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Best To Never Win Jury Questioning

Topic » Best To Never Win Jury..

2603 days 17 hours ago

i answered your question just a bit a go jsyk
2603 days 17 hours ago
I think your comparison to my game and Ken's is a pretty good one. I absolutely agree with the relationship between our challenge strengths (although mine were more less for individual immunity than ken was, but still). I was loyal throughout the entire game to the people I gave my word to right up until the end, which is also what Ken did (although I did it one round sooner than Ken, and I wasn't immune once from Final 6 on wards, where as Ken always ways, so I had to rely on social and strategic bonds to get me to the Final 3, and I had to survive a vote after turning on one of my closest allies, you, where as once he did it, he was pleading his case).

I had an idol, he had the legacy advantage thanks to Jessica, so it is a very fair comparison.

I think where I am different from Ken, is Ken's motivation for turning on David was to provide a better life for his daughter. My motivation for turning on you, as selfish as it is, was for me and me alone. This was all of our last chances to win this series, so the decision to turn on you was about giving myself better odds to win the game for myself.

You and I have already spoken about our feelings on the matter, so I won't go into much detail there, but you know why I had to flip, because like David, you would've won this game with how incredible you played. In a season where it is literally our last chance, we can't be playing for 2nd or 3rd. It was a risk, but it was necessary for me, because had I not done that, and stuck with you and Andy, then your perception of Nattie, would be how the jury would view me - a tag along.

I shared the same reasoning with Alec and Nattie as to why I flipped, that I shared to you when you asked me for a reason why I did it, so they knew ahead of time, with one vote to change it if they wanted, where you gave the reasoning that the one would always win (whether it was Nattie or Alec against a 2 person combo of Me/You/Andy, or Me, You, or Andy against Alec and Nattie). They both knew my motivation for it, and why I wanted to go to the end with them after you said that over yourself and Andy, yet Alec chose to remain loyal to Nattie, even though it was clear Alec would win in a F3 of Alec/Andy/Nattie in a landslide, and Nattie chose to remain loyal to Alec and the deals Nat made with me as well in the last few rounds of the game.

They had the choice if they wanted to take me out and come here with Andy, who they both could've had a much better shot against, yet they chose to take me, because they doubted I'd stand any chance. Yet here we are now at Final Tribal, and just going based off what questions/comments have been made so far by the jury, it appears this is a fight between Alec and I for the win, and Alec and Nattie did both flat out say to me when it was time to vote at Final 4, they both didn't truly buy that I'd get 0 votes for having been voted out twice, and both listed off multiple names of people they felt would vote for me out of friendship, yet they didn't take me out even though they were given the opportunity to do so.

That to me, shows that they either underestimated my odds of winning, or they truly believed me when I continuously insisted that I'd stand no chance, like I had been since the Final 6 and I came back into the game for a second time - either of which to me, is foolish and quite possibly a mistake on their parts.

As for who I represent other than Ken, I'm not quite sure. There hasn't been a CBS player who has made it to the end of the game after returning to it twice. But if you look at South Pacific, it is hard to argue that Ozzy would've lost that season had he not lost Final Immunity to Sophie. So in a sense, I think it could be fair to compare me to South Pacific Ozzy, as I did return twice like him, was told I had lots of friends on the jury by several of my opponents, like Ozzy had, and I was strong in challenges, like Ozzy (and they were all won on a form of Redemption Island wh
2603 days 17 hours ago
...where challenges were what kept you safe, like Ozzy, not individual immunity challenges)
2603 days 16 hours ago
Love you, my bff from day 1. I would you like to tell people what game moves you made that were maybe outside of me and Alec.

I think you played a great game. I said one thing, if you fuck me over, don't fuck me over before Adam. If you voted me out at f4 or something ok it's a game, I probably would have voted you out, I looked at you as a threat. I asked for one thing, and as my long time ally, you couldn't even honor that. So why were you so obsessed with Adam? I think you played great, but your infatuation with him just pissed me off, as you know. Love you like a brother, and we'll be besties after this is all said and done. No bitterness.

Why do you deserve to win more than the other 2, knowing you got voted out twice? People may have asked you this, but I haven't read yet.
2603 days 16 hours ago
Fuck my speech is not gonna be ready till tomorrow but it will be worth it lol will be answering all questions then also!
2603 days 15 hours ago
Nattie. if i came up to you and asked if you thought we should blindside alec, how wpuld you respond? what if alec asked the same thing, about taking me out?
2603 days 15 hours ago
@matt, me and Nattie did have a convo about that kinda. We talked about if we'd rather bring you or Jake to the end cuz technically you were our 4th. We basically both agreed that it would depend how much of a jury threat Jake became by the end of it
2603 days 15 hours ago
And for my main question.Lets play pretend. this is for all three of you.

Say the game is rigged for you to win. But there are two conditions:
1, you must rearrange positions 2-12.
and 2, They must include all but one of the real top 12.The 11th person has to be someone who went out pre merge.
You can rank these 11 people in any order you like, and you can do it based on performance in tge game, how you feel about people or whatever you like. i just want you to give a reason for each decision. let me know if you dont understand :)
2603 days 9 hours ago
Ok hi I have missed a lot here so I will be playing catch up throughout.

