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Survivor S.Africa S3 "Cursed Idol" - Discussion

Topic » Survivor S.Africa S3..

3315 days 6 hours ago
May 29, 2015 20:05:07
here's a summary my strategic game so far (ugh it looks like i'm tryharding for ff)
"dude what if i got NuMzansi and NuZulu and pagong NuXhosa DUDEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"
"we should split the vote"
"what is a cursed idol"
"i think my game is similar to denise martin i had the underdog position the whole game"
"is it fine if i pull in ____ to vote with us?"
"i feel like i'm very similar to ethan, i have no enemies and i made a shield out of my meatshield _____"
3315 days 6 hours ago
3315 days 4 hours ago
Merge Assessment -

Tyler (tyleror) - Tyler was seen as a threat before his Idol play before the merge hit. Not only did he flush two Idols with his play; but, he got rid of the only other "Cursed Idol" in the game. He has probably worked harder than anyone in this game up to this point and he might have to continue to do so because if anyone from Original Xhosa were to get blindsided; I feel it might be Tyler if he doesn't have Immunity around his neck.

Jacob (BOBROCKS333) - He is also playing a solid game. Like Tyler; he is seen as a huge threat for being great at challenges and puzzles specifically. Him and Tyler have been working close together since Day 1 and I feel Jacob is in a great position to make a good run to the end of this game at this point. It all depends on who has the better social game between Jacob and Tyler. I don't see them making FTC together; but, it would be a great battle to witness if they can both pull it off.

Selena (MarthaSpeaks) - Selena has had her ups and downs this game. She is great at sending in confessionals and is the only girl left in the game. She was persuaded early on in the game that Tyler was targeting the Zulu tribe by Adjoa and has had it in her mind to take him out at the first chance she gets. It will be interesting to see if she can slide into the FTC as she sort of faded into the background like Carolyn in Worlds Apart for me...

Chip (chpman12) - Chip is the glue that has been trying to keep Original Xhosa together. This could make him a social threat late in the game; but, I don't see him being targeted right away. If he can make sure he brings the right people forward with him and maintain a good Jury Management. I can see him winning this game actually. He participated in my series 1st FireMaking Tiebreaker and won. I feel Underdog potential.. .

Mickle (MicklePickle20) - I was pretty excited to cast Mickle as I've never seen him play a game and have only heard good things. However; he hasn't sent a single confessional and I really can't say anything about him. If he makes FTC; he might struggle to achieve the win as his fellow castaways feel he hasn't showed any effort up to this point.

Scott (Fobbyiyg) - Scott is playing a great game all-around. He shows great effort in challenges. I have mixed feelings about what I feel could happen with Scott. I feel he could be targeted during the first vote of the merge; but, I also feel he has the potential to make the FTC. I feel he might have to rely on the strategic aspect of the game to make it deep now that the tribe's have merged.
3315 days 4 hours ago
Merge Assessment continued -

Luis (_Adidas_) - Luis is playing a solid game. He has the only Immunity Idol going into the merge. He is an Original Xhosa member and that could keep him in this game if the alliance can stay strong for these first few votes. He is one of the two returnees in the game still and that might make him a target if a flip were to happen. His social game might be able to keep him around for awhile; but, I feel he might have to win every challenge if he makes it deep in this game because he would have a solid case for FTC if he can manage to pull it off.

Steve (steve4280) -  Austin was going to be the first boot for his Original Tribe until Steve foiled Maxwell's plan in playing sides early in the game. But, ever since; he has sort of faded into the background. He is in the minority and he will have a rough road ahead of him as I feel he could be an easy target for Original Xhosa. I feel he will have to work on getting Xhosa to flip on each other to survive these early votes in the merge. At this point; I feel Steve's chances of going deep into this game are pretty good. If he can mange to make it to Final Tribal Council; he might have to sit next to two more undesirable players of crowning then himself and will have to make himself a great case as to why he should win.

Yogi (yr_2007) - Yogi is playing great socially. He said in one of his confessions that he relies on the social aspect and is actually pretty horrible at challenges. He is playing an UTR game and I feel he has a good chance of making it to the Finale as I feel he could be in the best position out of everyone in the game.

