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1468 days 12 hours ago

i hate the feeling of either being on the firing line and risk being voted out or be a swing vote who decides about everything, its tiring work, to get people on board to get tchem all to do one thing together. i sadly prefer it than being at risk. crypt ozzy lukas will be voting peyton, rubes peyton gustavo will vote ozzy and im not sure where to go yet with tj
1468 days 12 hours ago

i heard that ozzy has tarot card and he is going to be immune from tribal and i worked for whole fricking day to force peyton rubes and gustavo to vote for ozzy and then me and tj would do it so after peyton would be idoled out they would still trust us but then tj approaches me and tells me.... theres no reason to lie about it and play it sneaky… i think its better to vote for peyton and piss rubes and gustavo off then other side cause rubes and gustavo will need us anyway and im like…


but i remained calm and said i think its smarter and im just hoping that i wont regret that playing straightforward killed my game in the end and i should have played more sneaky
btw i really enjoy playing with the villains heroes side because they are listening to me and they vote who i tell them to, while my misticas people are trying to more manipulate me then persuade to do what they want... they will think that mistica should stay strong until the f4 and go that way to the end, but its boring. they might feel safe for now but i already decided that im going to flip flop on everyone until the end and nothing will stop me... nothing strong stays long
1468 days 12 hours ago

i feel shocked because i hoped tj would tell me if he would want someone else to go home but unfortunately i put much trust on tj and i guess he wanted to do some other big move to maybe have equal Chance if he would stand against me at ftc. worst part is that for the first time i didnt take part in who was going and ozzy think that i played him and doesnt even want to speak to me and hes saying that hes gunning for me so i would need immunity, and well this game is personal but im never taking it that way cause on other hand its just the game. only thing what matters is that me and ozzy have both same interests but he hates me so i guess ill try to lay low for this round and see if i can reach the top again tommorow. i hope luck is on my side
1468 days 10 hours ago

So I realize that with only Ozzy and I as the loyal Misticas left we’re gonna be going soon. Yet again I pitch to TJ that we should take Vincent out. There’s only 7 left, so as long as he can get one more person on board and LITERALLY NO ADVANTAGES are played for the first time in a while this will work. I better pray that in an advantage heavy season nothing gets leaked or played early. It’s my only chance of survival.
1467 days 12 hours ago

yuh so basically I think HvV has it all but wrapped up LMAO.... We have the 4-3 advantage and the idol. Unless something is being hidden by messtica.. it ain't looking pretty for them. Imagine blowing a 6 person lead (I'm including Jake because of the premade) lmaooooooooo. Logically, it wouldn't make sense for me to head to the final three with any of messtica because the jury is stacked with them and they would auto win. I'm thinking my best final three combo is with the heroes (sorry TJ). I should get the 3 og villains vote and maybe snag a couple of others. Back to the present, I won immunity which was vital to getting the idol and after some confusion if the clue was real or not... TJ gets the idol yayyy. As long as it isn't one of Crypt, Ozzy, or Vincent idgaf. But since I know this could get boring real soon..... I decided to stir the pot a little bit and give Vincent access to the clue knowing that TJ found it and planted a fake idol lmaooooo. Now Vincent thinks he has an idol -oops (but the hoe didn't tell me that he found it wtf bro!). I don't think I've done anything villainous, so i'm glad to exude some villainous this season considering my original placement as a villain. I love Vincent's messy energy, so I'm excited to see what he does with. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, I'm so excited final tribal is calling meeeee <333333
1467 days 12 hours ago