Ok so a summary of my game, I am not gonna sit here and say I was the leader of the pack or I made every single decision moving forward however this is my second time playing a season hosted by Chris and my second finals. I knew my strategy works and was confident it would get me to the end of this game.

I worked with people who had huge targets on there backs and I knew if shit was to hit the fan and our alliance was to lose control I for sure wouldn't be the main target. One thing I can say that I believe will be underestimated is that I feel I was the glue within our alliance, jake and Alec clashed heads on several occasions and I knew if they were to go in separate directions the rest of the game wouldn't be positive for me.

I may not have been as vocal as some of the other people in this game but that was purely strategy and I still feel I had a big influence within the alliance I worked with. I tried to be as honest as possible whilst playing my game and would like to think I was social and reached out to people when I needed to.

One downfall for my game was not winning the final immunity. I am sure Chris can confirm once this game does end was Alec was always on my radar, my ideal final 3 would have been me with jake with a combination of Dylan / Matt. I think Alec was insane for bringing me to the end and if I was in his position I would have 100% of sent him home. Who wouldn't want to be sat at the end of this game with 2 people who had not been voted out before?!

I am sure it's easy to call me a sheep but why would I wanna get a huge target on my back when it wasn't needed? I got the least blood possible on my hands with the hope the jury would respect this and vote for me.

As I said all questions are welcome, I will be answering the questions shortly also.
2603 days 9 hours ago
11 hours 18 min agome2013
My question is simple, one of you made an effort to talk to me, the other two did not. Why should I now give you my vote to win?

I would like to know who you were in alliances with, who you backstabbed or screwed over along the way, and who you voted out at each tribal. Oh and did you ever cheat or share answers with anyone in any of the challenges to win.

Hey Mel,
What can I say, we were on seperate sides of the game and I considered you a huge threat who I didn't feel the need to associate myself with. I did not feel it was in my best interest to build a relationship with you knowing full well it would be broken within the first few days. Take it as a compliment as you killed this game pre merge which painted a huge target on you. In other circumstances in another game I am sure we would be a great force to be reckoned with however this game was unfortunately not the case. If I would have had things my way I would have been against two people you had no relationship with and I thought I would have a good chance at stealing your vote with my tribal council discussions.

My main alliances were with jake Dylan Matt and Alec. These were the people I would genuinely stick my neck out for as I knew they would be loyal with me till the end. I had a good relationship with Patrick at the start of this game but due to us being on separate tribes for so long we drifted and I built stronger relationships with others! I had played the game with Adam a lot also however I felt we never had eacjotjers best intentions at heart.
2603 days 8 hours ago
Forgot to mention another member of my alliance sorry LMAO.. Eli was a great asset to my alliance and it was a shame he had to take the fall for us as the others were too scared of the idol that I was holding and I guess assumed it was least likely to be used on him
2603 days 8 hours ago
My votes
Tyler I think - Matt went home
Can't remember - Eli went home
That was really confusing / hard to remember so I hope it's all correct lmao
2603 days 6 hours ago
13 hours 25 min agoSurvivorFreak13
I want to congratulate all 3 of you! One of my questions is, if you could pick 3 jurors to take the spots of the current final 3 based on all around gameplay, who would they be?

Thank you Dylan! Sorry we couldn't get here together.. From the gameplay I saw I would have to say Adam and jake 100 percent deserved a spot. I would probably go with you or Patrick for the last spot, I don't think many people appreciated the game you were playing but from working with you I got to see more of it!
2603 days 6 hours ago
Finally, Nattie.

Another strong game I feel. Carried? I am yet to see evidence of this. So right now I don't believe it.

You and I had a good alliance, but would you have taken me over Alec and Jake? I don't know. To be honest, out of everyone in nthis game, you had the least chance of getting my vote. I play this game trying to stick with one person and hope they stick with me, this game that was you.

So I am really pleased you are up there. I am not sure whose game was stronger out of you and Alecs. His was....more 'out there' but I feel like he might have made a couple of mistakes, while you were a bit quieter but more consistant.

You also have a chance at getting my vote, well done.

Matt thank you so much for the kind words! I am glad o made you feel that way as like I mentioned earlier we had a very similar train of thought in terms of moves and I could put a lot of trust into you. Honestly I would have taken you over Alec for certain, jake I am not so sure it would really come down to who stood a better chance at beating me towards the end.

I agree, I didn't see the point in playing such an out there game when I trusted the people I was working with and my target was absolutely minimal compared to others, had it of been me taken out that round instead of you I think you would be sitting here with me now.

I would love your vote so thanks for considering lol
2603 days 6 hours ago
Nattie, I think of you as Chelsea from Survivor One World. I'm not saying Alec was Kim (or even close to it) but I see you as the tag-along to Alec and really only got here because you associated yourself with bigger targets and you weren't really considered a threat to win this game.

I haven't seen that season of survivor so can't really confirm lol. I mean yeah I am sure it's easy to say I hid behind Alec and that he lead the game but I had no intention of going to the very end of this game with Alec. Being a game of best to never win my pitch to the jury was mainly going to be revolved around the fact that I previously lost to my closest ally and that this time I was here to play for me. Unfortunately yeah he did win the last immunity but other than working with you right up until the end of this game and then stabbing you in the back I don't see how his gameplay was that much better than mine?? His relationship with you was pretty much the only difference I was just quieter lol.

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