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S9 China - Clash of Clans [Confessionals]

Topic » S9 China - Clash of Clans..

1781 days 16 hours ago
Noah (noah_kondon) Confessional EP:1

To be honest, I should've seen this coming from Brandon, he did EXACTLY this to me in Cutthroat Survivor when he exposed another alliance I was in, and I was basically screwed the very next round.  But this time it's slightly different, I just need to remember Brandon has a flipping addiction.

Live image of Brandon:

Right now, the priority is to do my best to integrate into this new alliance prior to the vote, without letting them know I know about the Ethan vote, I just need to do my work with each person, and then after the vote, I can hopefully point to what I did prior to the vote itself.
1781 days 15 hours ago
Sean (Caliboy) Confessional EP:1

First Impressions of the Brigade:

Eric (awwsum11): Nice kid def see myself working with him.
Brandon (brandonrichie): He is a perfect archtype as a Villan however glad we talk as we squash our beef we had in Cmack's Farewell season (40 Cast season where he cut me at 12th or something like so). We shall see how long trust will go tho as he may have beef with others.

Jojo (jojo7784): Joey message me and seam to go find, but he also mention how he is worried about potentiall premades but only heard talks about wanting to vote an inact vote with others. Our convo never really pick up after the challenge started so I am not sure if he thinks I am part of it or what. Got to talk to him more now that I come to this realization. Could be someone I need to work with or get out if he thinks us OGs needs to go as seams like hes a noob.

Ethan (Ethan000): I heard he is a legend here and this is my first time actually having to play with him so this is kind of exciting to talk and work with as we both seam to be on same page in terms of the game. I have high hopes that we can ride it out together.

Andrea (IceIceBaby): I had to message her after knowin she has some beef with Brandon as left off stating that an inact vote makes sense and Brandon is one to vote out down the line. I could agree with that or choose to take her out in play to work Brandon's trust and get him out later in game if seek fit. I am unsure if Andrea is a solid ally.

Ray (GentlemanG): Ray and I have some history before so this is nice to be back in and kind of reconnect. HAven't really played much with him but do remember him being a good physically threat. Hopefully one that can help us win challenges.

Kasey (Kaseyhope101): I know her but honestly one that people have considered an Inact and I know I made a comment that she may be a fan fave so may be too early to target first. I hope she comes around and would rather work with me in turn of events.

Sean (Caliboy): Winner of this game, point and blank.

Adrianna (Saftronbtr999): Connected as he reminded me of how I got my first Gia WIn as she/he was in the final 3 with me getting third. Told me he's not been as active on here prior and told him about my hiatus and seam like a person that will work with me. So I am happy to do so since the last time I played with him I was the last original member of my tribe that us talking or working together never really pan out from an Original tribe standpoint. At least here we can do such that.

Chanel (THEChanelOberlin): I feel bad because she did message me and notice the next morning and I am now trying to get an impression of her. Seam like she could be an ally or another person to consider voting off later in if others have quarrel but who knows as too early to say.

noah_kondon: Noah is someone like Ray maybe stronger that I feel I could work with strategically and all. I know he is somewhat aware of how good I could be at this game although I been gone awhile I think he vaguely forgot if we played together before so this ultimately helps regain surface and hopefully help me find myself in another F3.

Livingston (noobsmoke13): Guy seams nice however not as talkative as people want him to be and is being thrown as the inactive vote with Kasey. However only people have said his name so its consensus. I would feel guilty but he didn't respond to my morning call so I am going to say this is the right call knowing that I do have stronger bonds with the others.

IF my impressions does not give it away I feel my core so far is going to be with Eric, Noah, Ethan, Ray and Andrea. Thats a 6 that I think could easily control this game not sure if thats who Joey is scared of but ultimately I feel I could get us to make moves and be where I feel we need to be for Merge and let the individual game be.

Vote: My vote tonight is for Livingston/Noobsmoke.
1781 days 15 hours ago
Adrianna (Saftronbtr999) Confessional EP:1

Confessional: so far all i've been tryna do is just talk to people 1 on 1 and try to form connections with ppl individually, to be honest i feel like i would've been in a much better position on the other tribe (sorry ben u know i love u! #teambigbensbridge ) but i have better relationships with ppl on the other side. i would say our team is stronger though than the other so like hopefully we dont lose a lot of challenges because to be quite honest with u i dont feel very safe if we lose a lot! i have a connection with mr hentzel obviously seeing as hes one of my best friends lmao, but the bad thing is people have already been mentioning my name and associating myself with him. good news is that he has an idol though which is perfect for us so if we ever feel like we're in danger we can use that as a backup plan, i understand tho that as this is a bb vs mm season that our chances of swapping soon or maybe even at all really probably isnt that high so im gonna have to work hard to connect w/ these people if i REALLY want to make it far in this game
but anyways stan loona

1781 days 15 hours ago
Brandon (brandonrichie) Confessional EP:1

Why am I doing this... again?

