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Survivor All Stars Confessionals

Topic » Survivor All Stars..

2610 days 22 hours ago
Brad P. (Nostalgic):

me @ this drama, hopefully it'll take the target off my back for a while at least
2610 days 22 hours ago
Brian W. (justdontevictme):

I'm finally ready to vote and I got Logan and Deanna to vote hufus so now 6 votes hufus and 2 Kara that should be the votes if it all goes to plan but maybe not I'm just thinking now as writing this to maybe throw my vote toward bob just to get him scared and paranoid and cause drama I'm not sure if I'm going do that

*walks up to the urn and paper*
*picks up pen and writes down a name*
*picks up the pAper and reveals hufus*
Welcome to all stars it feels good to be back
*folds up the paper*
*puts paper in urn*
*walks back to seat*

I vote hufus
2610 days 22 hours ago
Bob P. (islandsurvivor):

So we lost the first immunity challenge which sucks but what can you do? Ive tried to make alliances with pretty much everyone. I started a 4 person alliance of me Brad Brian and Kara. We are pretty much allied cause we are scared of the other 4 being alligned from being on last season. Then i have a really close alliance with Hufus as we were friends befote this game started. I also have talked to Logan and Zed. So the only person im not aligned with is Deanna. So naturally i would want Deanna out. It was going fine until. Logan who we need for the 5th vote to get majority said he wanted to do Hufus. So now since we need his vote it has changed to Hufus. I really dont want to do Hufus since except for maybe Brad i trust him the most out of everyone on my tribe. But he is a winner and is always gonna be seen as a threat. Im trying my best to save him but its not really working. So unless something changes i have to do this i vote

2610 days 18 hours ago
Kara K. (k4r4k):

I am so sorry for feeding into deeannas crazy drama. It's always so silly to me when people come into a game still talking about another. She lied to my face and voted me out of another game, yet she's upset and calling me names. She's the one mailing me and acting like she's lost her marbles. She's the one calling me out at tribal council. OFC IM GOING TO REPLY :p especially when someone's saying things about me that aren't factual. This is survivor and there will always be drama but I hate drama. I think it's totally unnecessary and brings out the worst in people. I don't like having to be a bitch but people can be sooooo annoying sometimes. If I'm voted out today she will be so pleased with herself lol. I definitely don't want to be voted out for 24th but it'd be one less thing to stress over. There's always redemption island :) and it's probably a hell of a lot more peaceful there without her crazy ass.

Ps I'm wondering how many times she can start a sentence with "girl or gurl" lmao!
2610 days 12 hours ago
----- HUFUS SENT TO RI -----
2610 days 11 hours ago
LeQuisha Q. (LusciousLips5):

So it's all go ahead with the five of the majority on my tribe also I have nasty p wanting to work with me and David! So I'm pretty much in a great position in my tribe! Plus I won the challenge for them yesterday which again gives me a plus to keep me around longer for the early process!

So seeing agua's tribal I'm not surprised at all! Kara and Deanna scream attention seekers to me and I could see straight through the ploy I had a feeling someone else was going and I'm not surprised it's a past winner! No one wants a Sandra in this series it's deffo not on my want list!

Also I've spoke to a lot of people from other tribes!
Bob obviously wants to work with me
Erik also mentioned working together after I squashed the whole turning on him last season
Maddie is always wanting to work with
And Julian and myself have agreed to work with eachother should we get on the same tribe

So I have options in case of swaps or twists! I didn't want to make myself to obvious I want to be a social butterfly but I don't want everyone thinking that especially with so many people this season... still not over that I just need to lay low and get myself deeper into this game
2610 days 11 hours ago
Logan S. (Logan_Smith):

Wow tribal really went my way. Brian, myself, and Deeanna all flipped to vote out Hufus. The cherry on top was that either Rich or Hufus voted for Deeanna HAHAHA! This just goes to show that ship was sinking faster than the Titanic on hyperspeed.

I think this leaves me in a pretty good position in the tribe. I am going to try to maintain relationships with my fellow tribe members, but especially Brian. The next vote there are seven of us, so four makes a majority. If Kara, Bob, and Brad are really close this makes things complicated. The hope is that me, Brian, and Deeanna can pull in Rich and blindside Bob because he's a dictator on the other side, hopefully making Kara and Brad more likely and willing to work with me. I just have to figure out how I am going to not blindside them while taking out Bob in the way Brian said he wanted to do it first, so if they do get the majority I want to at least deflect votes off of me.

I've been looking for the idol everywhere. In the trash can, up granny's skirt, out in Siberia. There is just no idol or clue(s) to be found ANYWHERE. But I'll continue searching until I melt into a pile of goop from how long my eyes have been stuck to the screen hahaha. :D
2610 days 11 hours ago
Andrea O. (IceIceBaby):

After winning the Immunity Challenge with my ever-so-great contribution to the tribe, Stoner comes to me complaining of the issues he has with David. Obviously in-hindsight I'd like to remove David from our equation asap, especially before a Tribe Swap where he'll inevitably align with Maddie presumably. Also note the fact that he's just simply annoying.

However, the topic of the day for the tribe isn't of the people IN our tribe its people outside of the tribe, most notably the ones at tribal. Never have I ever seen such desire to loathe that last ounce of attention from people and to direct it at yourself.

