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The Awesometrax's blog

Posts 33 posts

A memo to all those who post spoilers... May 17, 2010
I would really appreciate it if you guys don't ever post spoilers about what happens on Survivor from now on. It completely ruins the fun for everyone when they seem to know that Sugar was the first one gone, or Coach was the first on the jury, or that Sandra won and Russell and Parvati were in the final 3 (although there was one difference being that it was Parvati who was 2nd and not Russell).

So next year, PLEASE stop doing it. It's not cool. And this goes beyond this site, but to those who post them on youtube vids of Survivor on the CBS website of it.

Thank you.
Points: 13 2 comments
And there goes another potential Russell jury vote... May 13, 2010
So at the end of the episode, when Rupert had his torch snuffed you might've noticed him glare at someone before leaving. You can bet that it was Russell, and that any chance he would vote for him in the final went out the window.

Not a whole lot else to talk about with this episode the be honest. Just wish that Parvati didn't win, it seems like every challenge has been made for the Villains to win to me...
Points: 5 0 comments
I might've been right for once... and wow. May 6, 2010
Rather than making the title one that clearly spoils what happened, which was gonna be "the two who people thought shouldn't have been on the show are done...", I will point out that I thought that Rupert and Colby would turn on Candice for switching to the Villains, and she ended up getting the boot... which means my chances at winning my work's Survivor pool is done.

But Danielle leaving was a big surprise... and IMO, it sure as hell cost Russell any jury votes should he get to the final 3. Had he stuck with her and voted her out later, he would've at least received a vote from her I'm sure, but I guarantee that no one in the jury will put his name down and he will get a new one torn into him in the final... or will get the silent treatment in ponderosa, whichever may happen.

Thoughts about what may happen next episode? Again, no spoilers... there's only two episodes left, just let people find out for themselves what happens.
Points: 32 3 comments
Why Candice? Why? Apr 29, 2010
So I'm not really sure what to think after tonight's Survivor episode. In my work Survivor pool Candice is the person I selected in a random draw, even though I was hoping Amanda would be my pick. In that sense, it's not the worst thing in the world.

The question is, what will flipping do for her? Will it put her further in the game with a Villain looking likely to go next episode (based on the preview), or will it make Rupert and Colby want to take her out for betraying them? I'm really not sure what to think. The opportunity was definitely there to take Parvati out of the game, which I can only assume most of the people watching would've wanted.

What do you think is going to happen with her? As per usual, NO SPOILERS IN THE COMMENTS, they will be deleted.
Points: 40 6 comments
JT... you're a dumbazz. Apr 22, 2010
An interesting development in Survivor tonight... namely JT's stupid plan blowing up in his face. He may have played a seemingly flawless game in Tocantins, but this move is certainly up there with Erik from Micronesia giving up immunity. Is it more stupid? I'm gonna go with no, because it was clear that Erik was the target of everyone else and took off his security blanket, while you may not know with a hidden immunity idol. But it could very well be #2.

Looking at the previews next episode though, it looks like Russell might get taken out if he doesn't manage to find a HII of his own. Sandra seems like the type that would flip to me.

As I said in previous blog posts... DO NOT POST SPOILERS. They will be deleted immediately.
Points: 24 3 comments
What will happen next episode? Apr 20, 2010
So tomorrow will be a new episode of Survivor, and based on the preview I saw at the end of the last episode, the tribes are merging. It also looks as though Sandra is planning to flip. Since both Russell and Parvati now have HIIs, it leaves a lot of questions as to what will happen the next episode.

I think if the Heroes are smart, they would vote Jerri out to keep their numbers and to avoid the HII at least for the time being. I don't see them taking out Russell since JT handed him the idol last episode (which was unbelieveably stupid).

What do you think will happen? Please only post predictions as to what you think will happen, do not post spoilers if you somehow know who wins and what not or I will immediately delete the comment.
Points: 13 0 comments