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Survivor All Stars Confessionals

Topic » Survivor All Stars..

2610 days 11 hours ago
David M. (DavidM7):

So not much is going on as far as I'm aware and tbh in that scares me. I know we aren't at tribal yet but this is all-stars, there's no way people aren't scheming and planning already.

So with that in mind I "mended" the bonds with justin as much as I could and I am creating a tribe chat for us on Skype (need your Skypes if you guys want added) and I'm gonna try to step up my social game just a bit more cause I can tell Chris is doing a fantastic job of staying on top of things and he seems like hell be running things pre-merge which I like but I have to make sure I'm not only good with him but with everyone else as well so if I do let him take the reigns I'm not caught on the wrong side of things.

I plan on keeping the legacy advantage to myself because it's not even that amazing of an advantage unless I make final 6 or am at final 13 (or whenever merge is) and for some reason find a way to correctly use it. Also I'll be going on a massive Idol hunt the second I get a clue. I've already searched about the top 100 users and found nothing and decided it's not worth going on til I have some form of idea where to look.

(sending cast assessment in separate confessional instead of making this one long one)
2610 days 11 hours ago
David M. (DavidM7):

Cast assessment

Big threat but also showed some interest in working with me and I'm more than willing to work with threats if it can further my game. I just have to be careful to spot when she's coming for me so I can save myself.

We talked some and I can tell he's already a game bot (much like myself) which is scary as fuck because either know hell be thinking of ways to take out threats and if he sees me as a threat that's bad news. So I need to make sure I have better bonds than him to the point where he doesn't have the option to flip on me.

As I previously said we've had very bad past and in every game but one, one of our has taken out the other. Now we both agreed to put that behind us but we both also know we can't do that so I don't trust him one bit and the second I even suspect he is plotting something hell be dead to me. Sadly I can't go after him because either A) it doesn't work and I leave or B) it works and I have a huge target on me. So yeah not about to go after him.

Easily the biggest threat in our tribe but if I can get in good with him, then he could be the solid spot that I said I needed to make merge/swap. He's very social and great at comps the thing that scares me is I don't know his history so I'm not sure weather or not he's a loyal player so I'll be putting blind faith in him if I go with him.

I legitimately can't get a read on her but I'll definitely try to get her as a friend because she seems cool enough.

He is a loyal player when he has to be but also very dangerous when he can be so it's a risk going along with him but it's one I'm willing to take because if you get with him I feel like he won't turn on you. I just gotta figure out how to do that lol

He's barely talked to me this game but we've played once before I think but we never talked there either so hell be interesting to finally try to work with
2610 days 11 hours ago
David M. (DavidM7):

I'm now the only winner in the game. That helps and hurts me

-I probably won't have a winner target on me for awhile because I'm only one winner
-don't have to worry about trying to work with the other winner for the sole fact of us being winners

-later on in the game my winner status will definitely hinder my game
-now I don't have another winner to protect me

But really it may not affect my game if I can keep everyone's minds off the fact. There's some people here who I really want to work with on the other tribes and if we can get together we could do some damage but I gotta get there first. Personally I'm not gonna worry too much about winner status or whatever because I'm here to play a different game that will be way more relationship based rather than just going where I feel like in the moment like my last game
2610 days 9 hours ago
Chris D. (Gaiaphagee):

fuck you guys and your idols

so the idol clue was hidden in dark green to brown

actual idol is hidden purple to silver

at least for zeds tribe. ive searched hella dark green to brown levels and found jack shit. so im gonna take a change and only search black-blood now.

im ignoring tv stars. theres tv star lists everywhere so i only assume it wont be hidden there as its too easy to find tv stars. you just go down the list and boom find it

same with blood and sky as fredcrugar and others keep lists of all blood/sky levels too but i dont think as many ppl know about like whereas everyone knows about tv star lists (or maybe just me and ppl r dumb idk)

so yea fuck ur idols

also i have julian/qaz/zed filling me in on everything on their tribes so thats pretty dope

qaz is in trouble soon. hoping he finds the idol so he can idol someone out. snick is going tonight which gives him more time. i dont wanna throw a comp but if i have to, to get qaz to a swap, then it might be the option to go. my only concern is luscious as i still am not fully comfortable with her
2609 days 16 hours ago
Brian W. (justdontevictme):

So we won so not much happened but I'm still trying to develop my relationship with rich and get him myself Logan and deeanna together so that makes me the swing vote. right now I look like I'm in the middle right where I want to be but if we were to go to tribal I'm sure things might get screwy and change but I'm going try my hardest to make sure that they don't change.

