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Final Tribal Council | Malakula

Topic » Final Tribal Council |..

1343 days 12 hours ago
the next tribal threatened me

This is very false i did not threaten anyone. I said i belived i had the votes and said vote how you want because it was clear you wanted to sheep rather then make moves. And i knew noelle was not going to vote pat because she told me that

And just like that Ozzy has lost any chance at my vote


An hour before tribal:
Literally after tribal:

I especially love the “I ain’t gonna be pissy either way”
….proceeds to have a pity party.

This game is all about outwitting, outsmarting, and outplaying. I maybe a newbie but I am certainly not going to let you try and intimidate me. I have dealt with meaner, nastier, and more vicious. I don’t care if you don’t like me, that’s fine but being bitter that someone you saw as weak did better than you makes you look foolish.
1343 days 11 hours ago
Congrats Finalist, even if this final 3 played the least amount of game than anyone on the jury besides Mac you all did great getting here (not really). Enough of bashing this final 3 lets get on the my questions woo hoo yeah!!

I will start with you Ozzy, you already got a vulgar but truthful question from me earlier today, your answer was pretty shit. Maybe you don't want to lie but you've only complimented the two fellow people you stand next to, do you think they are the people who decide if you win or not? Why bash the entire jury today. Patty gave you an excellent question and you turned into stating why all the jurors don't deserve to win. Please explain the reasoning behind that

Ikah, you have my vote tonight. You know that, I think it is phenomenal how you told me everything you were gonna do and who you were doing it with, just for it to go that exact way, I admire that and that's prob one of the only times I felt threatened in this game, I loved it. With that being said, you state this is a process. You feel as if you played a winning game. Strategically you may have, your social game was shit, and I truly believe your jury management game is awful, but the best of the 3. My request for you today Ikah is please state why every individual should vote for you, starting with Syd ending with Conrad. Tell us each individually why we personally should vote for you.

Hufus - Hufus we go back, way back and I told you if your gonna do anything to me please just tell me it to my face. You never did and that broke trust with you that I should've never put in you to begin with, I felt bad for voting you, you guilted me into feeling bad, but I see you never planned on winning this game with me anyways. So why treat it like such a problem that I chose the better game for me and Kellen (that being trying to vote you out) while you had no plan to take me to f3 to begin with. You stated that you joined this game to play for Ozzy, not with but FOR please explain to me why I should ever vote for someone who wants someone else to win this game.

Once again congrats you guys for making it here, Ikah you did a great job carrying two people to the end with you. you played smart and I congrats you for that. I may have questions for you all later until then, I hope you all have a good day <3
1343 days 11 hours ago
This is for all THREE of you. Ill actually vote who does the best.

Name THREE facts about each jury member you learned about them and it CAN NOT BE GAME RELATED. I wanna see which of you 3 actually got to know the people you played with.

And i will ask the jury if what you said about then is correct.

Again GL nad congrats on FTC!!!
1343 days 11 hours ago

An hour before tribal:
Literally after tribal:

NONE of that is a threat. I said what u said based on info i had. But go off.
1343 days 11 hours ago
Congrats to the three of you for making it to the end, I’m gonna be honest here and say that throughout this game, I wasn’t trying my hardest. I was over this game the second I saw the cast but my love for this series kept me going, I tried my hardest to get to know as many people as possible because this is my last game (until Kellen’s Cutthroat ends obvs).

I know where my vote is going and some people think that it’s because I’m bitter and while it may be true, I stand by it and have no regrets.

Ikah, you disappointed me. You took advantage of my feelings and my game fully knowing how bad I wanted to be your friend and how bad I wanted to fix whatever our relationship was before this game. I am moreso mad at myself because I knew better and should’ve stuck to my gut but I guess I learned my lesson.

Hufus, I commend you. I don’t know how you got to the end once again after all of the warnings, these people know how much of a threat you can be at the end of these games. I wish I could find as many friends like the ones that you have on this site but there aren’t many. You have my vote tonight because unfortunately, the other two just aren’t worthy of it.

To Bekir and Brady, thank you for such a great experience throughout my 3 season journey! I had lots of fun and hope that I was both entertaining and a good game player/brought what you wanted and more. I love y’all and once again, thanks for giving me three opportunities to win 😅😭❤️
1343 days 10 hours ago
Name THREE facts about each jury member you learned about them and it CAN NOT BE GAME RELATED. I wanna see which of you 3 actually got to know the people you played with.

And i will ask the jury if what you said about then is correct.


