 2015 Prom King

Posts 81 posts

Ohmygoshhh Dec 14, 2013
I really want this, but I can't outbid these t's!!! it's really good lookin'
Points: 3 0 comments
50 facts + More Dec 7, 2013
imageGot over 80+ so Okay 50 Facts? Well Leggo!
1. My name is Simon Decker- Perez.
2. I'm OBSESSED with Eliminations shows!! a death, a vote off, an eviction, you name it!! All my friends don't get me on that, but I force one or two to watch it with me when it comes on ;)
3. That's probably why I Love, love, love scary movies!
4. I'm Latino, with some good looks;)
5. I'm conceided which is why I have people dislike me at school, but aw well not everyone can like me!
6. I'm the Junior Vice President, Yikes!
7. I can get along with most people
8. I just have a.. quirky personality that most people tend to like! which is why it possibly explains why I'm popular now. Lmao
9. I'm really picky when it comes to food!
10. Lime green is my favorite color
11. Chicken of any kind is my favorite food!
12. My Girl Bestfriend is probably Vanna Grifin
13. My Guy Besfriend is hands down Larry Carnes
14. I Love them to death
15. I have been dating my girlfriend, Laura Venson, for a whole year and six months in 23 days.
16. I come off wierd or shy the first time we meet. other than that I will NOT shutup;)
17. I kinda talk alot
18. I Hate when people do a 50 facts about me on instagram, then bitch about how long it is on like half the facts, don't bitch if you wanna do it!
19. I Love Elissa&Rachel Reilly from bb15 & bb12
20. I think I hate Kent, shannon BB2 Jerry from bb3.
DANA from bb4 ew. the twins, scott, COWBOY, from bb5 jennifer from bb6
CHICKEN GEORGE from bb7 -_- (havent watched 8-11)
andrew from bb12
Shelli fuck, Adam, Lawon, or Kalia from bb13
Boogie in season 14 is just shit. Joe, Ashley, Ian, Frank From 14
and the final three from bb15. Maybe mccrae and Judd as well
21. Haven't watch enough to see who I like lol
22. Brenda Lowe is my alltime Favorite survivor!!!
23. I can't stand Dawn, never have.
24. I'm a Junior
25. I really want to be in Big Brother. I love it!
26. I Love to swim
27. Volleyball is amazing
28. Food is my friend;)
29. I'm not so well known on tengaged.
30. One of these days I plan to be!
31. Sometimes I feel like this site is just for people who have unresolved hatred in their real life
32. I Love my frat. Love it! #TotemPride
33. I have Brown eyes, dark brown hair, tan skin
34. I'm a brown level
35. Hahaha How ironic because I hate the color Brown;)
36. I hate to overthing everything because it may stress me out
37. Lmao these facts though
38. I Live in arkansas
39. Small town, cows everyone!!
40. I'm meant to be in the city, my hometown chicago!
41. I Just turned 17
42. Born the 3rd of December, 1997.
43. I'm terrified to grow up. It's a whole new world!
44. I've always wanted to be a chef
45. Or an actor
46. I need a good dose of reality sometimes huh?;)
47. I'm real gullible at times
48. I crack myself up like 99.999% of the time(;
49. Oh look, one more fact! oh and I tend to get angry when people make IDIOTIC Jokes. Lol
50. Although I Love cheesy jokes. Haha(;

Now 2 lies one truth
1. I Have never talked shit about anyone
2. I get along with Olderr kids than younger kids
3. I madeout with my bestfriend

TheACF12, Jace_99, Negasub, BoyToy4Cato, rawr121
Points: 25 4 comments
If I get +75 Dec 6, 2013
I will do 50 facts about myself, 2 lies and one truth and put a picture of me on here! so uh, yeah!like?;)
Points: 76 6 comments
The charities lately.. << Dec 6, 2013
It's called a charity for a reason. Not to be ruined, and the past two charities have been ruined, the first with garrievans97. I Lost 18 damn t's on that. So sorry to see yours was ruined by some dumbasses! and the next one, MarieEve, I'm glad you made it to payouts at least, getting third and all, but my heart goes out to the two of you!! this blog was not for my selfishness in losing t's, but to mostly state that, If it's a charity, leave it be and let the charitee winner win! Not that much to ask. And everyones happy, the beters are, the supposed to be winner, everyone!
Tbh, I'm kinda nervous to bet on 'Charities' now.
Points: 36 6 comments
My Birthday! Dec 3, 2013
imageIt was great! My boo took me out to mexican food, and all in all my friends made it pretty much the best it could be! Love them all
Points: 29 4 comments
My birthdayyy Dec 1, 2013
Is on Tuesday!! I'll be seventeen:)
Points: 5 1 comments