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Matthew09's blog

  1. Shane and Danielle (BB14)
  4. We need to lay this to rest
  5. Fergie or JLo
  6. Carlos Alcaraz
  7. Baby you can’t read the doll
  8. Who would’ve won a physical fight
  10. Good morning
  11. Abby Lee Miller
  12. Baby, you can’t read the doll
  13. S50
  14. Asking an ex how they are doing
  15. Question
  16. Drag is all over the world
  17. Okay
  18. I fucking love Cara Maria!
  19. Hey girls
  20. Insane Mavs tonight, let’s go!
  21. Natalie White from Samoa
  22. My coconuts
  23. Amanda should’ve won BB15
  24. When your trying to better your life
  25. Who is your favorite in AS9?!
  26. “I ain’t no fuckin Spice Girl”
  27. Amy Winehouse movie!
  28. Baby, you can’t read the doll
  29. Do
  30. He left no time to regret
  31. Fav Nicki Minaj song?
  32. I want your whiskey mouth
  33. Baby, you can’t read the doll
  34. Survivor Cagayan
  35. Kim ICON Petras
  36. If they did a second season of BB10
  37. The relationship I share w my grandmother
  38. Any tennis fans????
  39. Danielle Collins
  40. Vacation this July is Lima, Peru :)

Last comments

  1. woeisme in "Shane and Danielle " 1 hour
  2. Matthew09 in "Shane and Danielle " 1 hour
  3. ManniBoi in "Shane and Danielle " 1 hour
  4. Matthew09 in "SHANNEL" 8 hours
  5. Xyris in "SHANNEL" 8 hours
  6. Matthew09 in "SHANNEL" 8 hours
  7. Xyris in "SHANNEL" 8 hours
  8. tokio in "RPDR Heroes vs Villains " 3 days
  9. brosky17 in "RPDR Heroes vs Villains " 3 days
  10. Matthew09 in "RPDR Heroes vs Villains " 3 days
  11. galore in "RPDR Heroes vs Villains " 3 days
  12. Yandereboy12 in "RPDR Heroes vs Villains " 3 days
  13. Matthew09 in "RPDR 9 Ranking" 3 days
  14. JetsRock12 in "RPDR 9 Ranking" 3 days
  15. Royaltyy in "RPDR 9 Ranking" 3 days

The Matthew09's blog

Posts 15176 posts

Sneakin While Im Tengagin.!?! Nov 12, 2009
imageSo everyone knows how STEVIECAMILLE is my wife, well we have a good familia on here, but i stumbled across some shocking info, i saw on her profile she had "Matthew08" is my hubby.! =(( well everyone knows that isnt me, its changed now from wat i heard it was a mistake, WHAT SHOULD I DO?? Should I get Tengaged Cheaters Involved? or was it a mistake? Is there a matthew08 out there sneakin with my wifeyyy.!? I mean we have a kid together, this isnt a JOKE.! i want to go with my gut and say she wouldnt do that to me.!! =((
Points: 108 31 comments
Never in a Million Years,, Nov 11, 2009
imageWould i think this day would come,, haha. well heres da short story, i was wit diz chica STEVIECAMILLE,, shes amazing we are for eachother on tengaged we live a nice life together in tengaged county, but i never woulda thought wed have a baby this damn sooooon.! hahaha,, it was both our fault, but we created this crazy lil baby gurl that is still unnamed..LMAO so you got any good names??? haha doesnt she look like her momii, and Vendetta is a good god mama. =]] help us with a names plz, im a daddy. =(( since we have a baby, STEVIECAMILLE WILL YOU MARRY ME??????????
Points: 176 47 comments
Im Dumb.?? Nov 8, 2009
imageSo Today i was chillin with a few friends and we were watchin traffic,, we were just being dumb and doing random things and for some reason there was alot of 18-wheelers passin, so i was sitting next to one of my friends and i covered her eyes and i was like HEY, how many tires does a 18-wheeler have, and i was like you cant cheat, and i was counting the tires in my head as it was passing by, but it was dark, and i was like okay 10, LOL i really was counting tryin to figure it out,, and she was like trying to count them thro my hand, and i was like stop cheating give me ur number, and she was like WAIT, how many tires?? wtf its a 18-wheeler.!! 18 duh,, hahahahah and i was like oh shit, it is 18 right? i thought i counted 10 hahahahahaha, damn we were crackin up the whole way home, and makin fun of me, i dont think ive ever said anything that dumb, and i always make fun when ppl say dumb things, guess i had my turn.! hahahaha
Points: 112 17 comments
Who would of thought,, Jordan.! Nov 5, 2009
imageI know this is a late blog, cuz B.B11 ended a while ago haha but i guess ill say what i thought of the season, def. better then last season i think.! more twists.! but anyway from the very begg. i wanted Michele to win this season for some reason i liked her, and pulled for her, but as time went on, i thought if her of jeff won it would be cool cuz they did alot. Chima also grew on me, i thought she was a good competitior and any COMPETITIVE person that gets played like that by big brother when the power was taken would get really upset like that, idk about quitting, but she had the right to be upset.! so haters quit hating.! After that i thought Kevin really shoulda won he played hard in the end, and i bet on him.! but the undergdog Jordan beat him, im not all into the undersdogs winning, i like seeing the big GAMEPLAYERS make it to the end. but if thats your strategy im all for it and good job.! Plus she really needed that money, her parents went thro a divorce, lost their house, and their dad was the one supporting them so her mom didnt have a job, they had to move into a lil town house behind a friends house where she shared a room with her mom, what i also thought was crazy was in the Back yard after the finale she was interviewed she said she didnt have internet, so now she can get WOW. Well anyways shes HOT and she was a nice person in the house. and shes 500,000 dollarz Richer and the winner of Big Brother 11.! =]]
Points: 43 5 comments
Watch Out.!! Sep 19, 2009
imageWatch Out, have you heard of Matt all you stars player? Well he's coming.! I just won 2 straight rookies in a row.! Its crazy the first one here it is:
That one was pretty easy, i had a good alliance and on final day i felt confident i could win it.! Oh b.t.w i won HOH twice and i got IcyHot out and she was mad she said this quote "You wont win this game anyway" lol just thought that was funny.
Now my second one here it is:
That one wow where do i begin it was rough, they got out my alliance jenny 7th =/ and i was alone so me and nessie decided to stick together and go against the "BIG" alliance, Zach,Oswald,Nelson,Braden. I got Nelson out winning HOH and putting him up. Then Zach got HOH put me up, but nessie won POV saved me.! ;) then Nelson nominated nessie i won POV saved her, so we both made final day, but i fought with braden and he won last HOH so he put me and nessie up final day. i knew i couldnt win b-cuz in final day with us was Zach,Oswald,Braden. so i was on the block and i was just glad i made final day and i was hoping for 4th place.! and BAMM day change i won 1st place.! haha idk how i did it.! But i beat them.! ;) and its crazy how both games were both exactly 100 games apart,(9737 & 9837) i didnt do that on purpose and i just entered both of them alone.! ;)
Thanks to all who said i could do it, and for yall who said id lose thanks also for motivating me to win.!
Points: 91 19 comments
Unbanned. Aug 31, 2009
imageJust wanted to let all my buddys on here know that I DID NOT DO all that crap tiaraweaver n her friends made up about me. (Photoshare) I would NEVER post anything like that. Just because she held a grudge to me from a CASTING game we played over a month ago. She is doing things like this. LMAO its Hilarious. I still got three words for them "GET A LIFE" but it isnt getting i got four words for them now "GET A BETTER LIFE".! ;)
Points: 41 16 comments