The bitch is back back back back BACK again! At first I was honestly not looking forward to coming back for this season. I truly came back because I can't say no to Ben (partially because I sold my soul for my win but I don't know how much I am allowed to talk about that). And after seeing the cast I was put with, I was extremely discouraged. Not only am I unfamiliar with a lot of the people playing, the ones that I do know are ones I have backstabbed pretty hard. Oops.

After a while of talking around and feeling the general vibe of the game, I actually feel a lot better. I thought I would be a pretty easy boot, especially due to my reputation and archetype, but for some reason the two sides that have formed on my tribe both want to work with me. Did they... not see my seasons? While I do not think that anyone trusts me completely, I do believe that people see me as a shield that can be useful to them moving forward. I'm somehow managing to fly under the radar, and in order to keep this up until I have numbers to do anything I'm going to have to stick with the majority. Right now it's looking like it's myself, Andrea, Kasey, Jay, Chanel, Livingston, and Joey versus the other five. Ethan and Noah were the first people to throw out names as targets, which just so happened to be Livingston and Kasey. If I had to call anyone a friend in this game it would be the two of them, so I was definitely not on board with that. So all night I planted subtle seeds that a counter alliance needed to be formed to break up Ethan/Noah/Eric/Sean/Adrianna. And it all culminated this morning when Ray brought us all together and made a chat to vote out Ethan. Perfect!

But there is one roadblock to this for me: Noah Kondon. Noah and I have played together before and didn't exactly mesh all that well, but for some strange reason I do trust him (at least for a few rounds). I think he is the most likely person to find an idol, I know he can be loyal, and he is a huge target due to how much of a lunatic he is. Check, check, and check! Sounds like a good ally to me. I decided to tell Noah about the plan to vote off Ethan just so that he trusts me moving forward. I spent around forty minutes on the phone with him explaining everything, telling him that I threw our 'side' under the bus but only to protect the two of us (as I'm sure he would have been likely to find this out later), and that once we vote off Ethan we can try integrating him into the majority group.

My game right now is simple: don't outwardly be my archetype. I know that it's been successful for me in the past, but I really do not feel like any of these people are going to put up with it this season. I need to lay low, plant extremely subtle seeds, and get people to trim the fat as to who I trust the least each round until I get to a point where I have a good group of followers. I have never played with a more accomplished group of players in a series of Bens' before, and we're going to see how much I am able to handle it tonight.
1781 days 15 hours ago
Ethan (Ethan000) Confessional EP:1

Okay so wow I’m back in BigBitch’s Survivor! Woo! I feel absolutely lied to and betrayed because I thought that’s all it was going to be…BigBen’s Survivor but alas….you all suck.

So now SHOCKER! Ethan you’re playing M&Ns for a 3rd time (never thought I’d say that)!

So moving past the bullshit, apparently I’m the Second Chancer on my tribe? I mean I guess I get it but whew did they make a STRETCH for me. I was an absolute FLOP in BigBen’s Survivor Greece, so how that warranted me returning? Who knows. M&Ns really just didn’t want to renew my contract, huh? So now I’m getting paid less to appear on the same season. Whatever, I swear I’m NOT mad!

So during the whole cast reveal my confidant DBWs messages me, HOPEFUL, that I am on the cast for this wretched season. I so badly wanted to say no to fuck with him, but there’s something about Dylan that I can’t like lie to? Wow that probably sounds like we’re dating but I promise it’s strictly platonic!!! Haha, but obviously I love Dylan and he’s so much more charming and charismatic and well-known when compared to ME, especially in the Survivor realm of group games, so I have to align with him by default! And not just that, but we just played M&N’s HvV together, and had I not been idoled out, I really do feel like we could’ve made the FTC together. R.I.P. But right off the bat, he’s somebody I immediately trust, probably with my life which could be a mistake but ig we’ll have to see. (also can I make note of the fact that when we were talking I forgot that I was a winner in M&Ns?? lol… #DylansMist ig)

Moving on, I have 3 pretty close friends in this game. Saftronbtr999, Seven_Ikonique and Mybash_! I honest to God had zero clue Chris was even playing the season, but I knew that Saftron was gonna be in Ben’s and Kamani was gonna be in M&Ns…but did I expect a crossover? Absolutely not. So that’s cool I guess since we’re all in the same game. But the problem is…a lot of people know we’re friends, so…don’t know how that’s gonna pan out. Probably for the worst tbh.

