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S9 China - Clash of Clans [Confessionals]

Topic » S9 China - Clash of Clans..

1779 days 20 hours ago
Livingston (noobsmoke23) Confessional EP:3
1779 days 19 hours ago
Noah (noah_kondon) Confessional EP:3

So I haven't sent many confessionals recently, because not much has changed that matters at least, we went from a win to a win.  Still can't find the idol (the hosts untimeliness in sending the clue leads me to believe it's already found), and John going home is just another obstacle out of the way for me.  Dude is smart as hell, I'm glad to have him gone and I don't think anyone gives a single fuck that Kasey has safety now.
1779 days 19 hours ago
Kamani (Seven_Ikonique/Ramanik) Confessional EP:3

So I'm gonna be honest. I have an inactive fucking tribe. No one is ever around to talk game much, yesterday nearly half of the team came. And I know I wasn't there but sis I'm still getting used to living on the west coast, and also I haven't played this is a few months so I forgot that you guys begin the challenges an hour after tribal.

My one thing after failing to attend the challenge yesterday was just to say I lost track of time. I have made sure that I've been social to everyone in this game and I have shown that I am an active member of this team. But after hearing some things and looking at how people aren't talk I could be in danger or one of my allies could be in danger.

So I was informed that Hufus, someone I truly wanted to work with is most likely in an alliance with Jake, James, Eli and Absol. And the thing is Absol was the one who spilled the beans. I'm not sure whether to fully trust his word but I'm going with it because I'm not even the one who is getting voted out. After hearing all of this Andrew made a group with the others not involved in the group. The alliance's plan is to vote out Jake. If I'm being honest voting out Jake isn't my first thought. If I had it my way I would put the vote on Hufus. One he has the archetype of 'Cult Leader' so he has a way to influence people and make people like him. Hufus has obviously been trying to play the middle by trying to be cool with me and the other side.

I'm just going with what I have to go with. There is bound to be swap coming up VERY soon, and if I'm on a tribe with James, Eli, and/or Hufus I'm jumping ship because they can't be trusted.
1779 days 19 hours ago
Noah (noah_kondon) Confessional EP:3

I got Ray to bring up adding me in the chat, MY STEPS HAVE BEEN COMPLETE, now hopefully the relationships I maintained and worked on after the vote will be enough to get me added to this chat.  I'm Mr Steal Your Alliance and I'm coming for the 7 I don't know the name of yet.

Me Rn with this alliance:
1779 days 19 hours ago
Noah (noah_kondon) Confessional EP:3

Actually more accurately:
1779 days 19 hours ago
Noah (noah_kondon) Confessional EP:3

Also, Ray and I just talked, and in that convo, I said i knew he made the chat, and then Ray was like whoever told you that is lying and then I said like wait 4 people told me you made it then Ray be like and I quote "actually i lied i did make the chat i just looked back lmao, sorry im high"

LIKE I'M NOT STUPID MOTHERFUCKER.  I KNOW YOU'RE FULL OF ABSOLUTE SHIT.  I may only be a keyboard warrior and be mild mannered IRL, but just know I literally have a Crossbow like I lost all the darts but I STILL HAVE THE CROSSBOW SO DON'T YOU DARE COME FOR ME MOTHERFUCKER.
1779 days 19 hours ago
Kasey (Kaseyhope101) Confessional EP:3

So, the hot new gossip is that Noah is woke about our group chat of 7 and somebody leaked to him. At first, I thought "yikes who leaked" then I thought "hmmm what if noah is just straight up lying and saw 7 people voted together and wants to be problematic as usual?" but then i talked to brandon and he was like "yeah maybe but he knew ray created the chat" and... it IS entirely possible he just guessed it was Ray cuz Ray is such a big name and big player, but... it seems like.. kind of a reach? so, I guess we just gotta assume there's a leak in the chat... and when there's a leak, it means it's gonna start sinking.

Sadly, Joey is the one who suggested "let's just take Noah out" and that SUCKS... I BEEN WANTING NOAH OUT. YALL KNOW THAT. YALL SEE MY CF'S AND KNOW I'VE BEEN SKETCHED OUT BY HIS SHADY ASS FOR DAYSSSSSS... and JOEY is the one being like "ok lets vote him out" WHAT. THE. UFUCUFUCKDKSFUF . I hate that shit, BUT... at least... since there's probably a leaker... Joey is the one with bloody hands, and not me. Either way, I'm immune at my next tribal council (i think???) so, i stay unbothered.
1779 days 15 hours ago
Noah (noah_kondon) Confessional EP:3

This idol hunt for me rn is frivolous, with this new clue, I know i'm either looking for someone who straight sucks at games, or has so much karma they're on crack.  No offense Mike.  I google searched every single games played number possible and nothing so either I missed it or it's a user obscure enough that they don't come up when you search their number of games played alone.  That leads me to believe it's not one of the cracked fuckers.  So basically I'm looking for someone who sucks at games.  At this point, I feel like I'm looking just to confirm it's already been found.
1779 days 15 hours ago
James (J2999) Confessional EP:3

Ok so I miss John :(

But right so we lose :) (: :) (: I don't remember whether I pointed that out in the end of my last confessional and I don't have the effort to backtrack. Jet lag is KILLING me LMAO UGHHHHHHHHHH.

