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Blogs #wawning



The Top 20 Scwungus Bongo

16 Slice, Oct 24, 2020

Pwease note thiws wanking onwy incwudes the top 700, because who cawn be fucked abouwt the west. Awso i wecognize i too am a viwe idiot, thank uwu.
#20 - lemonface - i weawwy down't give a fuck abouwt him anymowe, but he was awways a compwete awnd uttew sociopath who engaged in whawt has bewn descwibed (at best) as questionabwe behaviow with cewtain usews of thiws website. Witewawwy awways invowved in dwama awnd ovewaww juwst a nasty pewson.
#19 - KingGeek - compwete idiot who tawks abouwt voting thiwd pawty own the bwogs page. Honestwy, if thawt was the fiwst stwaw he wouwdn't be own thiws wist but he's awways pwesented himsewf as a bwaindead idiot so i down't feew too bad abouwt iwt. Uwu awen't coow ow intewesting because uwu'we thwowing away youw vote. Peopwes wives awe at stake hewe, gwad youws isn't owne of thewm!
#18 - Yaxha - he's awways seemed wike owne of those peopwe who thinks being a weed addict iws a pewsonawity type. He awso awways tawgeted me in games fow absowutewy no weason. Juwst zewo wedeeming quawities i've evew seen fwom him. Awthough he's vewy wow impact these days, he's stiww own my mind as of wwiting thiws bwog!
#17 - HighNoon - the definition of a wet noodwe who awways juwst goes whewevew the tide takes him. I get the feewing thawt none of the decisions in hiws wife awe hiws own awnd he's juwst so despewate fow appwovaw fwom evewyone awound him. Feews wike a simp awso. Bweh!
#16 - brookie_cookie - okay honestwy i down't have any twue hatwed fow uwu, but uwu've expwessed muwtipwe muwtipwe times thawt uwu hate me fow no weason at aww. Wike iwt must be ovew sowme kind of gawme ow something? i've nevew even intewacted with uwu. Down't be a cwazy pewson.
#15 - Zeptis - i mean, yaww know the deaw hewe. Thiws iws an incew. Next!
#14 - Kelly0412 - i cannot teww if thiws pewson iws juwst weawwy committed tuwu the bit of being a wepubwican twoww own the bwogs page, but wegawdwess of whethew they awe ow awen't, iwt's nowt *twowwing*  tuwu post vuwgaw wacist, homophobic, twansphobic, etc etc etc shit own the bwogs page. Thewe awe weaw peopwe with weaw feewings own thiws website. Find a diffewent hobby.
#13 - mathboy9 - we get iwt, uwu wike tuwu wuin evewy chawity thawt uwu'we in awnd juwst be a misewabwe cunt tuwu evewyone awound uwu. Iwt's a tiwed schtick, peopwe have done iwt bettew awnd stiww bewn funny awnd endeawing in owne way ow anothew. Uwu juwst seem wike an angwy chiwd with no fwiends who gets own youw computew evewy day tuwu take youw angew out own othew peopwe.
#12 - alexclow345 - peopwe say she's soooooooooooooo *nice* but we aww know she's a twump suppowtew awnd has cwaimed tuwu "not be invowved with powitics". Bitch its 2020. Inaction iws nowt an option. Being nowt invowved means youve chosen the side of the oppwessow, awnd i wesent..

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