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Brawl Brother

Posts 98 posts

I know I barely go on anymore but Nov 30, 2014
I'm on jayelveeisback 's 2nd page now.

Points: 25 1 comments
Shop Owner Nov 23, 2014
Who is the shop owner who gifts me when I buy from them?

Points: 19 2 comments
Stars Support <3 Nov 23, 2014
I barely come on but I love these two :D

Points: 29 2 comments
who's watching #Worlds? Sep 18, 2014
Points: 31 2 comments
Newest Gold Level --- PYN for an honest opinion :D Sep 16, 2014
image#crazybone5000 - bruh, I met you during your charity! I helped you with it and now we're great friends!
#BengalBoy - I always here about you from JayElVeeIsBack. I think you're his idol xD
#Marwane - I met you a long time ago from some long-term skype game that flopped. I never really played that much games with you, but you seem pretty cool!
#OutthereElmo - I see you everywhere in the site and now you're in this charity that I am in right now. Thank you for plusing :D
#magge555550101 - Dude, we had a rough past if you do remember and we always try to get each other out, but we had a few games when we worked together. You seem pretty cool even though we're always being put in a tight spot against one another.
m7md26 - One of the coolest people I have ever met and my frat pres. I met you during one of my earlier charities and you were really excited about helping the most recent one. Thank you for always being there buddy!
Graneceffect - Thank you so much for helping with my most recent charity! I never really knew you before that, but I kept seeing you around. New friends right here :D
C00LDUDE1000 - We met during your charity and also in .es. You seem like a pretty chill dude.
Thumper91 - OH GAWD, ITS LAUREN. You always seem to be in almost every charity I participate in. Now I understand why you're loved by almost everyone! I love our after midnight chats with Jay. Thank you for everything you have ever done for me.
acyuta - one of the people I see a lot on this site. Unfortunately, I haven't played with you or even so, I don't really remember.
AlanDuncan - I remember saving you from stars recently! I hope we play a game soon dude.
Carlisle - I remember your name from the stars Lauren was in. I saved you... I do remember that part!
rowan22 - I remember you with my blog games! Thank you for supporting man!
Boots22 - I see you around tengaged and pretty sure you're a popular person!
owlb0ned - Jess, I met you during one of Jay's skype calls and we became friends and had safety every game after that. You're pretty funny and chill!
ASupreme - tbh, I still don't know what your real name is, but you've always been the homie to me.
lonelypuppie - Gina! I talked to you all about being Asians and we really had a deep connection. Not hitting on you or something, but we became friends just like that!
MagicDuck - I saw you in the last THG and barely saw you on. I just know you're best friends with Shonaynay! xD
Oysterman11 - We had a lot of good games together and based on that, you are one of the most loyal people I have met in this site :)
elnino550 - I met you a few weeks ago and you've been really loyal to me and so was I to you :D
TheBlackDog - tbh, I haven't seen you before. I'm sorry D':
JayElVeeIsBack - JAY, one of my best friends in this site and one of the most loyal. I met you all the way back from a Resetters charity and after that, you've always had my back and I had yours. Thank you bro.
SexyTex - AUSTIN, the other best friend I have in this site. I met you all the way back when I was a noob. You gave me almost all of my current designs and I guess that's why people don't target me first. I love you so much dude! I will forever and always will be in debt to you.
jessloveee - Hey Jess, I met you through my other main homie, Sam_Hamwich (Evan) and we've had some few games together where I was fully loyal to you! You're such a great person and I praise you for that.
XxLoveWakizaxX - tbh, I have been loyal to you except for our last game. I had to make a move and the first few DCs, you were spamming like cray and I thought that was a threat. I'm really sorry about everything.
Simpizzle - aweee, Simpy PYN'd. BRO, I love you so much my f2. We always have that connection that always make us become final 2.
Swaggy - Jaden, I met you through Sam_Hamwich (Evan) just like Jess. We worked together because we were in the same chat once and you're a one chill dude to work with. Every time we actually do work together, we reach far.
FighterMan - Ahmed, my home bro. You're the last best friend I haven't listed in this PYN thing so far. All the things you have done to me, all the things you deserve is a design. I love you dude.
PurpleCows - Chelsea, my skype icon twin. You brought me to the THG and always have been loyal to you since the beginning of us playing together. You're always so nice to me and I thank you for that. You're the coolest girl I know here.
Dhucking_Quacks - Hey there, I have seen you around and played some games with you. I never really hated you so I guess that's a good thing xD
jhelsdon2478 - all I can remember looking at your name is I voted for you in the last stars.
sosyomomma - We had a really rough past, but it all came through after some charity. Now I always had your back and you had mine. I guess we work best together lmfao.
Points: 432 46 comments
[ 2nd Hunger Games - THG 181 ] 6th Sep 16, 2014
imageI guess I did trust the right people until they went behind my back. It was a great experience going as far as 6th, but MelihV with his 6xp obviously got scared to shoot me out. LMFAO.

Going to the final 4 could have been nice. I hope people play a strategic move... which they did shooting out evilgenious448. It's almost the finals. Shoot out who you think might beat you to win.

But hey, I got all the way here and MelihV and his crew PrincessTeePee and fredcrugar decided to shoot me out. I guess he couldn't beat my 14k in WoF.

PeaceOut! #hunger

Good luck to the rest

Points: 127 1 comments