The constant '1. 2. 3.' Shit talk me session going on is ridiculous. Coming into the game I thought I shared traits with Deanna but right now she looks to be some deranged, anti-social freak who can't string a sentence together without the use of profanity. It just speaks wonders of people who throw insults around but to evident it up and make it more pro-fain by throwing in words that shouldn't be used. If you're to battle someone across a keyboard atleast sound half educated than resorting to responses such as 'Bitch ass' this or 'Cunt' this and 'Motherfucking' that. It's pathetic. I'm not here for that.
Perhaps when someone does try that with me I can give them a first class education from a masters degree upon the English Language. Perhaps then it'll educate the rambling baboons of how an appropriate sentence is formed to take place of an inaccurate insults.

I might also add, who on earth gave Kara a voice? 'Stooping to Deanna's Level', why does she feel so prosperous and entitled to claim she is on some form of higher ground. Although, whenever it kicked off between the pair of us in Zimbabwe she was a little timid and shy so I don't blame her for opposing those who she feels are weaker and more weak-minded than her. Pity she couldn't receive that sort of testimony from me.

-Andrea (End of Ep. One Confessionals)
2610 days 11 hours ago
Vaughan "Nasty P" P. (Praknasty):


Ah it feels great to be back after last season's adventure in this group. I see a lot of familiar faces from my season, but they're all on the Agua tribe and that's good since I can't be targeted by them for the forseeable future. Looking at my tribe, I know nobody on this tribe personally which puts me at a big disadvantage. But I've made friends with David and LeQuisha so that's a start. I know a few players on Fuego from past games, but none that I'd say could be strong allies at this point in time. On Agua, I have a potentially great ally if we can get united, Bob is actually my co-host for our group I & N's Survivor and we're best friends on this site. You put us together, look out cause things will get real in a hurry. Hope I can make it deep into this game once again. Wish me luck jabronies!
2610 days 11 hours ago
Kara K. (k4r4k):

YASSSSSS! Mama Kara loves the taste of victory ^_^

Not only was Hufus voted out 6-1-1 but we won immunity and reward!!!

Total turn around of events! And that's a whole day I don't have to hear shit from deeanna lol

Surprised she nor rich voted for me. I really thought it was going to be 5-3 or even possibly tie.

*taps idol in pocket* and I get to save you for a real rainy day mr idol ;)
2610 days 11 hours ago
Logan S. (Logan_Smith):

Winning today was crucial because Rich may or may not be mad at me?

I solidified my alliance with Brian and Deeanna as well as Kara, so I feel good about relationships I am building. Currently the three I am talking to the least is Rich, Bob, and Brad, but I should change that.

Also I finally get my dirty sausage fingers on that idol clue which will halve my search time and double my sleeping time from 15 seconds to 30 seconds tonight.

If I don't find that idol... O.e
2610 days 11 hours ago
Chris D. (Gaiaphagee):


2 min agoTheSexiestDude990
2610 days 11 hours ago
Chris D. (Gaiaphagee):

its awesome to be on the winning tribe. im in cmacks survivor as well, also on the winning tribe there. not sure if its just coincidence but in both games im on the undefeated tribe ;)

i think ive since made up for my selfish move at the mini challenge. ive proved myself in both challenge thus far, even gaining the winning point today in the tiebreaker. praknasty even congratulated me! what are the odds!!!!

i have friends on the other tribe so they shared their idol clue with me. both tribes have the same thing, between dark green and brown, so its safe to assume our idol is hidden in the same place.

ive been searching since yesterday but havent found anything. searched for a few hours total, shit sucks when you still cant find nothing
2610 days 11 hours ago
Julian E. (TheSexiestDude990):

Jk I'd be more excited but my tribe makes me want to die. And by that I mean I actually kinda like these people but MY GOD this may as well be Tribe Tryhard with these people. CAST REVEAL WASN'T EVEN ALREADY FINISHED AND I WAS MESSAGED BY LIKE 4 PEOPLE FOR ALLIANCES TF??? Jesus...

So anyway, I guess I'm in majority now with Erik/Kelly/Will and Maddie??????? IDK. I never know where tf Maddie stands. Whatever. In an attempt to get cross-tribe relations going for later on, Christian came to me saying how badly he wants Snick gone and I told him I'm more than happy to oblige. I haven't seen the dude on once and he's contributed nothing to this tribe or to the game in general, and if people I trust don't like him from before this then that's strike 3 right there.

*sigh* I didn't want to be one of those people who's running around doing shit so early, especially given this is ALL STARS and those people go early, but ehhh... We'll see what happens.


*Walks up to voting booth*
*Writes Snick on parchment*
Strike 1 - You haven't spoken a word to me at all
Strike 2 - You have contributed nothing to this tribe
Strike 3 - I've only heard negative things about you, and that's not a good sign

3 strikes and you're out!

*Folds up parchment, places in urn*
2610 days 11 hours ago
Qaz W. (Qazwdxedc):

So I guess I may be safe for this one vote? I know I'm next after snick but snick never shows up so his ass can go.

Anyways I hate my tribe, Patrick is the only one I'm alligned with. Erik is trying to get me rattled, little does he know I can control my temper and I'm gonna make him eat his words. Erik likes to call people cunts even though he knows he's a Cunt número uno. Julian is pretty much declining an alliance, Kelly has a shitty ass social game, I hate all these fuckers and when a swap happens, I'm flipping like chaos laws.


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