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S9 China - Clash of Clans [Confessionals]

Topic » S9 China - Clash of Clans..

1779 days 13 hours ago
Kasey (Kaseyhope101) Confessional EP:4

So , we are going to tribal and I ain't sweating cuz I am IMMUNE! I love that for me.  Now, Joey the genius was like "vote Noah, trick him into thinking we're splitting votes" or whatever, idc as long as noah is the target and he STAYS the target. I want Noah OUT OF HERE and sure, Joey can get the credit. I didn't suggest the plan first, I'm the clown. But Noah is sister sketchy and i will be a team player if it mean he gtfos. I dont got issues with him or anything, he's actually being pleasant and that's why he scares me. he isn't a pleasant person.

im pretty deadset on noah, and if he has an idol? 1000% not my problem.
1779 days ago
Dylan (DBWs) Confessional EP:4

My god I tell ya, this tribe is still aggravating and I'm still not THRILLED to be here, but I think I have put myself in an... interesting position? Richard Brewster and I solidified a final 2 deal that I'm loyal to. Like my god what a turnaround. But hey, Ethan going really helped my relationship with Richard Brewster in terms of trust. I honestly would love Richard Brewster to win just to see how the Richard Brewster/Ethan/myself arc ends in All Winners.

So before I get into the dynamics that really changed our tribe into playing the game, let me preface but saying I was VERY high during the majority of this. I'm not someone who gets VERY high often because I limit myself when I'm alone to just ease anxiety and shit. But... Well let me preface this with a preface. My gf's dealer offered a free cart if we bought some #bud because I was a dumbass and broke one open and it spilled on my pants. And like, my best pants. Like my only good pants. Anyway the carts he gave us previously were MOST likely fake or just like a shit ton of CBD idk man, and I thought the free one was fake but o boy was I wrong. That thing killed me. Also there was a cop car in front of me the whole time and I was 90% sure I was going to be the first white person to go to jail for having like a small amount of weed.

Anyways so yes, now you understand where my head was at. I ended up talking with Richard Brewster one on one, and I feel like he's loyal? Idk I've been wrong before but whatever if not kudos to him. I have been making strides in forming other relationships, but some people are stirring up stuff in this tribe, and it's not just me.

Last last vote by the way I ended up voting Absol... He left me on read and I thought it'd be fun to throw a vote that way and not lie to John, like I didn't promise to vote John really so whatever. So this last vote, Richard Brewster talked with Jake about possible targets, because Richard Brewster and I thought Jake would be a good to go, he was someone no one seemed close to. Of coruse Hufus was close to him I guess, which caused some missteps by Ricahrd Brewster and I trying to get Hufus to go Jake. Jake ended up throwing my and Andrew's names out there, and Richard Brewster pulled the 'Dylan and I have (vegan) beef' card to make it seem like he was after me. Soon we gathered with Andrew, Chris, Kamani, and Absol together into an alliance.

Jake also tried to make a chat to go for me by the way lol. Yes so our alliance went for Jake, as they lied saying they'd vote me, James/Hufus came to me saying they had my back (I think James could be a really good ally to me, kinda like Cole from Tasmania). I think Hufus threw a vote at Eli, and like Eli voted Richard Brewster? Idk I really don't care. Also Brandon/I had a talk, I think he and I can be really good allies. I don't know how Richard Brewster and Brandon get along tho so lol.

Anyways yes I think my close realtionships with Kamani/James/Hufus (kind of, he was a bit sketchy with his support of Jake last round) will be important cogs to making sure things go well. I'm going to try to push for Eli to go next, so James/Hufus can hang on.

What a difference someone throwing my name out there can make.
1779 days ago
Noah (noah_kondon) Confessional EP:4

Problems with being busy all night, you're offline for literally 5 hours, have no idea who the vote is, there's a good chance it's you, and you literally have to fucking wait for morning, and if it's you, you literally have like 4 hours to fail at trying to flip the vote.  So right now,either my fate is sealed, or I'm in the clear, and I don't know which.  Motherfuck.
1779 days ago
Noah (noah_kondon) Confessional EP:4

Having to ask, "who do I vote?" is downright infuriating to me.  I have no say at all in the matter, I have to just go along with whatever I'm told (and for all hell I could still be getting voted out tonight) and just DO IT.  I am in dire need of a swap here.  If not for my game, then for my sanity, I at least want some sort of a say.  I still have no idea who didn't want me in the 7 because Brandon is super slow to respond, and is not making me feel like I'm still in the loop.  And with this being a VS season, I don't even know if there will be a swap.  If possible, I might change my bids in the morning, and go for the instant swap, and use immediately.
1778 days 22 hours ago
Brandon (brandonrichie) Confessional EP:4

Well... Here we are again.

I was hoping that we would be able to avoid Tribal Council for at least another round or so, but here we are once again. My entire game thus far has revolved around dispelling my archetype, and the way I've been doing that is talking to everyone, especially those on the bottom, and making sure that people don't feel like I am the one calling the shots (which has been relatively easy since I actually am not). I feel pretty close to everyone in the majority minus Andrea, and I have made sure to put in enough effort with the minority to make them feel decently toward me while also not too much to arouse suspicion or look like a rat. But going to Tribal again forces me to show my cards as I can't play the "I was just told to vote Ethan and wanted to be in the majority" card. Sad face.

