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Survivor Hong Kong Confessionals

Topic » Survivor Hong Kong..

2831 days 9 hours ago
Brian W. (justdontevictme) [Tribal Council #9]

I realize ignorance truly is bliss

If I didn't know someone had the idol I wouldn't be panicking like I am
As part of my strategy it's time to admit to Sydney and Tico I voted Ryan last tribal because that will make them think they can still work with me and also so maybe they don't vote me.

I know someone has the idol I think it's Tico his act I wasn't really playing and his I'm just glad I made jury speech is all a act I don't believe it at all. I think he has the idol so I told him he is the target using reverse psychology to make him think he is safe and then he leaves with the idol but that's why I'm trying to talk to Sydney and Tico so they don't hire me cause I swear if I leave neither of them will make the finals mark my words

My alliance is targeting Tico butt I realized now Alan and Colin are friends and they are a final 2 and I need to make a move on them soon but for now I stick with them.

But I gotta admit this is the first time I feel
Paranoid that I could go it's a bad feeling but I have to have faith that I'm my alliance that they are loyal
2831 days 9 hours ago
Christian B. (Christian_) [Tribal Council #9]

The Diary of Christian's Intricate Strategy

So this vote is make or break for my already immensely flawed game. If it works, I'm strategy king of all of Hong Kong. If it fails, I look like an idiot and y'all will probably chuckle at me. But you know what, that ain't a concern. I came to play this game, and in this game, I am fiercely loyal to my friends. Come hell or high water, I will never betray either Sydney or Tico. They have my heart in this game, and if I lose, as long as one of them makes it to the end, so be it. I can live with that.

So let's talk about this VOTE! So obviously, it is the Freaky Five (Alan, Colin, Nick, Brian, and Marto) against the beloved underdogs (Sydney, Tico, and myself). Pretty much everyone of the Freaky Five has told Sydney the vote is her tonight. HOWEVER due to my somewhat odd ability to cover my ass, Colin let it slip that the actual plan is to flush Sydney's merge idol (I wish we had a merge idol to flush) and blindside Tico. So like the golden retriever-esque player I am, I take this information straight back to Sydtico and craft a master plan*

*If plan flops, it is no longer master plan :(

I give Tico my Luk Shan idol. While this could get me out of a potential bind later on, I'm not playing to bump my inevitable placement of 6th up to 5th by using an idol only to get voted out the next. I need to use this in order to create the best chance of not going home at any of the following tribals, so giving it to Tico I think is my best move.

So assuming Colin is telling the truth about the FF's vote for Tico, I vote Tico with them in order to make the appearance I am with them. Sydtico vote for Nick or whoever, Tico plays the idol I gave him, states it's the merge idol, all the Tico votes are gone and Nick goes home!

Now the only conceivable way this plan fails is if the votes are split 3-3-2, and Sydney goes home. However, even if I did vote with Sydtico, the vote would just be tied between Sydney/Nick or whoever, and Sydney would just go home on the revote.

Anyways, even though there is that big possible flaw, this is our only shot, so we gotta pray it works. If it turns out Sydney goes home because of Tico playing the idol I gave him, that'll break my heart. But this is a game, and Sydney, Tico, and I all agreed this plan is our only shot of us three having a fighting shot. We've made our bed, now we must lie in it.

Dear Big Ben, God of Survivor and Volleyball, please lend us whatever witchcraft you used to win WPF's Heroes vs Villains, and grant us that magic in order to survive this vote intact. Actually maybe I should pray to a different god since Ben love-hates Sydney since she's the best winner of his nah. Oh well

That is all. Peace out yo
2831 days 9 hours ago
----------NICK GETS 8TH-----------
2831 days 9 hours ago
Tico F. (ticofernandez) [After Tribal Council #9]

Thank god for Christian giving me that idol I really hope his plan for them to split the vote will work but I cant lay back and leave me game in his hands. I'm hoping to maybe turn cole and justdontevict me into voting alan since guigi keeps protecting him for whatever reason
2831 days 9 hours ago
Marto K. (cole225) [After Tribal Council #9]

