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Survivor All Stars Confessionals

Topic » Survivor All Stars..

2602 days 17 hours ago
Chris D. (Gaiaphagee):

remember when praknasty and david said i was gonna tear the team down at the mini challenge

yet my alliance of 5 are the only ones who showed up

Karma: 86
Played: 36 times
Last Activity: 4 hours ago

Karma: 17
Played: 4 times
Last Activity: 1 hour ago

lol come @ me again boys. your days are numbered
2602 days 17 hours ago
Logan S. (Logan_Smith):

Today we lost the challenge and it kind of sucks. It was probably going to come sooner or later though.

Tonight I have to show my chops. I may get to decide if one of the people from my season goes or other people go. :) Brien told me Bob wanted me to flip, but when I softly bring up the proposal, he is very cautious to tell me. He probably doesn't know where I stand!

I just hope the first vote doesn't somehow flip on its head and people try to target and blindside me...again!

I've been looking for the idol a lot. Scrolling through users' blogs from dusk until dawn it feels like and my eyes gave birth to bags and there is still no idol to be found! I really would like to find the idol or another person's idol to build trust. :) Maybe they have already been found though... O.e
2602 days 17 hours ago
Rich M. (Zed55):

I'm back motherfuckers! I am so excited to get this game started. The cast is filled with ppl that I could work with. Which I love! Something I don't love. Four people from Taiwan on my tribe. while Logan and Hufus seemed eager to work together, Deanna did not. I love Redemption Island in play this season. As someone who won lots of challenges last season, I can use it as a weapon so ppl don't vote me out/actually use if I do go.

Going into this vote, I'd love to target Deanna but my closest ally (Hufus) I know won't do it. Right now everyone is beating around the bush because there is no clear target rn. Oh boy its all-stars!
2602 days 16 hours ago
Maddie F. (omggiraffe):

My tribe won! I wasn't there, but I am taking full credit for it. Really not much has gone down, and that's the way I like it early on. Smooth sailing. But it's never that easy and something will go awry, and probably sooner than we expect.

So I talked to Nick S! Talking to him is like talking to a damn brick wall, "so what do you want?", "why do you want to talk to me?". Like damn bitch just talk to me! I ain't here to talk to you for fun, I'm only trying to further my game. I've talked to Kelly a little, and Erik a little. Other than that nothing else. It's been a quiet day for Maddie.

Now let's try to maintain the quiet as long as possible.
2602 days 16 hours ago
Logan S. (Logan_Smith):

So much happens in so little time...

As I was continuously draining my life force searching for the idol, I came across an idol clue for ANOTHER tribe. ;__; BUT not all is lost in finding that. It gave me the power to grow closer with someone else, so I pointed Patrick in the direction of the idol clue in case we meet up so I can have a good ally.

Hufus gave me what sounds like a heartfelt message but is kind of B.S. because he's shitting his pants currently. I don't know who he thinks he has (maybe me and Brien) BUT he might be in for a whirlwind storm soon!

I want Hufus out. Period. He won, he royally backstabbed me, and I do not think he would win through all of the Redemption Island duels. He's got to go!

Bob wants Deeanna out but has not told me yet...Brien wants Bob out eventually. I can use this situation to my advantage. Tell Kara she is being targeted & tell Deeanna she is being targeted. Flip the vote to Hufus, scoop up the other votes, and take out Bob next. Then we've got relationships brewing, big threats out, and a whole lot of tea to sip!
2602 days 16 hours ago
Brad P. (Nostalgic):

Paranoid as fuuuuuuuck. I don't know whether to jump left or right or whatever. I think our non-Taiwan four is solid, and Logan would probably be a good fifth. I'm just not sure if people are lying and targeting me or whatever. I won't know until the votes are in, and I don't like that as a concept tbh.
2602 days 16 hours ago
Kara K. (k4r4k):

I refuse to use my idol day 1 like wtf

Hufus rich and deeanna are going to vote for me. Brad, bob, Brian and myself are deciding whether to vote for Hufus or deeanna. I really don't care which of them goes. They both are dangerous and fake.