I don't think they realize it but bob brad and Kara are making me feel on the bottom of that alliance and Kara is just like next vote has to be deeanna. I'm like your dictating the vote for personal reasons so I'm leaning on not working with them anymore. Logan rich and deeanna seem easily controlled and I'm going be the one secretly controlling them but I can't just say who I want out I don't wanna be a dictator so I got to ask everyone's opinion but this way when I do say someone I really want out later they will listen and take that person out.

Lastly redemption island isn't really a factor for me cause I don't see anyone that goes to redemption winning that being said I don't want someone I took out to come back and slander my name. But it doesn't matter to me cause I don't plan on going.
2609 days 16 hours ago
----- NICK S. SENT TO RI -----
2609 days 14 hours ago
Andrea O. (IceIceBaby):

I am still winning.
2609 days 14 hours ago
Christian B. (Christian_):

0 min agoLogan_Smith
What can I do?

idk try reading instructions
and posting in the tribe that is currently having like 1 or 2 people help's forum?
hmm does that sound like a good idea logan?
2609 days 14 hours ago
Christian B. (Christian_):

honestly im ready for queendrea to throw this challenge like there's no tomorrow

the water tribe is going to be so happy like OMGZ WE DID IT!
2609 days 14 hours ago
Christian B. (Christian_):

0 min agoLogan_Smith
BRAD BRAD BRAD is the undergrad who is rad and will make this not go bad!

the pure happiness from this kid makes me want him to go premerge so i dont have to fake happiness with him when y'all inevitably swap me onto his tribe
2609 days 14 hours ago
Christian B. (Christian_):

Karma: 607
Played: 222 times
Last Activity: 14 min ago

Honestly when will your faves ever.
2609 days 14 hours ago
LeQuisha Q. (LusciousLips5):

I had a funny feeling giving the puzzle to Andrea. I had a gut feeling I don't know why that she may throw it I hope I'm wrong??
2609 days 14 hours ago
Maddie F. (omggiraffe):

Okay, so I was getting nervous about the vote. Nobody was talking to me too much about it. Erik told me the vote was Nick, so I went with it and nothing much else was said. Sent in my vote, and goodbye. We have to pull through in this challenge tonight. I am already on the bottom of my tribe, there's no way in hell that I am risking being the puzzle solver that fucks it up. Just kidding, maybe if I won it I'd get in their good graces. But... it's just too risky. All I know is that Will, Qaz, and I are the only ones that showed up. Qaz left, how fucking useless right? LMAO. But, Will is killing it! I want to work with him. Him, Erik, Kelly, & myself are my dream group. If the 4 of us work together the whole time we're on this tribe. I honest to God keep forgetting about redemption island.

UGH. If you can't tell I like to complain. Usually my complaining is about nothing. Literal nothing. Like I could complain about the color of the sky. Tonight I am going to try to work my Maddie Magic and try to make some more bonds. Right now all I have are Kelly (somewhat) and Erik. I'm gonna start by going to Will. I have talked to Qaz a bit, but really there's nothing there yet.

I'm gonna get my footing, now or later, but if it's too late you're good as gone.
2609 days 14 hours ago
LeQuisha Q. (LusciousLips5):

Back to my previous confessional I still feel something wasnup with her? If wasn't her break at work and taking FOREVER with the puzzle and then she sent the wrong screenshot??? How many mistakes can one make!

I mean I could be totally going over the top here but you know when your gut is saying something as soon as she elected herself for the puzzle I just felt this sensation of she's gonna try and throw it! The thing is I'm cool with that and she deffo wouldn't be on the chopping block id keep her around but if you are gonna try a move like that include your allies don't leave them unknown
2609 days 13 hours ago
Logan S. (Logan_Smith):

Well that sucked, like really sucked. :(

Brad is pretty angry with our tribe, so I don't know how much it means that me and Deeanna came in clutch at the last few minutes, but I don't think it matters much for the vote.

The three names, as of last time, were Bob, Kara, and Deeanna because Deeanna does not like Kara and Kara does not like Deeanna and Bob is Brian's target. BUT there is really no way to know who is thinking what now as we approach tonight's vote. My hope is to vote out Bob because I have decent relationships with Deeanna and Kara, both of which connect me to possible allies with Brian and Brad respectively.

I also need to patch things up with Rich and hope he wants to continue to work with me.

Gahahh I just don't know. I hope people aren't thinking of voting me out! =-(

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