So i am feeling pretty happy right now i managed to convince my alliance to vote out Tico instead of Sydney . Tico has been telling me and Brian to go with him but NO WAY IN HELL i like Tico i wish we could have been together but the problem is that he aliened himself with Christian who is the comp beast and if the 2 of them stay no way am i gonna go to the end. Now we are trying to make them think that Sydney is going so that if one of them has the last idol they use it on her and we blindside Tico . Hopefully it works and Tico you just made a huge mistake by keeping me instead of Nick  buddy .
2831 days 9 hours ago
Brian W. (justdontevictme) [Tribal Council #10]

After last tribals idol play everyone is scrambling and it's crazy now with me being the person in the middle again.
Somehow Tico trust me after I lied to him and I voted him last tribal I'm not underestimating him I know he is a great player that's why I need him gone. Christian Sydney and Tico want me to side with them to vote Alan out and I think they actually think I am they are stupid.

I can't believe I keep finding myself in the middle this is good for my game I'm trying to get close to Tico and talk about real survivor so he thinks he is safe in case of a idol. But it's all strategy

Really this tribal is simple 3 votes for Alan and 4 votes for Tico hopefully he don't pull a idol out his ass and saves himself again either way I think I'm safe again.

I tried getting Christian to come vote Tico with me but that's a losing battle he showed his cards I know him and Tico are a duo I feel like I'm the only one this game without a person they really trust I don't know if that's really good or really bad
2728 days 15 hours ago
Christian B. (Christian_) [Tribal Council #10]

My knees are weak. My palms are sweaty. The only reward we ever get are idol clues so I ain't had any of my mom's spaghetti in forever. The first vote is flipped: Tico Second: Tico 3rd-6th: TICO!!! And the last two are for Nick!

YES Y'ALL WE DID IT, OPERATION: CAN THIS EVEN WORK? IS A SUCCESS! IT IS OFFICIALLY A MASTER PLAN! Nick is gone, Sydticostian is still alive and well, the noobs can clearly see I voted with them, and we are in the Final frickin seven! Plus, me being the Santa Claus of this game with idols is a really fun new way of playing! I'm normally a greedy whore with idols, but sharing them is so much fun, and the 10 votes total I've destroyed because of them is fun too :p

So to recap everything that happened after the best vote of this game:

-Brian FINALLY admitted he voted against Ryan. Like no shit man, you were just making yourself look stupid by lying about it so much. Anyways, I lost all trust in Brian, but I'm still pretending we're close so he'll vote with us at this next tribal.

-Colin/Alan/Marto still HAVE CLEARLY NOT LEARNT ANYTHING FROM THE PAST TWO IDOL PLAYS because they still insist that there's no way Sydney has an seriously? Assuming she's too stupid to find one is dumb as fuck, and the fact they don't want to split votes just shows why they'll all go home. It's why Nick went home. They could've easily split it 3-3-2 with my vote and Syd would be gone. But NOPE! They knew best! Anyways it's sorta comical how they staunchly go from Sydney definitely having the idol at one tribal, to there being no chance of her having it this one...but I don't know about that ;)

-So Sydney was feeling really down after finding out she's the target for the 12398837th time this game, and she's one of my best friends, so it broke my heart to see her feeling so upset. I managed to crumble all my feelings about this game into a little ball, kick that ball into a motivational speech, and try to use that to cheer her up a bit. She's my friend, and I don't want some stupid people getting her all upset and she really appreciated it! So she decided to confess that she had the idol and lied about the clue and thought I would hate her. While I would've preferred honesty, I am so pumped that she found it! Her having the idol gives us another blanket to use to get rid of these people, and we finally got around to making a Final 2 with each other, which is my dream finals tbh. Not only would I get there with my closest ally in the game, I think that would really be a beautiful story arc and the editors would go crazy with that. I wouldn't even care who won, if me/Syd got to finals...oh my god. It would be better than thinking you only have one box of teriyaki bites left, but finding two more somehow in the freezer! We're the Idol King and Idol Queen of Hong Kong! If we made finals, all the Hong Kongians would have to bow down to us and our vote negation powers :D

-Even though me,Tico, and Syd are a super tight alliance, we're still struggling with pushing our individual agendas with a target, with Tico really wanting Alan gone for the 7th consecutive vote. Anyways, I feel really guilty about sometimes crowding his opinion out and I don't think he feels happy about Alan sliding, so I'm going to side with him and try to get out Alan this time. Plus, I'm pretty sure the next challenge is the Superlative one, and seeing as it's non-live, challenge strength won't matter.

