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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Congrats to the Blackhawks.

Jun 9, 2010 by Awesometrax
49 years of agony coming to an end. That must feel absolutely amazing if you have been a fan of the team for all that time. In fact, if you aren't one of those bandwagon Blackhawk fans and have been with them through the bad times, kudos to you, and savour this moment for the rest of your life. I know I would if the Canucks had won it.

And it will be cool to possibly see the Stanley Cup in my hometown this summer since Jonathan Toews is from my hometown. My sister is eager to come out to the hockey arena he's planning to visit haha...


woohoo! i'm from chicago but living in florida and i wish i was home to parrrrrrtayyyyyyy
Sent by x0Lani,Jun 9, 2010
WOOO HAWKS <3333333333
Sent by EnragedBeauty,Jun 9, 2010

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