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Blogs #theGAME



Now that this survivor season

6 splozojames50, Nov 20, 2019

is essentially over right in time for the holiday season... you can all go and watch a the VASTLY MORE ENJOYABLE survivor experience SANTAS IN THE BARN
-10 professional santas in character at all times
-idols, twists, advantages, all with meaningful impact on the game
-amazing inventive challenges, some of my favorite in recent memory
-blindsides, backstabbing, alliances based on #thegame and social bonds alike
-an ENSEMBLE cast with an amazing boot order. old santas, young santas, female santas, even a gay santa and a black santa
-a top 5 survivor season and with not one ounce of irony involved when i say that
a FESTIVE show that is checks the boxes of being amazing CHRISTMAS as well as SURVIVOR continent.


The L6 stans

8 splozojames50, Aug 13, 2018

being ~*~shocked~*~ that ~anyone~ could stan the hive aka the actual entertaining players over... GAYMEPLAY reminds me of the vocal minority derrick bb16 stans who were so surprised why people werent rooting for him because of how AMAZING he was at #TheGame.
If I wanted to watch a game without the personalities of the players involved I'd be blogging about football everyday instead of reality tv. The fact of the matter is that the hive has the remaining fun personality left (rockstar) and the close second (haleigh but still kinda dry) whereas level 6 are all CARDBOARD.
If that makes me "salty" or "not respecting good gameplay" then you know what I will embrace that because I will GLADLY root for hot messes over boring gamebots with 0 personality EVERY time. and SHOCKER... I can acknowledge the hive are horrible at the game while still rooting for them even though it makes it exhausting

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