I think that's about it for now. The plot soup is probably going to thicken a little more, and everyone knows thick, creamy soup is the best soup so I'll try sending an update tomorrow as well. Night y'all! :D
2728 days 14 hours ago
Brian W. (justdontevictme) [Tribal Council #10]

With the vote I know I'm probably going to lost Christian and Sydneys trust but it has to be a blindside cause I'm scared of a idol. Now I finally starting to think who would be the best to take to final 2 I'm thinking Alan maybe cause he self voted and I saved him a couple times or marto cause really what has he done this game but we will see how it plays out but those would be my ideal final 2 partners.

The end is in sight and I got a clear path right to it because I'm on no ones radar as of now
2728 days 14 hours ago
----------TICO GETS 7TH-----------
2728 days 14 hours ago
Colin P. (Flickgamecolin) [After Tribal Council #10]

Another vote gone my way. I can literally taste the prize.
2728 days 14 hours ago
Brian W. (justdontevictme) [Immunity Challenge #11]

Colin is friends with Alan I been known this but Colin says that Alan isn't really playing and that he told Alan that him and I are final 2. I know that Colin has set himself up well in this game even better then myself and that's hard for me to admit. I know he would win if he makes final 2 no doubt so I need him gone right away I just need to find the perfect time to do it maybe final 5.
I need to win this immunity cause I know that Christian and Sydney are going vote me there no doubt but there may be hope after all.

Right now I'm trying to charm my way back into Christians good graces so he knows he isn't the target and I want to work with him in the future he just has to wait out this vote.
2728 days 14 hours ago
Christian B. (Christian_) [Immunity Challenge #11]

Well frick. After the best tribal ever, comes the worst tribal ever. Brian lied again (shocker), and I pretty much wasted Syd's idol by telling her to play it on herself. I feel so dumb right now because I feel like it's my fault Tico went out. If I was smarter, I should've realized they were playing me about Sydney going home. I should've realized their reluctance to split meant that even after all I did, they still didn't trust me. I just feel really defeated, and unless I win the challenge tomorrow, I feel like I'm going home 6th, which is probably my least favorite placement because it's ONE away from the finale...I wanted to actually make it to the finale of a group that actually cares enough to do a finale podcast lmao but oh well, I'm not out yet.

Pretty much, no matter what happens, it'll be impossible for me and Sydney to make the Final 2. Well there's one thing that I'm going to try, but that literally requires so many chips to fall in JUST the right spot that I won't waste y'alls time just yet talking about it since it's a 99% probability it won't be able to be initiated, let alone succeed.

Brian came up to me offering some long apology, and for the sake of the game I put my forgiving face on since he "seems" to still want me here, but honestly he's lied to me so many times I'm pretty much done with him. He can tell me whatever he wants, I don't give a shit to be honest. I'll say whatever it is need be, but I frankly just would rather not talk to him of my own choice again. I don't want to go home, but I don't think I did good enough job at the Superlatives challenge. I basically picked whichever I felt the egotists would submit, and the ones that I think I'm the majority answer for, I threw out the name of the person I least thought fit the category in order to increase my odds.

I've been the cheerleader to my allies this entire game. Whenever they were down, I tried to pump them up and tell them we could do it! Nothing was impossible! But this cheerleader has lost all the pep. I've just been knocked down so many times, and if the challenge has any result besides me/Sydney winning...I'm not sure I have it in me to get back up.

I'm sorry to sound like such a pity party thrower. I want to be happy, I really do. I don't just feel sad because I'm probably going home next, I can handle myself going home, that's not the issue. The thing that mostly upsets me is I feel like I ruined Sydney's game. She didn't want to use that idol, and because I was scared, I told her to play it. I should've just kept my damn mouth shut. Without her using the idol, she's guaranteed F5, and she probably could've made it to the end. Now? Who knows...I'm sorry Syd. I wanted our little scrappy selves to succeed, and at the end of the day, it's my fault we're screwed. I'm so so sorry and words don't cover the true depth of that.

