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V&W S7: All Stars Confessionals

Topic » V&W S7: All Stars..

1356 days 20 hours ago
Katherine P. // Katherinee_

Confessional: I was invited in an alliace with chris and mike and we were about to vote tyler, knowibg that kelly and layla wont go on rocks for him. Well, the deal sounds sweet,but at this point i dont want to lie to kelly. I want him to trust me and inform me of things in the future while Chris is useless and Mike tells everything to everyone and cant be trusted. If chris has idol - good,because I am not going to be his target. I cant believe I am voting with Tyler and Kelly. The only 2 people i said i wont trust in the game in the beginning. How things turn..
1356 days 20 hours ago
1356 days 20 hours ago
James R. // J2999

Ok so I was gonna TRY be quiet for a day, but tribe swap so ... nope. Before hand, I spoke to Zay as he was mad about me not telling him the vote was Antonio, and to be fair I like took it from the alternative approach and I totally saw where he was coming from, I just didn't consider it in the moment really. Bad move on my part. But we moved on, we're still chill, so that's all I really wanted to get out of that conversation really.

Chris got voted off which was unfortunate, Mike was in the minority, like that's the best minority two ever. The tribe swap went SOOOOO good. Daniel got SO screwed so I feel bad for him, but overall went well. I hope Daniel makes it out alive, he's in my top few people in this game totally, like he's 100% up there with like Ahmed and Chloe. That's my top 3, as of now anyway. I hope Chloe is fine, her and Ess are together so hopefully they dominate together.

Ahmed C. // FighterMan - Ok Ahmed is like one of my closest mates in the game, obviously very strong at challenges too, so I'm glad to be here with him.
Britt B. // BrittBritt - Queen, another great mate of mine, no doubts over her.
Dao-Ming N. // Jinxh - Initially I wasn't gonna work with Hunter but like on Apollo we DID work together, so I know we're fine.
James R. // J2999
Kelly K.//  Kelly2722 - Well I've not played a game with Kelly since Mozambique, and I know he finds me shady in games, but like we'll see.
Layla J. // LaylaLove - Layla's my ... least-connected person on the tribe. I don't really know her, but like Chloe likes her so I'm fine to work with her ... later in the game, also a fellow winner.
Mike E. // Survivor8 - Mike's a REALLY good social player and someone I deem a decent mate yeah, he wants Layla gone, and I definitely have his back.
Sydney D. // Guigi - Glad I'm with the production plant himself now! He's really had the easiest ride, like he benefited MOST from the original tribes, and does again here, good on you Guigzzzzzzz.
Wes K. // Bluejay7622 - Wes king. Another good mate! I 100% have Wes' back, and he has mine, so smiles.

For me it's the fact I've got THREE people on this tribe on my front page, and Britt is at like the very top of page 2. I've also got Mike on my friends list, so we're literally chilling.

I know Dao and Sydney are close, like Sydney told Dao to work with me in OG tribes. Sydney and Wes are also close, and Dao wants to work with Wes. Ahmed kinda wants Dao out, which we'll see, but like Mike is targeting Layla. Ahmed ALSO told me that Britt is targeting Layla [makes sense, they didn't work together last season], so right now Layla is the likely boot if we lose, but like there's still so much time, that's just the first vibes.

My game for now is gonna consist of going to the 5 people I'm mates with and being like "yoooo! so glad we're together! I got your back" which like isn't a lie and it's stuff I can say with room to spare, then I'm also gonna talk to the others.

Unsure if any idols have been found, and if yes who by, but I know I feel set at least. The only thing that would screw me over this swap, unless I'm literally dense as hell and all my mates want me gone, is getting idoled out. I'm also hoping that like Chloe, Daniel and Ess are fine. Like Chloe/Daniel because I've got full loyalty, and Ess was my closest ally on Apollo 100% so I hope to get the chance to play with them all [again]!

Enjoy a gif of the literal two best Australian Survivor players [except perhaps Miss Shonee Fairfax] to reflect the mood of this swap and all right now.

