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The Awesometrax's blog

Posts 33 posts

I don't care how many people get offended by this, but... Jun 28, 2010
I truly cannot grasp why there are so many people that are fans of FIFA after seeing just how stubborn they are regarding bad calls and not wanting instant replay and what not. This article says it all:,251904

All these blatantly bad calls have turned this World Cup into a major joke as far as I'm concerned. I personally think soccer is boring to watch on TV, and all the flopping that goes on in the European games makes me sick to my stomach to watch (not to mention the basketball players from there that take that to the NBA), but then you add in the fact that FIFA doesn't admit to it's errors, won't try to make sure that it doesn't happen again, and basically doesn't give a fuck that games aren't being determined in a fair matter, and it makes soccer pretty much unwatchable to me and makes me beg the question: can someone PLEASE explain why THIS is the most popular sport in the world?

I mean, look at the NFL, NBA and NHL (and for Canadian football fans, the CFL as well even). All three of them have had games where bad and correctable calls have basically determined outcomes of big games, and all of them have put in replay to make sure that the call is correct and that the winner is determined by the players on the field/court/ice, not by people in striped shirts. So why can't the so-called most popular sport in the world, the "beautiful game", do this as well at it's highest level?

*puts on a fire-proof suit*
Points: 25 2 comments
I may have indirectly caused someone to get canned at my work... Jun 17, 2010
So yesterday I was thinking about switching a shift to an earlier shift so I would be able to watch game 7 of the NBA finals and do some things on here. I decided not to do so because I figured it would take a lot of time and my dad needed the car.

I'm about to go to work this morning and I get asked to come in early, and turns out the girl I was going to ask about switching didn't show up to her shift, and got fired because she was on her last warning about missing shifts or something like that. If I had at least asked if she could switch then that wouldn't have happened as she would've known that she worked.

So in other words, I'm wondering if I should be feeling bad about this, or if it's just something that happens and shouldn't worry about it... after all, if she wanted to switch it, it would've been better for both of us :S
Points: 36 2 comments
Sponsoring a game... Jun 15, 2010
So I decided to sponsor a game where you light people on fire. I laughed when I saw it but it seems all right. If you want to help me out then play it here:
Points: 5 0 comments
Congrats to the Blackhawks. Jun 9, 2010
49 years of agony coming to an end. That must feel absolutely amazing if you have been a fan of the team for all that time. In fact, if you aren't one of those bandwagon Blackhawk fans and have been with them through the bad times, kudos to you, and savour this moment for the rest of your life. I know I would if the Canucks had won it.

And it will be cool to possibly see the Stanley Cup in my hometown this summer since Jonathan Toews is from my hometown. My sister is eager to come out to the hockey arena he's planning to visit haha...
Points: 15 2 comments
Want money for a Survivor game... Jun 4, 2010
If you plus and comment I will plus one of your blogs. Thanks.
Points: 23 6 comments
Even though I'm rooting for the Suns, good job Artest. May 27, 2010
So my first non-Survivor blog post... hell of a game tonight between the Lakers and Suns, I couldn't believe the Suns were able to come back and tie the game after being down 18 on the road... it was helped by a couple things, one of them being Artest taking two ill-advised shots (although the 2nd was wide open so it might not have been the worst thing to do, but consider the new shot clock and time running out).

But somehow, after the Suns had a crazy sequence of their own, with Richardson banking in a 3 to tie the game after two chances missed, the Lakers one-upped them and Artest followed in an airball from Bryant. Unbelieveable.

I think that the Suns will take game 6 though, Alvin Gentry needs to tell his guys that they did a great job of putting themselves in position to win on the road when they were down by so much.
Points: 0 1 comments