I mean my tribe is…good! I think I would’ve faired better on the other one (yes, even with Dana on it), but I’m thriving…I hope! Noah immediately came out really really strong talking with everyone and basically forming those key connections. He’s definitely a talker and a gamer, and I’m just gonna make a mental note of that for the future! Brandon also is somebody I’ve heard horror stories about from past games, and he immediately was in my PMs “starstuck” about playing with me LOL. He said he was a “big fan” and would honestly just like to “sheep me” and all of this stuff. He apparently was drunk, but still, uh uh. He’s talking to a seasoned veteran. Anyways, IRONICALLY, I’m in a 3-person alliance with BOTH of these people lmao. We’ll see how it goes for now, but if it’s legit then that could be useful for information and stuff in the future.

So now we get to the vote, Saftron is immune cool, but people know we’re friends, so not cool. If I get first boot, let it be known I fully expect it, but I also feel like it isn’t smart. People know they need me for challenges, so an Ethan first boot is NOT ideal! Anyways, Noah and I were talking and he kind of threw out Livingston’s name which is kinda shitty since he’s never played before but yeah :/ That name honestly spread like wildfire and he’s allegedly going home 11-1 but…I’ll believe it when I see it.

Other than that ig the last thing I have to say is that I found the IDOL lol. You know your favorite bitch was gonna be finding this thing, I’m an idol magnet in games, so here we are. I was absolutely disgusted that I had to basically do some public task in the tribal council thread to get it, but alas here we are and I hope nobody else gets the same task or else I’m DOOMED. But yes I have it, so that’s definitely a plus! Also I told Dylan about it bc that’s my boy, and obviously I told Saftron about it.

Dylan also just told me apparently Alan is going home, so that’s wonderful. AlanDuncan does not like me. Here’s to hoping Livingston actually goes!!
1781 days 15 hours ago
Chanel (THEChanelOberlin) Confessional EP:1

I've been grinding to try and form some relationships with these people lmaoo

I've obviously been added to the SE7EN alliance which is greatttt so long as it sticks together at least for the first vote...

In the alliance my loyalty levels/preferences are...

1. Brandon
2. Jojo
3. Ray
4. Kasey
5. Livingston
6. Andrea

Jojo and I have already briefly spoken about the game after SE7EN reaches it's inevitable end... we both said how we like Ray and Brandon which is kinda perfect for me, so hopefully the 4 of us will be able to work together well down the line.

I'm not gonna get ahead of myself, let's just see how this vote goes and go from there haha
1781 days 14 hours ago
James (J2999) Confessional EP:1

Struts in....

STOKED to be back.

So let's take a trip down memory lane over both games.

MONGOLIA - Ok yeah I sorta snapped but like I was highkey a noob so I lost 4-3 (ik officially 4-2 but Lorenzo voted me and 4-3 looks better than 4-2!) to king JB.
ALL STARS - idk why I typed those words when I didn't play this season ! but no I got branded as someone I wasn't by my awful swapped tribe and I was stupid and what goes around comes around, hence my exit in *gulps* fifteenth.

Ok M&N's: - first off wow i'm blushing @ physical threat I just have to hope they keep the quote on quote 'physical threat' to help in challenges!

ETHIOPA - LMAO ok this was the first survivor group game I gave my ALL in now that I actually understood it properly. I remember being minority like the whole time, then in a rather ghetto manner like receiving votes at first merge tribal AND second LMAO but no I was in a good spot. I then got 7th after i don't know, people tried flipping the vote for no reason, leaving JOSH SERGEANT (wow just remembered it was THIS legend) in minority, and yeah i left 3-2-2 tragically.
BOTB - Ok I PROBABLY wasn't even supposed to play! Just Will IceBeast and I after failing a couple times knew we wanted to play again together, so i instantly said yes. He idoled me 8*-3 at F11, then I got 6th after *sighs* KASEYHOPE LEAKED TO CHRISTIAN UNDERSCORE THAT WILL HAD ANOTHER IDOL. And ofc Kasey is back this season!

