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PYN for a kaceytron persona

13 splozojames50, Apr 1, 2016

and I will give you a stoyline/persona of resident female gamer/troll extraordinaire, kaceytron that represents you.
for the uneducated:
halloween the Mcnugget lover who after eating nuggets on stream organized an RSVP only bring your own nuggets stream dedicated to Macdonald's chicken nuggets.
alexavontrayne the #girlgamer Kaceytron who constantly seeks out fights with 11 year old boys on Counter Strike Go
notafraid the feminist warrior that constantly fights for feminist issues by satirizing them and pointing out the most extreme cases and endorsing them in a way that makes feminism look ridiculous to macho male gamers.
Pieguy555 The kaceytron who fights back against her chat calling everyone/thing toxic
bigdizzleyomama The kaceytron whose chat constantly spams "shoe on head" but refuses to do it and gives the issue attention just as constantly
lights The girl gamer side that fights back at her chat while simultaneously standing still in the middle lane while someone slowly auto's her to death.
timberlie The girl gamer side that buys 50 dollar barbie games like packs of gum, plays them for 30 minutes, then writes a 2 paragraph positive review on them on steam.
vh1clown the competitive side that is an official professional female gamer that refers to bjergson as "burgerson", before being rejected from team solo mid and writing it all off.


My name is Kaceytron,

3 Halloween, Dec 27, 2013

I am NOT cosplaying GRAGAS.
Oh wow 5 dollars thank you so much!
I will not put a shoe on my head.
I fucking knew it!
I am a #girlgamer
I had a fucking feeling I fucking knew it

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