Logan seems nice but I've never met him until now. He wants Hufus out. I'm not sure who to really trust but I like my alliance of brad, bob and Brian. And I like talking with Logan

I better not be voted out

Also MY FIRST IDOL EVERRRR!!! So exciting ^_^ Erik actually pointed out the blog to me and said he didn't want the idol falling into anyone else's hands on my tribe. So THANK YOU ERIK!
2602 days 15 hours ago
Logan S. (Logan_Smith):

I didn't know I could stress sweat so much in my entire life. I could fill a gallon jug with the amount of sweat I just sweated from stress.

TOO much happened. I talked to Bob, Kara, Brad, Brian, Deeanna, and Hufus (lol sorry Rich). Bob said their said wanted Deeanna out. I planted the seed and suggested Hufus. Kara said the same, but I kept using what Hufus was doing and saying to me and feeding it to her so she'd get pissed and want to vote for Hufus. Brad said he'd do whatever I wanted, but really it is whatever Bob wants. Brian told me their dynamic and the truth about it, so I did what I had to in order to truthfully change the vote and not make me look stupid for voting for Hufus. I deliberated with Deeanna and tried to get her to target Hufus in order to keep herself safe, but now that's dissolved since Bob's side is voting out Hufus.

Hufus is lying to me. He said Kara told him I was targeting him. I am targeting him BUT she didn't tell him and she showed me proof, so he is lying his ASS off. On top of that--get this--he throws Deeanna under the bus by first telling me he'd vote for her in a 4-4 revote THEN saying it was her idea to target Kara because of their previous issues. What nerve Hufus, what nerve. And Deeanna STILL wants to work with him. Really?!?

I believe I have created all of the chaos for it to work in my favor! I'm not sure how many people genuinely think I am with them versus thinking I am fake but I am doing a pretty good job so far. :DDD
2602 days 14 hours ago
Hufus D. (Hufus):

Well, well.... Back-to-back seasons, here I am!

It's good to be here, but I'm not quite sure about my chances. I mean, there's a big spotlight saying "*Congratulations to Hufus D. (Hufus) on winning Survivor: Taiwan!" and people will constantly remind about that. xD

But that's okay. I'm gonna give 'em hell as long as I can. GOOD thing we still have redemption, so if they vote me out, I'm still gonna do my best to come back and kick their asses!

Anyway. First day and things are already INSANE. I know Bob for a long time and I honestly LOVE him, but so far he's not playing with me. I was hoping that he'd be my ride-or-die in here, but with Brad and Nasty I don't think that's possible for now. Also I found out that he was the one that threw Deeanna's name out there and he's been pretending the whole time... He thinks that the Taiwan 4 are working together and I feel like he's about to see that he couldn't be more wrong (screw you, logan xx). I also know he's lying and trying to pin us against each other and yeah, I'm acting like I'm falling for everything he's saying, but I bet it's working with the others.

I'm usually an UTR player in the beginning, I don't like to bring people's names up so I don't paint a target on my back. But this time I had to make an exception... Like for real. I know for a fact that I can't probably trust or really work with most of the players here... Julian, Qaz, Kelly, Erik, Patrick, Christian... Some of them are tight and it seems like a close clique as I've mentioned before. I was SO DOWN with voting for Kara and I decided to play agressively and threw her name out there, cause she's part of their group and it'd be one less man in their army... But people are fucking dumb *cough cough* and they're going to let them dominate this whole game, I'm pretty sure!! Also we've got some beef, in another game I voted her out. My vote wouldn't have mattered, she was the first one out bc she was inactive in the first challenge, but still she was super bitter towards me and I'm pretty sure she remembers it and hates me for that. lmao

Now it seems like I'm fucked up and I'm about to go from hero to zero... I was trying to talk to Kara and suddenly she called me out on trying to get people to vote her out, which was true, but I denied everything. Somebody threw me UTB lmao Then I've heard there's a skype chat with Brad, Bob and Kara and they're trying to flip Logan and Brian, and it's most likely going to happen cause Logan is B-I-T-T-E-R and it's not thinking straight, and he's full of bs with his ":(", ":D", and "we gotta stick together", "tonight is so scary" HOLD THE PHONE, stop lying, grow some balls and suck it up. I mean, are you willing to screw your whole game bc of that? This is honestly so dumb... I'm pretty pissed.

I was trying to make the Underdog Squad happen, but it imploded... Now I'm in danger and I'm basically preparing myself for RI. Buckle up, kids! It's going to be a bumpy ride.

