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afa 2022 - top 5 female rap #1 Sep 17, 2023
We’re finally at the finale. After like, eight entire months (and just not… finding the motivation for this for some reason (i know the reason but we’re  on a schedule here) but idrc i’m not KNOWN for my punctuality or orderliness) we’re back. For one last time, my FAVORITE music project that was probably released in all of 2022……. Junglepussy’s “JP5000.” All I can say is that she gets it. From the intro to the outro, everything here is expertly exported straight from JP’s mind to our ears. CRITIQUA is our opener, cross-stitching lines into a statement of self. MOVIE SCREEN has a sampled instrumental from an unplaceable point in time, and the rhyme patterns come from an implacable perception. Lines like “I got baggage too, but look what I produce, promoting vegetables? Miss me with the bull” are just insane levels of wordplay and rhyming. She’s simply out of mind, or maybe on the sine of an Absolbot. FOREIGN EXCHANGE has a smooth, familiar similitude to it as well, recounting JP’s experiences with a former lover. Another example of her excellent rhyme schemes happens right at the end of this track. The closer, MYSTICAL, might be my favourite track, with a skipping sample over some snazzy saxophone, reinforcing her desire for keeping men at a distance and wraps up the record with a chill confidence. In summation, it’s a tenacious ten minutes of music and was easily the body of work I found the most compelling overall this year.

[And hey… if you supported this little thing I did all this time, or some of this time, or really any of this time... thanks. I’m not gonna be stupid and sappy about it.]

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Points: 13 1 comments
afa2022 - top 5 male rap #1 Sep 14, 2023
We’re nearing the conclusion of this, um, thing. So, I can’t dilly-dally or dawdle. The best album by a male rapper (for ME) was JID’s “The Forever Story.” I’m sure all the rap fans on tengaged saw this coming, because JID has been a consistent competitor in the game since the mid-2010s. While I found previous projects of his excellent, this is easily the best he’s ever sounded on an album. Raydar is a strong entry into the catalog, and I think the hook is quite catchy for a call on a football play. It leads nicely into Dance Now, the lead single from the record, which has another excellent hook and beat with the catchiest rhyme pattern he’s ever executed. The verses also have a nice flow to them, with his effortlessly weaving triplets across the entire song. Crack Sandwich has some great storytelling, the features on Can’t Punk Me and Surround Sound showcase some other great Atlanta names, but Kody Blu 31 is a point of resonance for certain. It reflects on the loss JID has experienced in his life, and he recruits a choir to support him for the vocals. The values of community and family he speaks of reignite on the following songs, Bruddanem and Sistanem, with some nice beats and solid flows as well. The last leg, with tracks like Stars, Just In Time, and Lauder Too (aaaand bonus track 2007) all hit quite nicely to wrap the record as well. Listen.

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Points: 35 3 comments
afa 2022 - top 5 r&b #1 Sep 12, 2023
Day 23. The last prime day of our musical reviewing adventure. The most excellent R&B album from 2022 was “HYPNOS” by Ravyn Lenae. While I wasn’t familiar with her before this album very much, only knowing her singles, giving this album a try was a massive return on investment. Lenae is recognized worldwide for her pillowy voice, but I think she takes full advantage of her tone and picks instrumentals to build around her well. Examples of this include the heavenly anthems of self-confidence on Inside Out, which blends guitars and violins on the choruses to synchronise a symphony of strings. M.I.A. is an injection of energy as well, with a bouncy synth and some pitter-pattering drums to reflect the song concept. It’s about, well, going missing. You know, doing your own things, living life to the fullest, but rarely requiring or desiring approval from others. As for the rest of the album, there’s even more beauty to unpack. I love Where I’m From and Deep In The World, which pair well as adjacent tracks. While both songs discuss feeling out of place, I think each presents a unique perspective on culture and personal identity, while not sacrificing sonics. Satellites, however, is probably my favourite melody across the entire record. Lenae’s breathy voice is excellent for singing about floating around in space with your significant other. That’s about all the beauty I can fit into a 250 word review, but other highlights…? Lullabye, Xtasy, Mercury, and Wish.

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Points: 13 2 comments
afa 2022 - top 5 electronic #1 Sep 10, 2023
It’s…. really time to wrap this series up. Not really sure why I thought this was a good idea like I had anything prepared to start. Anyways, my most-preferred electronic album of last year was AmyBelle’s “Metamorphasis 2052.” Christian music artist Jack The Hack describes themselves as “like 7 people,” and AmyBelle is one of their alter-egos with a spellbinding story to share.  The opening tracks, AmyBelle’s Theme and Jackson’s Introduction, both take heavy inspiration from 8-bit chiptunes and specifically Kirby. The song Little Helper Girl is my prime choice, it’s got some sparkling synths laid over a peppy snare drum, and I love the way the synths sound like a triumphant chorus of horns that inspire tons of belief and determination. The next set of tracks, Purple Mascara, Furry, and Paint It, Black are made for things like thaumaturgy and potion brewing. I quite like all 3 tracks, but I’ll expand on Paint It, Black and its dramatic building synths, really evoking the feeling of an URGENT MATTER. Perhaps something dark looms over our small town and these frantic piano lines reflect that… which leads us to The Encounter, our ‘boss track’ as I’ve mentally called it all this time. While the synths used are the same, the distortion is brought up to make the entire track sound more grimy and really give the feeling that a great evil has come to wreak havoc. The final 4 tracks are great too, but that’s my time!

(small side note: this project may be dead but i am still tagging the lovely supporters from long ago. i owe it to all of them, and myself, to finish this.)

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Points: 30 2 comments
if i was trapped in an infinite loop Sep 6, 2023
that would be a pretty awkward situation

not because i am doomed to the same action for all eternity, but moreso because i really hate being predictable. we all know i don't have the charm OR the looks to be doing the same bits over and over

well, at least not for all eternity. maybe for a couple months, but not eternity
Points: 20 1 comments
if i had a question Sep 3, 2023
i would want to know what your favorite soap flavors are

recently i have been using this soap called “sea minerals.” what kind of minerals? not sure. but they are from the ocean, so they’ve gotta work. if it’s good enough for a fish it’s good enough for me
Points: 67 5 comments