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Survivor Hong Kong Confessionals

Topic » Survivor Hong Kong..

2838 days 14 hours ago
Christian B. (Christian_) [Immunity Challenge #6]

I honestly can't remember if I've sent a confessional in the last two cycles so I'm just going to write one real quickly.

Sydney <3

Other former Wong Lengs >:D
2838 days 14 hours ago
Marto K. (cole225) [Immunity Challenge #6]

So we won the last challenge and sadly one of my allies left but at least i am here and i think i've made some allies from my new tribe hopefully we win again .
2838 days 14 hours ago
Christian B. (Christian_) [After Immunity Challenge #6]

Well there's both good news and bad news as a result of this win. The good news is that the odds are almost stacked in Nick's favor to go home tonight, and if he doesn't, I really wouldn't be all too sad to see any of the other former Luk Shan go. The bad news is that this tribe besides Cole are pretty useless regarding challenges. I'm tired of having to carry this tribe in challenges, because come merge, everyone's just going to see me as some huge fucking threat and try to get rid of me the second I'm not immune. All the people who are just floating through this portion of the game are going to be able to float through the merge too, and ugh it just frustrates me. Anyway, sorry about the rant, just a little pissed off right now. Trying to keep it cool, but it just sucks feeling like I'm putting 100% of myself into this game, while someone who's only putting 37.49% in is probably going to end up placing better than I do.

Anyways, till next time, peace out.
2838 days 14 hours ago
James S. (jamessmith5) [Tribal Council #6]

To me this confessional isn't anything new and it will probably be a boring one because the vote tonight is going to be Nick unless someone wants to make a bold move. I am kinda disappointed in myself for letting the other tribe beat us in the challenge today. Christian is a really great competitor and good thing he is with me for now. But he will be a challenge at the merge for sure. There is no idol or anything to go for so right now I am just chill and hope for the best.
2838 days 14 hours ago
Brian W. (justdontevictme) [Tribal Council #6]

Another tribal council the 4 original luk Shan said we are going to vote nick.
I don't want that i want to blindside James cause he could be a threat come merge and could have a idol. But i didn't think Alan would vote him cause he is luk Shan loyal. So I had to come up with a little lie I told Alan that James and Ryan  told me they wanted to blindside him and I also said they are a duo which that second part is the truth. It's only a little lie I told Alan but it got him on board with blindsiding James. I'm trying to get nick on board with it and he agreed and said as long as it isn't him. This move will piss Ryan off but it will gain nick and Alan's trust in me. I have no doubt that this move will pay off for me.
2838 days 14 hours ago
Nick S. (snick427) [Tribal Council #6]

Okay, so Ryan M. was voted out last night, and I'm now the last Wong Leng on this tribe. I assumed I was doomed (I'm a poet, and I didn't even know it!). It turns out, though, that the Luk Shans aren't as tight as they appear! Brian wants to blindside James, since he sees him as an individual immunity threat. Since I have nothing to lose at this point, I agreed to vote with him. Let's hope this works!
2838 days 14 hours ago
Ryan G. (Basketball200) [Tribal Council #6]

I haven't really talked to many ppl lately, but I guess Alan told James that I want him out. That's bullshit, now its time to play survivor. I have Nick in my pocket and I could convince James to vote Alan out. I never had a problem with Alan til now. Hes gone.
2838 days 14 hours ago
----------JAMES GETS 11TH-----------
2838 days 14 hours ago
Alan L. (alanb1) [Immunity Challenge #7]

This game has been a roller coaster. Truthfully I didn't give a fuck til a few rounds ago but with the help of Brian I'm still here and now I'm in it to win it. James and The basketball dweeb tried shading me and it didn't take much (a fake screenshot) for James to throw a vote to basketball in case Nick wasn't ely with me and Brian. This tribe swap could rly fuck me up tho b
2834 days 15 hours ago
Christian B. (Christian_) [Immunity Challenge #7]

Time to throw this challenge teehee :p
2834 days 15 hours ago
Christian B. (Christian_) [After Immunity Challenge #7]

What the kind of Chinese voodoo witchcraft did place on that flop tribe holy shit

Anyways I didn't want to win immunity because I wanted to take out Brian tonight but oh well, there's always merge

Yay single digits
2834 days 15 hours ago
Ryan G. (Basketball200) [Tribal Council #7]

I guess Alan never made that in photo shop lol. He used inspect element. Lol imagine I couldve used all this time. It's much more believable than a fake chatzy lmao.
2834 days 15 hours ago
Tico F. (ticofernandez) [Tribal Council #7]

I love that we didn't merge at 10 like everyone thought now everyone thinks tom is merge so I hope y'all fuck with them again. I'm totally down for a merge at 7 with a f2 and 5 person jury lol. I know that's not gonna happen and well merge at 9 or 8 though.

Praying Zach makes it to merge I need him in this game if we dont merge or swap I know I'm good and may try to throw the next one to save Zach if needed
2834 days 15 hours ago
Brian W. (justdontevictme) [Tribal Council #7]

Well I officially made final 9 by carrying my tribe to victory this means I think I made the jury if it's a normal season. But jury isn't what I'm aiming for I'm aiming to win the whole game and I will. I'm predicting my victory like I predicted the swap and the merge at 9 people. Just know I'm always right if I say it it's right. I don't know what my plan will be going into merge but I have time to figure it out and whatever it is I know it will be masterful.
2834 days 15 hours ago
Brian W. (justdontevictme) [Tribal Council #7]

So the move of blindsiding James was my move don't let no one tell you differently it was mine he would still be here if it wasn't for me so it was my blindside and my first of many to come

So I figured out my plan for a merge
Ryan is targeting me no doubt about it he hasn't responded to me so I need to get him out right away I know that. I need him out no only cause I know he is coming after me but because he might try to get the old Wong leng together and flip with them.

For that reason we need Sydney with myself Christian Tico and Alan. I feel that Sydney is tight with them and will align with us to take our Ryan.

Then just when our alliance has the numbers 5-3 I'll talk to my number one ally Alan and lie that they have a final 3 and switch to the marto Colin nicks alliance if I can't get Alan to go with the plan I get Zach on board.

This is just a general plan for the beginning of the merge I'm sure things will change and I'll have to change my plans

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