PS1: Playing hard too early and possibly being the first person voted out of this game just like Ciera? Yes, sir.
2602 days 13 hours ago
Qaz W. (Qazwdxedc):

This honestly isn't fair. I'm getting ignored, the only person who can keep up a conversation is Patrick and he's not even talking game at this point. Julian and Erik ignore me, Nick can't keep a conversation, Maddie is probably just gonna do whatever Erik says, Kelly seems like a bitch and whoever else there is is irrelevant as fuck. I need a swap soon, I'm clearly the first one to go. I haven't been able to send a detailed confess since I've had to write some essays. For now my plan is to lay low and not create waves since I'm not in a good position.
2602 days 3 hours ago
Brian W. (justdontevictme):

I know it's only the first tribal but I'm playing a stellar game so far everyone likes me I'm in the middle of 2 alliances and I'm going be one of the people to decide who goes home I got power this season and I'm going kick ass and take names.

I'm in a alliance with bob Kara and brad and right away I know they don't ask my input they are dictators and Castro=bob
And on the other hand it took a lot of work but I got hufus and rich to vote Kara and they like me and ask my input and I also have my strongest alliance of deeanna and Logan. That alliance will decide who goes but I need to make this choice wisely it's a choice between the smart choice and what I personally want. I haven't made my decision yet but whoever I vote will go home.

I know if I vote Kara that brad and bob who are close will know I flipped and be after me hard but if I vote hufus rich won't be mad since we didn't really talk the vote. Then maybe if I vote hufus I can get Logan and deeanna to go with rich and then I'm the only swing vote once there are 11 people left. It's good to be swing because everyone is vying for your vote and they won't vote you.

So voting Kara is what I want
But voting hufus is the smart choice so what to do I don't know yet I'll decide later I have time.

Ps I didn't even realize nick was in this season so 3 people from Hong Kong I thought it was only me and Christian.
2602 days 3 hours ago
Patrick R. (GrrrImABear):

Well, here I am again. Back on this beach, and I’m ready to play. Last time I played this game, I made several good moves, but a few mistakes and a lack of visibility to the jurors really let me down in the final two. As one of the few finalists here, I have no doubt that I’ll be a target for some quite early on.

        Being labeled as a “villain” in my last season definitely leaves a sour taste in my mouth; while I’m not saying that I didn’t do villainous things, I don’t believe they were done with sour intentions (I believe that Barry in the finale of Uraguay labeled me more as an “anti-hero” which I believe is a more suitable title). Of course, it also hurts me and my image to people who may not have been here at the time of my season and just see me as a villain who made it to the end.

        Jumping into this season, I definitely need to lay low in the beginning. If anyone were to point out anything from my season that might label me as a villain, it’d be quite simple to mention the fact that I had thrown a tribe challenge just to get out a main target of mine. So, I need to be the opposite of that and be kind, appear kind of ditzy to my tribemates, and work my tail off in whatever challenges I can help out in.

Quick opening cast assessment (based on pregame through the first Tribal Council)

David M. – I’ve never spoken with David, however, me and him (as well as some others) do have a Frat connection, which is sometimes all you need - something very little to have an excuse to start talking and to begin building a bond.

Chris D. – Chris was from my first season, and just like that season, is one of the biggest targets for me. He’s very smart and plays an extremely cerebral game, however, his chill and laid-back attitude allows him to come across as if he isn’t even trying, which makes him dangerous. He took the direct advantage in the opening challenge, which I hope will definitely hurt him, more than help him in this game.

Christian B. – I don’t know Christian very well, but he seems to know some other players quite well. Given the chance, I would like to see him go soon, simply because he seems to play quite similar to myself in the sense that he likes to use his relationships to get people to do what he likes. He has a lot of ties in and outside of this series that make him an extremely dangerous player.

Nick M. – Nick, in our original season, wasn’t too strong of a player, and if I’m being honest, I’m kind of surprised to see him back. He was loyal and a key swing vote at one point. Me and Nick bonded well, and seem to really get along. We’ve chatted a couple of times since our season, and I think we could work well together, come a merge or tribe swap. One of my concerns though is that he might still be a little bitter about me voting him out in our game, and might want to get his revenge.