So like Jake made a like allegedly 'minority' alliance with Absol, Eli, Hufus, him and myself. Good group of people! 3/4 being in my other alliance chat lmaooooo.

But then he targets DYLAN. So like Dylan and Jake are the only two on the tribe I didn't know pregame, but my issue is I like both of them !!!

And the other vote is JAKE.

Tonight I actually need to not be a pussy and not just toss my vote. ULTIMATELY I think Dylan is gonna be better for my game, and my seemingly closest ally is Absol  king, and he wants Jake so yeah.

I am open with Absol as I do trust him quite a lot to be honest. An issue currently is I don't DISLIKE anyone, so I don't want to vote anyone out! Kamani has targeted me in a previous game and that appears to be my strongest ammo at the moment, so I told Absol I'd like him out next time we lose, assuming no swap comes along. I'd also feel bad doing Kamani TODAY because I know he has like a food test so yeah!

I feel bad for Jake, but I hope I'm majority tonight.

I vote for JAKE :( a king but the stars just didn't align this game, unfortunately!

AGain - as always - assuming there's not a blindside brewing on someone not Dylan/Jake lmaoooo. We need to WIN. I'm tired of losing LMAO.
1779 days 13 hours ago
Noah (noah_kondon) Confessional EP:3

Fuck, Jake, someone on the other tribe who I like is gone, and Eric is now safe, and after Sean and Ian both scored crucial points last challenge, they could be considered crucial members to the tribe, leaving me on the bottom, I absolutely have to perform well today.
1779 days 13 hours ago
Hufus (Hufus) Confessional EP:3

this tribe makes me wanna drink and actually do drugs cause they're FUCKING silent or just inactive or just don't seem to care at all. Like for real why tf dont you show up and try on challenges or JUST talk and strategize and PLAY the game. It just makes me pisseeeeeeeeeeeeeed. And it's been like that for the past 2 tribals which havent been funny at all, it's hella stressful and it makes me anxious. At this point, I know I can count on James, Dylan and (surprisingly) Dana, cause what I talked about in my last confessional apparently seemed to work. Me, Richard and Dylan got together and made a chat last night and we kept strategizing about the vote, and we ALMOST flipped the votes, which I really tried to push for considering I know me and Jake would work really good together (as we did before) and I didn't want him to go. I have some other people to target first, like Chris and Eli, who have barely talked to me if im being honest. But since I don't know many of these people and I really don't know how well they are connected to each other, I didn't want to ruffle any feathers and risk saying something to the wrong person and actually end up being targeted instead, so I'm trying my best at this point to lay low.

BUT LAST NIGHT DANA AND DYLAN ACTUALLY SUGGESTED DOING CHRIS!!!! And I was like "YES u just read my mind he's not really caring at this point" etc etc etc etc. Like I did a great job convincing them to go this way, while I mentioned how yesterday I "finally" got good vibes from Jake and that I felt like he would be loyal to us and he was more participative than the others inactive. I think I did a good job convincg them, but BUT ofc he had to blow this up... He legit tried to gather an alliance to save his ass, which is okay, a good idea, but actually targeted DYLAN out of all people. One of my closest allies in this tribe I would say. OFC i was not having it, and (unfortunately) i had to rat out his plan b4 someone on that chat did it and then he wouldn't trust me anymore if he knew I was in that chat as well.

So at this point I really don't know what's gonna happen... if it's Dylan or Jake leaving or if it's actually someone else. People are indeed being sketchy and not talking a lot at all, but I don't know if that's just a repeat of the past two tribals or if there's something brewing in the backstage... let's hope it's not the case. I'm just praying I survive once again and we somehow have a swap that takes me to somewhere I like. LOL Manifest it.
1779 days 13 hours ago
1779 days 12 hours ago
Dana (TotsTrashy) Confessional EP:4

About time I do one of these now that I wasn't an early boot.

I never thought I would return after the results in Heroes vs. Villains, but I want to give it one last shot at making it into the winners club. I was Domenick Abbate'd and I can't end my legacy with such a shortcoming. I'm a villain through and through, so let's have some fun.

The first three votes were simple. Alan for being weak (and possibly a multi), John for being an ass, and Jake for scrambling. Lines are finally starting to form on our tribe and I am glad that I am in a middle position. Andrew made an alliance with Absolita, Chris, Dylan, Kamani, and myself, which is honestly going to be the majority until we swap. Hufus and James are in good graces with us, too, and it's kind of clear as day that Eli would be the vote if we lost. It's not necessarily what I would want to do, as the first alliance I made in this game was with Absolita, Eli, and James. But apparently Eli snaked Absolita so idk :3

Better to just win challenges until we swap. I'm also aware Adrianna has the idol over there because Ethan told Dylan who told me. For you viewers who want Dylan and I to be enemies again, not happening (yet)! And I'm not taking your fucking silent auction!
1779 days 12 hours ago
Noah (noah_kondon) Confessional EP:4

So the 7 apparently doesn't want to add me to the chat, seems I'm quite on the bottom I guess.  There's no chance in hell I'm sticking with them come swap, I'm flipping highkey.  Maybe even now, I wanna try to pull something.
1779 days 12 hours ago
Noah (noah_kondon) Confessional EP:4

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