Wow I love this question and I wish I was a little better at it! haha Here's what I got.

1.        Sydney and I were both team Dani at the start of the BB game (though idk if that is true now, I have some opinions about Dani)
2.        She also wanted to Keesha to stay first week
3.        Sydney celebrated her Birthday for 4 days straight at one point? I’m jealous!

1.        Is a legit Survivor fan, not a fake fan like me
-        That’s all I really know! I liked Nathan a lot but we never talked personally, only game

1.        He likes Avatar, THE ANIME SERIES NOT THE MOVIE WTF
-        Another person I only talked game with

1.        Mac was literally hosting S4 of his group game for the first half of this game
2.        He loves Drag Race just as much as me!
3.        Mac is from New Zealand and has a great NZ accent

1.        We talked about doing 23 and Me, she is interested in doing it!
2.        I think she is from Minnesota or has some Minnesota roots
3.        I think her biggest identity is Norwegian and Finnish?

-        We only talked game sadly!

1.        Her cat is named Romeo
-        Only talked game from here

1.        Kellen’s Dad is 50% Japanese, and 50% Jewish, his mom is Caucasian
2.        He’s from Winnipeg
3.        He is morning showerer which is contrast to my night shower behavior

1.        He’s in some sort of online Math class, I don’t know the specific kind
2.        He’s going to the gym and trying to workout a bit more
3.        He’s in college, I don’t know where but he has been busy with it

-        Literally only game talk and like on the last day too. haha
1343 days 10 hours ago

I will start with you Ozzy, you already got a vulgar but truthful question from me earlier today, your answer was pretty shit. Maybe you don't want to lie but you've only complimented the two fellow people you stand next to, do you think they are the people who decide if you win or not? Why bash the entire jury today. Patty gave you an excellent question and you turned into stating why all the jurors don't deserve to win. Please explain the reasoning behind that


The question posed to me by Patrick was to compare the jurors to Survivor players who lost the game before and how their game was similar to the losing game of the Survivor player. Since I don't watch a TON of survivor, I looked at the latter half of the question and focused on why jurors lost the game in my opinion. I was trying to answer the question as best I could AND I DID NOT MEAN TO BASH ANYONE! I am so sorry if the vibe I was giving off with my answer, not my intention at all and I am sorry if anyone felt this way. I was trying to demonstrate my analysis of the game and what I would have done if I were in the specific jurors shoes. Again, so sorry if this came off as an attack, I respect each of you very much!

I also want to emphasize that this was merely my opinion and should not be construed as factual. Everyone has an opinion here and I mean no disrespect when trying to share mine. I'm proud of the game I played but that certainly doesn't mean I played better than any jury member or that I am the best of the best, far from it. This game is a lot of luck and strategy and I tried my best in both categories.
1343 days 10 hours ago

Mac and I didn't get Time to really know eachother well and I know he's pretty smart when it comes to this game because he's a host so like Spencer he has a mind for this game.  I thought he did fairly well for himself after being blindsided by the Josh vote. I think just like Spencer he was able to get back into the game and put himself in a position with connections on both sides. I think him leading the minority on like Spencer in Cambodia was where I could actually get him.

Noelle-> TASHA FOX

I think Tasha is a very knowledgeable player and will speak her mind when she wants to. Noelle did do that this season and was a strong voice. Also Tasha's comp ability I think can be comparable to Noelle just because I really think Noelle was one of the strongest competitors this season and Tasha is a beast.


Mamá Patrick. Carolyn is definitely someone that had so much strategic ability in Worlds Apart where eventually her own allies turned on her. She orchestrated her fair share of blindsides and was not afraid to flip or turn things on anybody. I think Patrick wasn't flipped on the same way Carolyn was because she was more flip floppy but I think they both posed a threat strategically.
1343 days 10 hours ago

Brittany was a good voice in this game for me because she actually had plans that made sense and Amanda is an underrated strategic player. If I was 100% loyal to her then we would've made the end. And like Amanda I think she trusted the people she was working with and they ended up taking the win over her.


I think Ken was a genuinely well liked person on his season, but gameplay overshadowed how great his social game was because everyone that season was so gameplay heavy. You saw Ken at the end trying to make moves but still with how many other players with different agendas it got overshadowed. I think Kellen Can take credit for how things formed initially as he wasn't shy about the Nathan vote. I think Ken was more so shy and I am mostly comparing social games and how Kellen lost this one is similar to how Ken did.