Anyways, HOPEFULLY tomorrow's challenge goes our way so I can let y'all in on my latest master devious plan because I really don't think it's my worst idea ever. Anyway, this game has been a roller-coaster ride with my eyes closed, and after the ride goes down a ramp, there's either one of two options. Either you open your eyes and realize the ride has ended, and one of the craziest, fun experiences life has to offer has just ended. open your eyes as you're going 90 miles an hour over the biggest loop-de-loop of your life with the biggest dumbass grin on your face. For Sydney and I's sake, I hope that ride hasn't ended for us just yet.

Peace out fam.

2728 days 14 hours ago
Brian W. (justdontevictme) [Tribal Council #11]

Well I'm safe and in the final 5 officially but now I need to make a move and do what's best for my game and that will set me up well to make it to the end and win this game.

I colin has set himself up well and is a threat that's why I convinced them to split the votes so I can flip to Sydney and Christian to blindside Colin. It's probably going be my biggest move of the season cause if he doesn't go now he will win.

Him going will set me up perfectly I will once again be the swing vote at final 5 between the 2 alliances and that's the power position I like to be in. I will this game I have no doubt now the only person I can't talk the jury into giving me the win against is Colin so he has to go asap.

I'm glad they think I'm mistakingly Thats actually the biggest mistake they could make cause while they think that I really am in control of this game.
2728 days 14 hours ago
Christian B. (Christian_) [Tribal Council #11] [Part 1]

Well this sucks. I flopped at the immunity challenge, and if I were a betting man, I'd say most likely my torch is getting snuffed tonight...they're probably going to split the vote between me and Syd, and if they were smart, get me on the revote. The obviously evil thing to do is just vote against Sydney, but there's no way I'm going to do that. We've gone through too much together for me to just backstab her like that, so that's not even an option. She means more to me than just a game, so hell to the no. It may not be the most strategic move, but fuck it, I'm not letting this game turn me into someone I'm not.

There has been some strokes of good luck though. Today, Colin and Alan basically did equivalent of fucking each other in the tribe shelter, so now anyone with half a brain realizes they are SUPER tight (which sadly and non-surprisingly, is not the entire tribe)

Reasons why Colin and Alan's Dicks/Survivor Futures are tied together for a probable F2:

-Alan literally gifted Colin 3 times today, basically he's the sugar daddy in the relationship.
-Colin posted some egotistical blog saying how dynamic of a duo they were, like ugh so cringey lmao


Anyway, I've been trying to metaphorically shove this all down Brian's throat so he wakes up and smells the roses and realize with them, he gets cut for 4th no matter what, because Marto literally has the intelligence of a 4 year old and who better to drag to the F3? Like seriously, 0/10 answers in the challenge when one of them literally had FIVE OF THE SIX PEOPLE IN THE TRIBE AS AN ANSWER!?!?

The second thing that backs this opinion of mine is when I pointlessly wasted my time trying to show Marto he's just doomed at F3, here was the response I got:

"Ya most likely but that dosent worry me all my planes have worked trew out this hole game and i know what i have to do but tnx tough" -Marto, 2K16

...I swear to Jesus, the sheer stupidity in that just makes me want to scream. I mean minus all the grammatical and spelling errors, words that my 5 year old cousin would be able to spell correctly, his logic is just like "Yeah I'm most likely fucked but hey I haven't gotten voted out yet so yeah whatever #3rdPlace4Lyfe" So basically, it appears I'm not getting any help on that end so I'm putting all my eggs in Brian's basket.

Do I trust him? Not a single bit. However, I don't have a choice. It's him or nothing. And seeing as I've already told him if he's just going to vote me or Sydney to tell me in advance, if he fucks me over...damn that's just plain stupid. Like just the sheer lack of jury management on his part so far is awful, but if he does vote with the Fucking Four...oh well. He also "shared" the idol clue with me, but I've been looking and so far squat, so either he's completely bullshitting me, or I just suck at searching. Probably both.

