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Big Brother and online Hunger games.


Mar 12, 2014 by Mccadep8
Im a Mormon hahaha out of curiosity what do people outside of Utah think of Mormons cause where I live 90% of people are Mormon. Also if you have any question at all about my church no matter how insane you think they are.........just ask :)



Sent by PSULucky,Mar 12, 2014
what are your beliefs? and What are the Mormon oaths?
Sent by kasey2011,Mar 12, 2014
Aren't Mormons the people that marry more than one person? Idk but if that's what you are then that's gross to be honest and I think it's a bad religion.
Sent by jojo7784,Mar 12, 2014
The Mormon belief was said best by South Park.... that's what I believe the  Mormons are lol...

Sent by Hannah_Parks,Mar 12, 2014
jojo7784 no haha we did in the 1800s but that was because we all moved to Utah and for all the husbands that died walking from mizzou to Utah they would have guys take in a 2nd or 3rd wife but they wouldn't have multiple wifes flat out.
Sent by Mccadep8,Mar 12, 2014
kasey2011 We are Christians so I believe in god jesus the holy ghost etc. We believe that they are 3 separate buildings. Haha we believe in the Bible and the Book of Mormon. :)
Sent by Mccadep8,Mar 12, 2014
Most of us know that Mormonism is a cult, and not of the Christian religion at all.

Mostly since it flat out contradicts the Bible in most parts, especially those concerning Christ.

Oh also, most hardcore Mormons still practice Polygamy, so it's not an extinct concept.
Sent by GarretStryker,Mar 12, 2014
garretstryker hahaha you are waaaaay over your head. How does it contradict the bible. And their are only like 2 "Mormon" polygamist families. And we all hate them too.
Sent by Mccadep8,Mar 12, 2014
kasey2011 beings*
Sent by Mccadep8,Mar 12, 2014

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