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Blogs #BlacklivesMatter



The Verdict is In

1 BlueBarracuda, Apr 20, 2021

#BlackLivesMatter #ConvictChauvin #ACAB
Please reach out to your BIPOC friends on Tengaged and be there for them.



1 Ribbons, Apr 16, 2021



Why are Blacks

0 OnionNews2018, Sep 21, 2020

Classified by the color of their skin?
When people ask whites what they are
"French, English, German etc..."
When people ask Asians
"Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Thai etc..."
When people ask natives
"Ojibwa, Lakota, Navajo, Mexican etc..."
If I ask a black person their herritage, many dont know because they were always told they were black or African-American, mainly due to slavery and all that bullshit afterwards.
I wanna know if youre Swahili, Kenyan, Swazi, Dominican etc... I wanna know your roots, your herritige, and learn more about the culture you grew up in and came from. Its important to me that we all know our identity and our history. I think more money needs to be spent on researching the ancestral backgrounds of all black people. I think ancestrydna should be free for black people, because we took so much away from them and thats just a little step in helping them find the roots that we tore from underneath them.
#BlackLivesMatter #BLM



2 Shawnlolpop123, Aug 20, 2020

“Today I will glady honor the Columbus national NAACP. I will take stage at 10AM EST and I will be speaking on racism, gun violence, and equality. We strive and we are Americans we want change in America.”~ Lead Secretary Shawn A. Groves
You may be asking why I posted this here on Tengaged and thats because I will be recording my speech on Vocaroo or however its spelled lmao. It will be posted around 3PM EST after the speaking of mine and others is over.
#Blacklivesmatter #wewantjustice #wearenotdonefighting



0 zorbo678, Aug 17, 2020

A few years ago, I made a post about Big Brother, in which I said that Brittney Haynes annoys me.
In that time period, I have become a more well-educated adult, and learned more about myself and how we should treat others. So to anyone I offended with this comment, I apologize. I now recognize how fantastic Brittney Haynes is and I no longer stand by my previous comment.
I hope you can forgive me and let my past statement be punishment enough for this hideous oversight. If not, I understand, it’s almost unforgivable. I don’t know how I’ll forgive myself.
Also... #BlackLivesMatter


My First Blog! (BLM, COVID)

18 mleg, Jul 22, 2020

Here goes nothing...  it's my first blog post.
#blacklivesmatter #COVID19
If you don't know me, Hi! I'm Emily! I'm a full-time teacher's aide in a preschool classroom in Boston and am currently in school furthering my education to hopefully become a lead teacher. In the summer I work at a nonprofit community sailing center to train teenaged "Instructors in Training" to become Instructors. So I like to share my views and I like to meet new people!
I'm new to TG but have really dove right in, so to speak.
I'm still on the white color level but I've been playing group games and I'm having a blast.
I've already met so many awesome people and can't wait to see how many more are out there!
This whole COVID and societal unrest situation we are all in is BEYOND depressing and fucked up- I'm glad we all have this platform to distract ourselves a bit.
That being said, I want to take this moment to express the importance of educating yourself on topics like public health, race, and systematic oppression.
It is our job to do everything we can to change the future!
Black Lives Matter, Science is REAL, and people with identities that historically hold power in society have a responsibility to do all they can to create change.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk/Blog Post, and in the words of lesbian ICON Ellen Degeneres,
Be Kind to One Another :)
..... MLE OUT.
Special thanks to zorbo678 for giving me an amazing first Group Game experience <3
and I KNOW ya'll are pumped for #bb22


Thank you ...

0 LivvieBoo12, Jul 11, 2020

to all the people for sending me lovely msgs because of my blog yesterday. Racism and Transphobia is an on-going issue and that saddens me because it shouldn't because people shouldn't be judged on their ethnicity or who they're and I'm happy more people are speaking up against it and that's captivating for me to have so many supportive people.


all seriousness - Black Lives Matter

4 alexclow345, Jun 18, 2020
I know Tengaged isn't really the biggest platform to talk about this, but I don't have any Twitter followers and I feel like on Reddit my posts will get drowned out so I think this is the best place to share. My white privilege has allowed me to ignore these issues in the past but I have been educating myself and also taking classes on race in America and all of the issues that have been caused/are caused by systemic and externalized racism in America.
A few years ago I made a bunch of stupid, racist blogs supporting a dumb bitch of a reality TV contestant to try and be funny, but at the time my stupidity and white ignorance got in the way of being a decent human being. If anybody from the website from then and is still around and is willing to hear out my apology, I'm sorry. There are no excuses for racism of any kind and I am ashamed of myself and sorry to the people I hurt.
Racism did not end when MLK had a dream and it did not end when Obama became president contrary to what some may think. The fight for #BLM is still ongoing in the US and while everyone might have stopped blogging on Tengaged about it, the news and social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, etc. are all still talking about it. Here is a website from a couple of days ago that have a bunch of reputable links to causes/charities/donation fundraisers to support people of color. As POC and allies of POC if you have money to donate (which I understand most of you might not due to being underage or having to pay stuff like bills), think about supporting good causes. Plus the more vocal we are, the more change is likely to happen to support POC in America. Right now a lot of people are uncomfortable going to protests (myself included) due to the COVID-19 pandemic, so the least we can do is bring more awareness to the issues that POC face by the US population and police.
Also a side note, if you are willing to learn more about the topic PLEASE sit down and watch 13th by Ava Duvernay on Netflix. It is a really good documentary that talks about how our prison system here in America has become a race war and it will shed some light on why POC feel like they can't trust police (and rightfully so).
(The article was made a couple of days ago, and there are links to victim funds, police reform funds, community fundraisers, etc. Remember to always do your research though even if it is on a reputable website to make sure your money is going to a good place.)


Please share with those protesting!

2 GeekyGeek, Jun 13, 2020

If you are detained by the police, remember:
1: You have the right to remain silent.
2: You have the right to legal counsel.
Do not resist arrest. When arrested, we recommend you yell out your First and Last Name and Date of Birth, so that your information can be passed along to organizations that pay bail for detained peaceful protesters.
If you feel your rights have been violated by the police:
Contact the ACLU: 713-942-8146
Remember, you have the right to record all interactions with the police, and, it is in your best interest to do so! Also, make sure when dealing with police, put your hands up to ensure your safety.
Your protest matters. Dr. King’s words resonate today: “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”


People are fucking stupid

3 Memphis_Grizzlies, Jun 8, 2020

Just because you post #BlackLivesMatter in a stars poll, DOES not mean that that said person is not contributing to the cause. The people nominated right now 100% could have signed petitions , donated, or protested
Also, Instead of getting angry at people and canceling them from supporting black lives matter, maybe you can direct them to links(such as petitions or go fund mes) so they can support the cause.



4 JohnnyyBabs, Jun 7, 2020

For my philosophy fans. With all things going on in the world right now, this one feels too fitting.
Anyways, here it is:
~~ 2020 isnt cancelled. Yeah we have the pandemic of COVID 19. We have #BlackLivesMatter. We have ATTACK of the killer murder hornets. But what if 2020 was meant to make us stronger. 2020 isnt cancelled, but rather the most important year of them all ~~
for all of you that dont know me, im a philosophizer just trying to make my daily wage. If you like my quotes, please subscribe and comment below. More to come, they will only get better!!
Comment below if you want to be tagged:


Black Lives matter!

1 ITZ3THAN, Jun 7, 2020

Tag supporters =P


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