My gut says tonight is probably my last night in Hong Kong. My heart hopes it's not, but just the odds of me surviving don't look too great. But hey, I made it so far, and for someone who couldn't even turn in an application on time, I think that's pretty good. I've gained a great friend in Sydney, and I had an awesome time. Falling just short of the finale sucks, but can't win them all. I'll walk out of here with my head held high, and knowing I played to the best of my ability, something not everyone can say.

Hong Kong has been a blast. I found two idols, I won two individual immunity challenges, and I was fortunate to play a game with two great hosts. Mike and Newz, thank ya for everything ya do, hosting is never an easy job, and to be pull it off takes a lot of dedication and time so I personally wanted to thank you for the great time I've had. Y'all are awesome people, and I hope this series prospers long and hard. (much like Colin's dick whenever he sees Alan)
2728 days 14 hours ago
Christian B. (Christian_) [Tribal Council #11] [Part 1]

Well this sucks. I flopped at the immunity challenge, and if I were a betting man, I'd say most likely my torch is getting snuffed tonight...they're probably going to split the vote between me and Syd, and if they were smart, get me on the revote. The obviously evil thing to do is just vote against Sydney, but there's no way I'm going to do that. We've gone through too much together for me to just backstab her like that, so that's not even an option. She means more to me than just a game, so hell to the no. It may not be the most strategic move, but fuck it, I'm not letting this game turn me into someone I'm not.

There has been some strokes of good luck though. Today, Colin and Alan basically did equivalent of fucking each other in the tribe shelter, so now anyone with half a brain realizes they are SUPER tight (which sadly and non-surprisingly, is not the entire tribe)

Reasons why Colin and Alan's Dicks/Survivor Futures are tied together for a probable F2:

-Alan literally gifted Colin 3 times today, basically he's the sugar daddy in the relationship.
-Colin posted some egotistical blog saying how dynamic of a duo they were, like ugh so cringey lmao


Anyway, I've been trying to metaphorically shove this all down Brian's throat so he wakes up and smells the roses and realize with them, he gets cut for 4th no matter what, because Marto literally has the intelligence of a 4 year old and who better to drag to the F3? Like seriously, 0/10 answers in the challenge when one of them literally had FIVE OF THE SIX PEOPLE IN THE TRIBE AS AN ANSWER!?!?

The second thing that backs this opinion of mine is when I pointlessly wasted my time trying to show Marto he's just doomed at F3, here was the response I got:

"Ya most likely but that dosent worry me all my planes have worked trew out this hole game and i know what i have to do but tnx tough" -Marto, 2K16

...I swear to Jesus, the sheer stupidity in that just makes me want to scream. I mean minus all the grammatical and spelling errors, words that my 5 year old cousin would be able to spell correctly, his logic is just like "Yeah I'm most likely fucked but hey I haven't gotten voted out yet so yeah whatever #3rdPlace4Lyfe" So basically, it appears I'm not getting any help on that end so I'm putting all my eggs in Brian's basket.

Do I trust him? Not a single bit. However, I don't have a choice. It's him or nothing. And seeing as I've already told him if he's just going to vote me or Sydney to tell me in advance, if he fucks me over...damn that's just plain stupid. Like just the sheer lack of jury management on his part so far is awful, but if he does vote with the Fucking Four...oh well. He also "shared" the idol clue with me, but I've been looking and so far squat, so either he's completely bullshitting me, or I just suck at searching. Probably both.

My gut says tonight is probably my last night in Hong Kong. My heart hopes it's not, but just the odds of me surviving don't look too great. But hey, I made it so far, and for someone who couldn't even turn in an application on time, I think that's pretty good. I've gained a great friend in Sydney, and I had an awesome time. Falling just short of the finale sucks, but can't win them all. I'll walk out of here with my head held high, and knowing I played to the best of my ability, something not everyone can say.

Hong Kong has been a blast. I found two idols, I won two individual immunity challenges, and I was fortunate to play a game with two great hosts. Mike and Newz, thank ya for everything ya do, hosting is never an easy job, and to be pull it off takes a lot of dedication and time so I personally wanted to thank you for the great time I've had. Y'all are awesome people, and I hope this series prospers long and hard. (much like Colin's dick whenever he sees Alan)

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