TL;DR - this swap really went pretty damn amazing. Good week.
1356 days 18 hours ago
Yoshi S. // myiel

Confessional 4: so we have tribe swap and Already my name is thrown out there and in public in front of everyone. This is what I mean I’m always on the outs always at the bottom of group games. And it just fuels my fire to keep going so let’s see how this plays out and also I have Ben on my tribe who was 100% against me last time we played so this shut be fun lol
1356 days 18 hours ago
Jake B. // Lemjam6

I'm counting my blessings because I just got another good tribe. I really could not have asked for a better tribe, aside from Jacob, I have all of my closest allies on my tribe. Zay/Kelly were my two closest friends coming in. Daniel and I have really gotten along and been on the same page. Yoshi and I have really gotten along and been on the same page. Ari and I got along very well on my original season. The only person who I don't like is Zach and that makes him an easy vote for me when we lose. I don't want to lose too many because I really think think the other 5 are people who I can work with long-term. Unfortunately, pussy boy Ahmed got handed a power in a BS way by the hosts or else I would have worked hard to make sure he didn't survive this swap. I work hard, but the hosts work harder. I think it's pretty BS to be saved in that way and he should feel really lucky.

But in all seriousness, I am feeling really good about my spot right now on this tribe. Other than the possibility of Zach having an idol (which I doubt), I definitely see myself making it through to the next phase of the game. Clearly I have been a good boy this year and I have made it on the Nice List because I'm getting so many gifts.
1356 days 4 hours ago
Kelly K. // Kelly2722

I see that Stoner gets voted out and I’m overjoyed. He fucked me over in my season and it was really nice to see him get the boot. I don’t like Tyler at all but I do stan him for taking out that douchebag. I’m also really happy with how the swap turned out because I have a lot of friends on my tribe. I’m really close with Britt and Sydney, I’m good with Wes and Ahmed, I’ve had good conversations with Dao-Ming in the past. James did fuck me over really bad season 1 but we are somewhat of friends so I do see myself working with him at least for right now if I need to, but I definitely haven’t forgotten about what he did to me season 1, so if the opportunity presents itself, I wouldn’t mind giving him a taste of his own medicine.
1356 days 4 hours ago
Ahmed C. // FighterMan

Confessional: Well talk about painting a target on my damn face using that advantage. I was literally attacked by most the cast but I didn't really care lmao. Mr.Will is prob more phased than me. Anyway, I'm really sad that swap happened so soon because I was in such a good spot on my old tribe.

The new Ceres tribe is high key one of the most disgusting tribes I have ever seen. to exist. Like Allah really was on my side when I got off that tribe. I'm in tears really. My new mars tribe is hella bless right now. I feel like i'm middle road on this tribe which is not good in a merge scenario. But given swaps are bound to happen again I am in a good spot to survive this tribe swap. Britt and Mike are in my secret squad so I know they will never vote me. I am tight with Wes and Jame. My goal is to get out Dao whatever and Layla first chance I get if we do lose. That Jinxh kid is so fucking annoying, like bitch thinking he can say I'm the first vote. Please bitch I will make sure you go first.

Right now I am trying to build my bond with Ess because I really do want to work with her but it's like how will she ever trust me given I fucked her over TWO times in less than 4 months. It will be a tough thing to accomplish but we will see.

Break down of TRUST, EH, EW :

TRUST/WANT TO WORK WITH: Daniel, Kelly O, Andrew, Chloe, Ess, Jayson, Britt, James, Wes

EH: Ari, Princessa, Jake, Delete, Tyler, Kelly K, Mike

EW: Jake, Myiel, Zay, Jinzh, Layla, Guigi
1356 days 4 hours ago
Ahmed C. // FighterMan

Idol Confessional: I've never been so bitter at searching so long and not finding an idol. James found that shit within 10 mins WTF. Anyway, I love being the one with idols but given james is a close ally I am happy he has it at least. Given my spot in this game I will need as much weapons going foward as possible. This time around I really need to focus on my social aspect and just getting to know people. I cant be on the front seat too soon like I usually love to be because many people here know my typical style of play. Someone told me yesterday that random outsiders have been telling people here not to trust me and i'm shady. Like my impact is that powerful LMFAO.
Today I plan to search black levels to find daniel idol because my guess is his is hidden there. Watch me be boo boo the fool and there not be an idol there. Whoops.
1356 days 2 hours ago
Ahmed C. // FighterMan

Friendship tie confessional: I did some digging yesterday to see the web of obvious friendships to understand this cast more.