Well this game is currently going swimmingly well for me!! After saying that Rubes and I didn't want Gustavo holding on to the idol, we were able to convince him to play the idol on yours truly, sparing me from receiving votes yet again and helping us avoid another rock draw :') which now leaves us in the majority which is obviously perfect for my game.
Gustavo, TJ, Rubes and I all know how bitter this jury is going to be towards us. I honestly feel like if Crypt, Vincent or Ozzy make it to the end, they have the game in the bag. Which is pretty great for me, considering my alliance only has four people in it, ensuring that the four of us will hopefully make final four. And even if TJ and Gustavo decide to flip on Rubes and I, they know that neither of us have an idol, and I am almost certain that in that scenario Rubes is targeted first over me.
Which is also why I feel like I have positioned myself perfectly for the end game. I want to go to the end with TJ and Gustavo. I feel like the two of them have played very similar games that it would be hard for the jury to distinguish the difference between the two of them. Meanwhile, if I'm sitting next to them, I have the story of being on a losing tribe premerge, playing two idols, getting my ally to play an idol on me and hopefully other moves that are yet to appear. I don't really think I've made any super flashy moves or anything that I accomplished all by myself, but I don't think that in this season that not making huge moves is a necessarily bad thing. Now, the one thing that could hurt me is that I haven't spoken to the jury members like Zach and Pietro and probably Crypt as much as I would have liked. But yet again, I feel like this season was so divided that it was never a necessity to talk to them. And hey, it ended up working for me as I'm still in in a great position while they're on the jury.
Obviously, the one issue in my path to victory is Rubes. However, I think I have to be risky and take him far with me. I really don't see a world in which he turns on me. But I think that's because he knows that he can beat me in the end. And I'm totally fine with using Rubes as a meat shield. It just pains me that I'll have to ruin his game so close to the end, but I came here to win. But, I am thinking of some ways that I can turn down the emotional damage that my heart will take. I've been feeding TJ and Gustavo messages of doubt toward Rubes and how we have no chance at beating him. So I'm thinking, maybe in the final 5, I can have TJ, Gustavo and the other person vote out Rubes, while I vote with Rubes for whoever. That way, I'm not voting out Rubes and can live with myself LOL but this would also ensure that TJ/Gustavo would bring me to the end as the other person would win on a jury, and I could use it as a defining move in my game for orchestrating while not totally being involved.
But yes, I have talked end game with both Gustavo and TJ. I honestly think the two of them want to bring me too. I keep playing up that I'm dumb and ditzy and out of touch to try and distract from what I've done in the game. But yes, I have final twos with both TJ and Gustavo and like I said, I think going against them is my best bet. Plus, it doesn't help that the two of them are totally messing up their games right now. Like did Gustavo really need to lead Vincent to a fake hidden immunity idol?? Of course not. And I will be sure to let Vincent know that Gustavo did this should my plans go in place.
Anyways, this was a lot about my end game plans. I just get super obsessive and into analyzing at the final 7ish, it's quite a problem LOL anyways, shortly about this vote, I think we're going to do Ozzy. He seems most connected to the members of the jury, he fooled us all last vote with his fake tarot card, and just doesn't seem to communicate with us too much. Which is fine with me. I don't see Ozzy wanting to work with me, so if he needs to go, go he shall.
Also, I did watch American Honey last night. 4/5 stars. May watch Dallas Buyers Club tonight but my brother is hogging Netflix. First world problems.
1467 days 12 hours ago

i hate the fact that in final days where me and misticas should stick together to reach final 3 and i was about to tell ozzy that im open to use idol today and go with him and crypt to final 3 hes completely stubborn to vote me like a total fool. its normal if he has benefits but how the heck he doesnt know that hes next and hes not going to reach ftc without me? its impressive to ruin someones game to benefit your own but its stupid to ruin someones game and ruin your own at the same time, i hope i will stay in this game longer than him. if people are really voting for crypt i dont know i think ill take a gamble, ill vote for crypt and see if people were lying to me or not, but if ozzy would only be open to work with me i would really try to make move with him again
1467 days 12 hours ago

tonight i feel like wealthy buisenessman who gives money to two caveman's. ive been talking to crypt what the hell is going on with ozzy and then i realise that ozzy doesnt want to speak with me but crypt will be giving him my messages through crypt LMAO. im explaining to those 2 guys the plan to blindside one of the heroes or villains and they are listening, they like this idea but they dont trust me that hard that even after i gave tchem idol they are hiding in their cave and they are whispering to each other what to do with it. im at least happy they are on board and i could take tchem with me further on. my personal opinion of tchem in this game isnt that great because crypt and ozzy arent loveable characters and if they reach f3 with me i think that jury would hate tchem more than me so i think they are perfect people to take to the end. most loyal most honarable and least likeable by the jury lol
1467 days 12 hours ago

its unbelievable for me that im still in the game, like im not sure if the fact that i controlled f10 and f9 votes maybe doesnt matter that much to people? maybe everyone thinks i flipped when i wasnt supposed to and that i made terrible moves which made jurors bitter. but for my defence i could at least say that i was always able to make crazy gambles when everyone played like scary pussies and everyone locked themselves in cave alliances. this game, this tribe is just a game of two huge groups trying to pick off other side one by one, at least thats what im seeing at the moment. i had feeling i was being lied to again but im curious if me and crypt will really be picked off and other side will just not need us. i hoped that tj would trust me 100% as he said but seems like hes more loyal to other side and honestly im just curious how it is going to end for him, now were at f6 with 2 people from each tribe and everyone have equal chances but im going to need to win immunity today
1467 days 12 hours ago

This is my last chance because nobody’s talking to me so let’s pray something good happens.
I don’t even know anymore. This game’s been too crazy to handle. There’s literally like 6 idols floating around, I can’t find anything in the tunnels, and people are being too shady. I would like this to work but with Ozzy acting hostile to Vincent he might end up playing his idol to save himself. I don’t know what’s worse: ending up in Ponderosa after this vote or surviving and having Vincent mad at me. Let’s just hope that all those idols are fake tonight.
This better work. This time Vincent wants to play an idol on me so we can vote Peyton out. If it turns out he’s flipping or lying again I’m sure Ozzy will come after him with a vengeance. This is the last chance. Vincent better be trustworthy or it’s over.
1467 days 12 hours ago