Do not even think about disrespecting the Dragon Slayer. I think the way Coach Wade played on South Pacific is similar to Lake this season. He got a solid group around him and had built himself as such a trustworthy ally such as Coach. Coach also made a lot of the strategic decisions and did a lot of talking that ultimately wouldn't give him the win. I think Lake did do a lot of talking this season and a lot of the strategy but it just happened to benefit me a lot a lot.
1343 days 10 hours ago


I want you to take out your teeth.

No I really just had to think of someone that played a game like yours and what a coincidence it's Dawn and it makes so much sense lmfao. You were loyal to me and I was like John Cochran and you helped me pull off that steal a vote Blindside with Brittany absolutely being  Brenda Lowe. Dawn definitely played a sly but aggressive game that could be appreciated more if it wasn't for
1343 days 10 hours ago
1) Compare each jury member to a real-life losing Survivor finalist explaining why our game was similar to their losing game.



I think Sydney gave off Sugar vibes in this game just because she was funny and easy to warm up but at the same time unfiltered. We didn't have enough time to play together this season with it only being one tribal but we had a good chat and she was easy to warm up to. I feel like Sydney was someone that was going to find herself in a power position similar to Sugar but with me because we hit it off and were added to the group of 6 that voted Nathan the first merge vote. I think If it wasn't for pre-existing rivalries She wouldn't have been the first target. Sugar ended up a easy boot on HvV. Sydney gave off that funny dont give a fuck but will fuck up your game kind of attitude as well.


The reason why mainly say this is because they both have big reputations. I think Nathan as a winner and just if you've played with him before you know he is not ever going to play himself down. Which is similar to Brad's play. On Game Changers though Brad was able to play a solid game premerge, building connections with people and having a lot of sway in tribals. From what I could see and what I heard from people, Nathan definitely played a solid premerge game. Similar to Brad shit fell apart at merge. Brad had to win immunities to stay in the game and I think that would've been the case for Nathan as a winner and where he was in the game.


Lmao do not cancel me for this because Phillip is not an insult to me. The energy that both of these two bring to the game is not always friendly it can be intimidating. X is someone that is always alert just like Phillip. He likes to have control like Phillip and call out things that might threaten him. He doesn't hold back.
1343 days 10 hours ago
2) Tell is in detail about your BEST move, and your WORST move.


My best move would have to be the Steal A Vote. Hufus ultimately decided on us doing a 3-2-2. I'll admit I was very paranoid about doing something that risky when we had the power in our hands. I just had to trust it. But this move was multiple moving parts.

It was acting Like I wasn't close with Hufus and Ozzy for the longest time.

It was Convincing Conrad and Brittany to drop out of the steal a vote

And then of course executing the vote 3-2-2 and revoting Brittany out. I needed Hufus' extra vote the next tribal.

Had I not voted with this group(Lake,Kellen, Brittany) the entire merge and not avoided any connection of Hufus/Ozzy and myself then this move would've been seen coming way before F7 at probably F9 or F8

But I hid those relationships well and the auction threw me a large ass bone to be able to make that play.

Lake winning immunity though made things trickier.
1343 days 10 hours ago

My worst move has gotta be at the second tribal council of this game where I tried voting Conrad with Ethan Cow. Not only did that have the potential to break off a really good connection I had with Conrad, but it resulted in my partner leaving.

We literally could've kept Ethan Cow in the game but Ethan Cow was stubborn and I told him I would side with him ultimately. Brittany lead us on to believe she would do the vote and Ethan Cow trusted her more than anyone. I believed in that trust for him and it was a awful move.

But I think it did open things up for me.
1343 days 10 hours ago
Let me also say Hufus also voted Conrad with us.

He knew that Patrick was voting Brittany supposedly and I just thought that it couldn't be true because

Patrick you were really doing the most telling me that you were voting Ethan Lmfao.

I really was so pissed I couldn't keep up with who was telling the truth.

I was a mess and it clearly showed.
1343 days 10 hours ago
3) Which of your fellow finalists doesn’t deserve to be sitting in the final 3, and who deserves their spot instead?

This is tough obviously but I think the right answer is Hufus just based on a few things. He was super busy and caught up. And I get that he still played a great game and can be credited for Ozzy and I getting here. He did what he needed to do. But he did tend to focus on personal vendettas and admit he was ok not being here if it meant he beat who he wanted to beat and that's alright we all say that Sometimes. But I think Ozzy and I clearly were more in This for the win and to be here over anything else

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