Ari, Kath [+ess +james]

Daniel, James, Chloe [+ Ess]

Jake, Ben, Myiel, Zay

Tyler, Delete, Zay, Britt, Andrew [+ Ess]

Sydney =. Friends with Jayson, Dao, Andrew, Chloe, wes, James, kelly2722, ess, Layla

PREGAME ALLIANCE : Sydney, Chloe, Ess, Kelly

Andrew friends with ALOT [Need to watch out for him, jaesus comment before leaving made me aware of his social ties]

Mike, Britt, Zach [Based on Team Twist]

Jake J friends with Andrew

Zach [??]

Mike [??]
Layla [??]
Tyler, Delete, Zay, Britt [+ Ess]
1356 days 1 hour ago
Zach P. // PrincessaPeach

Confessional: so I’m stuck on a tribe with annoying ass complainers Kelly and jake who legit don’t shut the fuck up ever. I almost want us to lose because I think I can get one of them out but also I don’t know if I have the votes because I need yoshi. Honestly I could see myself being booted soon which is clearly not good so I need to start making some big moves
1355 days 20 hours ago
Yoshi S. // myiel

Confessional #5: so we lost and I’m worried because my name was thrown out before we even finished the challenge. And Daniel and jake were saying how they don’t like princess but now that we have to vote their like who do we vote? Like mmm it shud be clear for you guys since u were talking about your dislike for princess.

I just feel like something sketchy is going on and I feel vulnerable

#Confessional but their from my original tribe and the only way I might have a shot at this game is if I show my loyalty, so I’m giving 100% loyalty to Daniel and jake
1355 days 19 hours ago
Daniel A. // Natepresnell

My confessional today is that I honestly cannot tell you how I feel about where I am on this tribe. I’m fully aware that what happens today is completely dependent on what Jake decides because he is essentially friends with the entire tribe. However, he is one of the few people that reached out pregame to ask if I was playing and I’ve stated to him that I want to play with him (which is true) and I hope that he also wants to play with me. He’s a smart player and I know he’ll go against the players that I want to go against down the line so it truly would be stupid to vote me out. Because he’s friends with everybody, today is more about just making it through the tribal versus trying to make a move. If I had it my way, I would take out Zay just cause he has connections to all of Tyler, Ahmed and Jake and that’s going to be a problem down the line. I do think I’ll have to end up voting for Zach which kinda sucks because I think he’s one of the more hated and less connected players and those are people I like working with. I haven’t really talked to Ari or Zay that much but at this point I trust that Ben, Jake and Yoshi wouldn’t vote me out so early on in the game.
1355 days 4 hours ago
Mike E. // Survivor8

So far I’ve talked to everyone besides kelly & wes. James is the only person I sort of have a friendship with outside of this game, but he knows I’m the best game player alive so that could be something. I think we’d be fine early on though at least. Guigi is cool enough I guess, but James mentioned that she is pals with Dao-Ming & Wes and added we could probably all team up (meh). I mean I just have to be safe so whatever. Dao-Ming and I had the worst conversation of my life and I don’t care to do that again. I like Britt so far and she’s also in my squad. I just constantly shit on her fiancé that I’ve never played a game with so THAT might be the wrong move but who cares.

Fuck Layla. I just wish she was better at the game and thats all. Like I’m not mad she didnt vote how she said, I’m mad that she’s a terrible liar. I knew Tyler wasn’t going home because her, Kelly, Tyler just kept silent, same with Kat but I realized with her a little too late.
1355 days 4 hours ago
Mike E. // Survivor8

Okay then thank christ Ahmed got used his power to swap and landed right into my arms. Very doubtful I can trust him forever, but I think he’ll be the most helpful to me on this tribe. Also he’s part of my squad as well. I’m assuming squads are helpful at some point.

What else happened. I told Daniel, Ess & Jake :o what I believe to be their idol clues. Jake said he’s not mad at me now, but I think we’ll both be wary of each other either way. I’m not letting people know any of that even happened. People thinking I’m anti Jake is a good thing
1355 days 4 hours ago
Dao-Ming N. // Jinxh

I’m happy that I’m on a strong team because it means I’m unlikely to visit tribal until another swap

I think I’m in a decent position and even if i lose i should be safe becausd o have connections with multiple members of the tribe

I just have to make sure I’m not expendable

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