It’s hard. I need to calculate risk/reward because I don’t know what the right play is. Getting someone out at f5 from my alliance means I’m in the top 3 but it gives the Mistica player I saved a chance to win immunity and then just win the game. So it’s super hard to really decide, which risk is greater: risking being the 4th wheel or risking a clutch Mistica Immunity. He isn’t really a help to my game at this point and I feel if I wanna work with someone that Vincent or Crypt are both better options for me as they’re the two that have been the most on my side throughout the game. also Vincent thinks he has an idol but it’s actually the fake idol I placed after I got my idol so he’s saying yeah we can make a move next time and that’s so funny to me
1467 days 11 hours ago

At this point I know I'm on the bottom of the tribe. The Misticas have gone one by one because Vincent flipped to the other side. I know that the only way I can survive this vote is either by pushing for like the third time to get Vincent out or to just go with the majority. I told Ozzy that I wasn't gonna go down without a fight, so I guess the first option is what I'm doing. I can't just go out doing what the majority wants.
1467 days 11 hours ago

tj acts so fake that im going to puke and im ready to go to jury. gustavo made move which i didnt expect cause it never happenned in real survivor and my personal judgement considers it as kind of un-fair move. i saved both of them once and honestly i regret doing that. i feel like those idiots are too stupid to understand the level of the game i was playing and at least tj felt sketched out when i was telling him we could actually send by his choice whoever we want home. so i guess lesson from this group game, where i experimented with playing big from the start until the end is that whoever other players are, you have to adapt to everyone and play the way they are playing. im just so pissed off because i hoped that if tj trusted me 100% i could trust him back but i guess he ruined my game and thats it, it was his choice
1467 days 9 hours ago

so basically Crypt's a goner.. we know TJ has the idol there's NO way Crypt or Vincent has the idol right? And if they do, they would play it on Vincent, no? I'm preparing for final tribal council at this point tbh. Nobody sees me as a threat, so I'm probably gonna stroll into final three. Rubes is a big problem. He's the biggest jury threat. For me to win, he can't be in the final three. A TJ, Peyton, myself final tribal council would be plausible for me to win. Rubes in there is just not due able. Honestly, Rubes might have to go at final 5 because of his challenge wins and his high jury threat.... he might be a bigger problem than Vincent. I know that Vincent and Ozzy both love and respect the fuck out of Rubes, so Rubes has got to go. I would love for it to be a final two with Peyton and I. It would very open and who knows who would win. Love my Messtica slayers, but not all of us can be in final tribal council RIP xoxo gossip girls
1467 days 9 hours ago

Okay, well I just would like to say that I get major crackhead vibes at the final 6. This happened in my last Survivor game where I overthought literally everything and had trouble sleeping the night before, it was a full out massacre LOL
But I think I have positioned myself quite well with this end game. My alliance knows that we will be absolutely obliterated next to either Crypt or Vincent in front of a jury. That leaves my alliance with only four. And obviously Rubes is the most threatening out of the group of us, just because of how phenomenal his social game is and the jury definitely isn't as angry at him, and he has the bonds on that jury. Therefore, I think I'm in a spot where people may recognize that I'm a threat, but am the least threatening out of the threats still in the game, which is honestly the perfect position for me to be in right now.
Plus, Gustavo and TJ have both already approached me today about the end of the game. Perfect!!! I was able to get Gustavo to agree to vote out Rubes at either the final 5 or final 4, dependent on how worried we are that he'll win immunity. And TJ just messaged me saying he heard about the idea and is down for it as well. Perfect!!!
And as I said yesterday, I really feel like this puts me in a good position. Especially since Gustavo and TJ started on the same tribe and have eventually played a similar game. Plus, I don't really know what either of them can argue is their one defining move. Gustavo could say that he played an idol on me, but I was the one who told him where to look and I was also able to make sure he played the idol on me??? So check for me. Plus, being able to survive playing two idols, which essentially placed a massive target on my back, and survive three tribals in a row of getting votes is a good resume builder. Plus, I have insider information that TJ and Gustavo do not know. Who placed the binding tarot?? They don't know the answer to that question. But I do!!!
Anyways, as I have countlessly said, I just worry the jury won't vote for me since I didn't bond with any of them too much, but also, I feel like I've been respectable and courteous to all of them which should hopefully still keep me in the running.
Don't think I have much else to say?? We should hopefully have an easy Crypt vote out this time. Then we will determine between Rubes/Vincent depending on who wins the challenge and how sad we all are to vote out Rubes. Then hopefully I'm in the final 3 and I'll be able to state my case to the jury, which is when my history and journalism double major and my strong argumentative skills will finally come into play!!
Also, watched Dallas Buyers Club last night. 'Twas fine. I think I'm going to watch some Classic Hollywood tonight. Going to start with How to Marry a Millionaire and then maybe Laura after if I had time.
Also that immunity debacle was sadly all myself and not strategic LOL I can confirm that I thought we were supposed to add the number of the combinations together. While I wish it was all apart of my master scheme to take heat off me and look dumb, I was sadly able to do that all on my own.

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