This round is especially hard because I know my alliance wants Noah out. And, to be honest, I do too. I really wanted to protect Noah because we are going to be in another All-Stars game together that starts today, and I wanted us to be on the same page for both. We even locked in a final two and everything. But he is the BIGGEST crackhead I have ever played with. This kid is insane. I told him NOT to tell anyone about the information I was leaking to him, and he took that to mean "tell everyone but don't tell them it was me." NO, GIRL. THAT MEANS DON'T SAY ANYTHING AT ALL. I had told him that Ray made the chat, which is true, and Noah literally went to Ray and told him that he knew he made the chat and wanted to be added to it. Are you... serious? Just horrible gameplay. Horrible. I love Noah but he is way too hard to play with and needs to go. I just need to figure out a way to do that without looking like I snaked him so we can work together in the future.

Also, Livingston pissed me ALL the way off today. Not only did he tell the minority that I was the vote, but he also did it without asking me or anyone else in our alliance. I... Why am I playing with so many loose canons? He literally did not have to say ANYTHING. My first gut reaction was to pop off on him because that's putting me in so much danger. But I realized that the best thing to do was act like it was fine and tell him that he just needs to ask next time. I would say Livingston is my closest ally on this tribe, but I really can't have him acting a damn mess like this, especially not this early on.

So I know my name is going to be written down tonight. Eric straight up lied about not hearing my name at all. The good thing is that Ian told Livingston straight up that he wasn't okay with voting for me, which makes me feel better. Right now, even though I don't trust my seven-person alliance at all, I need to trust them. Like it or not, I'm stuck with them. I'm just hoping that after tonight they'll be stuck with me too.
1778 days 22 hours ago
Livingston (noobsmoke23) Confessional EP:4
1778 days 19 hours ago
Kasey (Kaseyhope101) Confessional EP:4

So, Joey is kinda being chaotic extra, and is like "k we gotta split the votes" and i'm like, sure im apart of the team... so i, sadly, have to change my vote from noah, and... i guess thats that. for now, i kinda will just.. play along, and... it doesn't really HURT to vote for Sean.

I don't know, Sean seems like a smart player, and he isn't on my side... if Sean does end up getting voted out, it's whatever. He is pretty high on my target list, along with a lot of the people I've never talked to.

I don't THINK Sean will be in any real danger, but it IS nice we have a backup if the Noah plan doesn't turn out.

Either way, I'm safe so... it's hard to really care. :-)
1778 days 19 hours ago
Noah (noah_kondon) Confessional EP:4

I'm totally trusting Brandon here that Jojo is flipping her vote, this is nuts, and I think i'm a goner, but it's me or Sean, and I'll do practically anything to survive if need be.
1778 days 17 hours ago
Sean (Caliboy) Confessional EP:4

Omg this tribal is a mess!!!

Although Noah claims he has an idol I know he is bluffing because my #1 ally Ian has it!! Right now if they are splitting votes between Noah myself or Brandon I feel it is best that Ian myself and Eric vote out Noah to attain majority.

It’s survival of the fittest and honestly karma is a Bitch!

It’s funny because I know there is a majority 7 and although can attack one like Jojo I feel there is plenty of game where a swap happens and force to work with and destroy when comes to merge if the OT too has a clear majority. Being in minority is a game I am familiar with and not afraid too change things to make the moves need to ultimately make the finale.

My vote today if not clear already is for Noah.

Let’s hope that my charade and nonchalance pays off and can make waves with the intel and social moves I have had in 1:1s
1778 days 17 hours ago
Kamani (Seven_Ikonique/Ramanik) Confessional EP:4

Okay so basically since I'm safe I'm gonna keep things short.

Hope Adrianna stays alive in this game and another bitch go. Chris or I need to find the idol. And yeah I think that's it tbh don't have much to say just needed to submit a confessional.
1778 days 16 hours ago
Noah (noah_kondon) Confessional EP:4

I don't hate Andrew anymore, fighting for my life at this point rn i'll say whatever
1778 days 15 hours ago
Noah (noah_kondon) Confessional EP:4

I just want to make it abundantly clear, if they keep me, I will turn on them in a second.  They ABSOLUTELY should vote me out without question, but I won't tell them that, I'm gonna claw and scratch. 

And Ray is just a racist little shit.  Calling Andrew "slave" like what the fuck.  Like me and Andrew had been 4 years ago, but we're fine now and have barely talked, but i'd work with him for sure. Honestly Ray just piss off, crispy roll. 

Brandon may have been somewhat loyal to me, but I feel I was a way better ally to him than he was back, I always kept him confidential, while he exposed me him and ethan, and wouldn't take any risks for me really.  Idk, if i were to magically stay (there's a bigger chance of a unicorn walking into my room rn) I would sick with him.  But in general, i'm just disappointed in him as an ally.

It almost feels worse NOT getting blindsided because I knew I was in danger and failed to stop it.  I hate when I go and it's not a blindside.  Because I'd rather get tricked than be the guy who couldn't get the votes.
1778 days 15 hours ago
Livingston (noobsmoke23) Confessional EP:4

this was from before the vote, about the turney crap LOL enjoy 2 confessionals this round
1778 days 13 hours ago
1778 days 11 hours ago
Adrianna (Saftronbtr999) Confessional EP:5

yikes... that was a close one; i can't believe noahs planned almost worked. sean almost fell for it too but i saw right through it, i knew as soon as noah said he had an idol what he was trying to pull and it actually almost worked?? i had to pretty much admit to sean that i have it for him to not vote jojo and convince eric to not do it either. as of now sean is the only one on my tribe that knows i have it but i trust him honestly. also that random vote for jojo was weird; someone from the majority def did that i feel? don't know exactly who but it is interesting.. i don't want to go tribal any time soon so hopefully we can just pick up a couple of more wins until a tribe swap hopefully can happen.

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