Kara K. – I love Kara to death! We go so far back, and I was quite shocked when I saw that we might get this chance to play together. Above anyone else in this cast, I do believe that I can trust her the most from the start, and if we have the opportunity to merge together, I believe that we can do some serious damage. I do believe that she might be my “Dylan” of this season, however, I know that she may not be as willing as Dylan was to just bend to my whim, which might make this a little more difficult. I know that she has an idol now, which is fantastic news to me, and I just hope that she uses it to keep herself here, at least for now.
2602 days 3 hours ago
Patrick R. (GrrrImABear):

Logan S. – I don’t know Logan very well, at least, I didn’t until today. Me and him began talking, and within fifteen minutes of me introducing myself to him, he began gushing about how much he trusts me and how much he wants to works with me, and instantly surrendered unto me the location of the clue for the Fuego idol. While I was definitely alright with this, it had me wondering if either A) He is too trusting or B) He makes decisions quite hastily. I really like Logan and I think we could be really good friends. If we manage to come together at some point, I think we could work different relationships quite well.

Erik N. – Not quite sure what his plan is supposed to be in this game. This kid has a ton of friends and relationships not only within our tribe, but outside of it as well. I know that he had found the Agua idol clue location and passed it on to Kara, which while it is good for me as an individual, due to my relationship with Kara, it’s not a good decision for the tribe, as we’re simply empowering their own tribe. I really do not want him around in this game, however, I can’t push for him yet, not while he still has people that might be willing to follow him around aimlessly.

Kelly S. – Me and Kelly haven’t talked quite yet, but from what I’ve gathered in our Tribe group chat, she seems to be quite negative, and just rubs me the wrong way. I’d love to get to talk to her, but it doesn’t seem like it would work out well for me.

Julian E. – Julian and I have talked briefly, but more conversation is definitely to come. I have a great respect for Julian, and I think we could work together well if we were both willing to try. However, I think that I would get too paranoid working with him to make it to the end with him. I have plans to talk to him to try and help solidify some deals. He could be bitter about the last time we played, however, I think he’s grown up past that. He’s not a child, so I think he might be willing to set that aside if he knew that it would be what’s best for his game.

Will I. – Will and I worked extremely well together in our first game. He was the one from the other tribe that I felt close enough with to share the coordinates of the challenge I threw, and we had a good social bond right at the merge. However shortly thereafter, he went on vacation for the next several days and we just lost touch. However, he is ready to jump back into where we left off. He’s already suggested that I talk to Julian to see about the potential in forming an alliance of Julian/Will/myself. I won’t be quite as direct, but I’ll see what I can do. Will is great for our tribe in challenges, and I think could be a decent ally moving forward.

Qaz w. – I don’t know Qaz all too well, but we’ve talked a bit and he seems to like me, which is good news to me. He’s shared with me some potential relationships that could exist within the game, and he also told me that he trusted me, verbatim. If I keep the lines of communication open, he might be down for a few deals later.

Everyone else, I don’t have a strong opinion of quite yet, but there’s time.

I definitely don’t feel that luck was on my side in the selection of these tribes. However, by utilizing some of my same social maneuverings as before, I seem to be in a decent place at the start. In the opening mini-challenge, I did extremely well collecting a lot of supplies for my tribe, to show from the start that I can be an asset to the tribe. In the first immunity challenge, I did the same, really pushing myself, even if the result was nearly non-existent.

I’m currently in the process of trying to obtain a hidden immunity idol thanks to the clue handed to me by Logan. If this works out, I’ll definitely feel much safer, because if I believe myself to be in any danger, I’ll have at least one guaranteed round of safety.
2602 days 2 hours ago
Patrick R. (GrrrImABear):

Overall, I’m quite concerned as it seems like an extremely difficult road to merge, but right now I’m doing all of the right things and building bonds like bridges, and just hoping that the early connections that I am building now can get me to the merge, and eventually, the win.


Side bar: Sorry about all of the mails tonight, never realized that there was a character limit on mails
2602 days 2 hours ago
Kelly S. (Kelly0412):

so when I accepted your offer to be on all stars, I was like sure whatever, the vast majority of the group game community either thinks im:
A: a Bitch
B: a Threat
C: a Joke

I was expecting to have to do work but when the tribes were revealed it was a tribe from GOD
im friends with Erik/Will/Julian and Maddie and I were a final 2 on our season so im good 5 person majority. im going nowhere pre swap
sucks to suck fatties!

anyways thats pretty much it. ive been kinda boring tbh

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