ANYWAY so like I actually really like my tribe. I think I am on good terms with most, Kamani and Dana is like up and down, then I don't know Jake and Dylan. But yeah, quickly Turney's name comes up. Then many hours later Alan's does. Alan is probably leaving honestly I don't know, but I do know I got Kamani's name brought up but like it's Final 24 of a 24 person game LMAO I don't want to play too hard too fast, so I'm not being too forceful.

But yeah Alan is a good mate and I cannot vote him.

So tonight I vote KAMANI. Nothing against him, but I know we probably are not gonna be that close at all this game, so yeah! I'll be sad if Alan gets first boot, but I mean ultimately rather him than me right??? I expect Alan to have like 7 votes, Kamani like 3, then Turney possibly 1. Or 9-3 between Alan and Kamani, or 9-2-1 or SOMETHING similar, but yeah I think Alan is unfortunately leaving :(

This season I'm playing for Team James and Team James only, and whilst I'll go as far as I can to protect allies, I'm NOT throwing my game away for anyone. Touchwood. Oh my days LMAO i'll just have to end myself if I do.
1781 days 14 hours ago
Kamani (Seven_Iconique/Ramanik) Confessional EP:1

So I'm back! I really was conflicted on playing this season. Last time I played was on Survivor: Sweden. I had a very mixed experience on my season. The hosting was excellent and the challenges were fun, plus I met great people. The bad side of Sweden was just the people who ran the game, I had an alliance that did not trust one another, and there was some racism that went unpunished.

But we don't talk that trash.

Going into this season I want to play the same kind of game. I didn't really do too bad it was just my alliance didn't work together and communicate. Looking at the tribes I'm really surprised with the bigben team. Bigben has some strong players but you never know they could flop. On my tribe I feel very comfortable on I havent't seen some of these players in sometime and it feels good to get reconnected. Hufus, Dylan and Jake are the people I instantly meshed with and I would want to work with in this game. Chris and I played as a duo on Sweden so he is already a number for me. Turney and I have a great relationship so we're most definitely working together. Tots and Absol we don't have beef but I know they're gonna need to go soon.

The only person I don't get along with on this tribe is Alan. Alan is a very untrustworthy player and looking at how things could be looking he will most likely be the first boot. I have been told that Alan has tribe to get me voted out, but I feel confident that the people who said they would vote Alan are doing it. I've pretty gotten a yes from everyone except Absol and James.

Alan you're obsessed and you're going. Bye

you can post this in the group or whatever
1781 days 13 hours ago
1781 days 9 hours ago
Noah (noah_kondon) Confessional EP:2

So I be searching for the idol, searching through the leaves, and I come across this user named Z3US and be like, he has one blog, but i'm just gonna click on it cuz why not lol and then THERE'S A FUCKING IDOL FROM BIGBEN THERE I HATE MY LIFE.
1781 days 9 hours ago
Noah (noah_kondon) Confessional EP:2

1781 days 9 hours ago
Noah (noah_kondon) Confessional EP:2

This was quite amusing on the 2nd blog of JourdanBabyXoXo
Sent by DJ2722,Apr 1, 2018
DAMN YOU dj2722
Sent by Paige54,Apr 1, 2018
*claims 2018 egg* ?
Sent by Dmpwb45,Apr 2, 2018
Oh I see what happened its a fake lmao
Sent by Dmpwb45,Apr 2, 2018

but idol hunting is so tedious i'll find pretty much anything unusual funny but um...:
1781 days 9 hours ago
Noah (noah_kondon) Confessional EP:2

so idol hunting has me kind orf bored as shit, so i ended uup having a efw drinks wso i could better ahdnle this shit, and its' jnot helping.  my head is now going nuts and i have the song colors of rthe wind from pocahontas stuck in my head and i'gm imagining it as a hype song this is lifke really weird.

like hiave you ever heard zthe wolf ycr to the blue corn moon or asked the grinning bobcat why he grinned?  can you snig with all the codlors of the mountain?  can you paint with all the colors of the wind?  fuck yeah pocahontas get him.
1781 days 8 hours ago
Noah (noah_kondon) Confessional EP:2

My cracked brain is now thinking of what a cover of the song Go Loko would be like if sung by Alvin and the Chipmunks I can't get this out of my head.
1781 days 8 hours ago
Noah (noah_kondon) Confessional EP:2

I just downloaded a pitch changer and WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS.  THIS IS WHAT I'M LISTENING TO AS I IDOL HUNT NOW

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