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Ask Me bowkane

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asked by GoodKaren

yasss queen

0Q: whats your favorite scooby doo movie

asked by PaulaDeen

don't watch scooby doo

0Q: Am I iconic?

asked by Burgerman2929292

super iconic thanks to lemonface

0Q: What is the meanest thing you have thought about me?

asked by Thirteen

that you're clearly on the spectrum

0Q: Delete your account

asked by Don_Draper

delete your life?

0Q: if u could fight one tengager who would it be

asked by BengalBoy


11Q:  who won this fight?

asked by 2388

The blonde

5Q: favorite game on this site?

asked by Sameed27

THG and right below that survivor. Maybe Stars as a third or frookies.

20Q: Opinion?

asked by Kandee_

don't really know you too well but I think you don't like me tbh but idk lol

20Q: bye of

asked by Andalu

??? what does this even mean mance

5Q: Videogames or Movies?

asked by Sameed27

Movies for sure

15Q: how ur day

asked by Oliviaxoxo

good how's yours

30Q: What's the worst thing you've seen on Tengaged? (Might need a list tbh)

asked by BrainJak

people posting other people's dead babies. all the porn.

30Q: Am I your fav person ever

asked by christossss

willie_ is better but you aren't dead last.

30Q: If you had 1 wish what would you wish for

asked by JustMe

to not have anxiety for almost everything. basically to be as normal as most everyone else. to be able to put myself out there more and not be so socially awkward or antisocial due to the anxiety. that or money to share with all my friends and family so we can all live comfortably

0Q: what is ur fav color level on tengaged

asked by RasCity


0Q: why r u so fake

asked by Oliviaxoxo

why is the earth round

15Q: if you could fight one person on tg who would it be

asked by BengalBoy


15Q: Apparently not 馃槖

asked by JustMe

I love you SUE you're amazing and super sweet :)

0Q: Opinion
Honest one..

asked by Hisoka

I have no issues with you other than the fact that you hate me for some reason. We had that drama a few weeks ago and you seemed a little psychotic but I don't think you're genuinely like that in real life. Other than that I don't really know anything about you so I can't say much more.

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