Maxwell (Broniak) - Maxwell is decent in challenges but, really turns up when the merge hits. I'm a bit disappointed in the self-vote since he is a returnee and it is the only self-vote this season. My only question is if he self-voted strategically knowing he was making himself a target early on. He has a good chance of making it far by playing UTR and selling it if he can manage to skate to the FTC.

Austin (BatmanTDI) - Austin was going to be the first boot for his Original Tribe and he managed to find himself and is tribe(s) winning every challenge until the merge hit. I don't see him being an immediate target for anyone. He has manged to turn his game around; but, will this luck continue? He is in a decent position and is probably one of the best in terms of speed challenges. He is a huge threat in challenges and he will have to be selective with his wins. Austin might have a solid case for himself if he can manage to overcome adversity and make the FTC.
3314 days 10 hours ago
Okay, that made me pissed. But I guess this challenges dosn't mean anything in the end.

So Steve gets me into an alliance with Maxwell, Chip, Yogi, and Lewis. That is 6 fricking people, and it doesn't include Selena! I honestly don't know if I even want to go along with this, since I only know 2 of them, and the other three I have no trust in at all.

Honestly, I need to go see were Selena is out and see what I feel more comfortable doing.
3314 days 10 hours ago
May 30, 2015 18:25:59
Confessional - Luckily I had already decided that winning this challenge puts a bigger target on your back than is worth it; otherwise I would have been more upset about the not-so-random random torch snuffing. Besides it also helped me determine yet another one of Tyler's lackeys. Hopefully I did not need to win this challenge like I think I don't because now that we have merged I can finally start picking off Tyler and his slaves. Tyler has been running this game since Day 1 and anybody who does not see that or sees it and has no desire to put a stop to it is a fool. I have no doubt that the final three in this immunity challenge shows more than just who could hold on to the torch better; Luis, Chip, & Tyler are obviously aligned and I hope I get to pick all of them off one by one. Depending on who wins this challenge of course.
3314 days 6 hours ago
May 30, 2015 20:29:54
i'm disappointed that there are so many undeserving fucking bastards that will make it farther than me, especially maxwell, luis, and whoever else is following tyler. the thought of tyler winning makes me want to vomit. coincidentally i vomited blood earlier today haha.

hopefully this is my last confessional
3314 days 6 hours ago
May 30, 2015 20:43:21
First Merge Confessional
I could say quite a lot but I'm going to consolidate this into a couple of sentences...basically the original Xhosa 6 is still tight together and we plan on voting as a block. However, there are a few complications to this, first of all I need to think about what to do about Tyler and Luis considering the fact that they will win a majority of the challenges. Secondly, a lot of people haven't done much this game so I know that people will be attempting to make moves, therefore, I cannot put myself too far out there. In addition to my core alliance, I was invited to an "alliance" of myself, Luis, Yogi, Broniak, Steve, and someone else I don't even remember. That is besides the point, this "alliance" is just another source of information for me, I have no allegiance to it whatsoever. Both alliances, thanks to me, will be voting Fobby tonight so there should be no reason why this vote shouldn't be 10-1 or 9-2.

I know I rambled on quite a lot (so much for consolidating) I am very pleased with what has occurred this entire game and I wish things could keep falling into place as they are right now.
3313 days 15 hours ago



This game is so frustrating. Everyone seems to to claim something is an alliance, when I haven't even spoken to half of these people. Steve is holding this big alliance, and I have talked to Luis, but it seems that Maxwell isn't even here. And off the top of my head I couldn't even tell you who the other two are! This will be one weird tribal.

3313 days 14 hours ago



*writes down*

Well last tribal everything went as planned to blindisde Nolan. The only person that asked me how to vote was Tyler so I came up since the swap that our best chance was to get Scott on our side since he was a Zulu member and Nolan and Maxwell were from (idk tribe) making it 2-2-1
Tyler told me he had the cursed idol which was perfect since I was almost going to use mine and we send Nolan out
Since they voted maxwell I figured he will be inactive and I can get him to my side

Now with merge I am in 2 alliances
The original Xhosa myself, Tyler, Jacob, yohi, chip, and Mickle
And another with Myself, Steve, batman, chip yogi (not sure if another)

So I have immunity which is really great and I came up with the plan to get rid of Scott since at today's challenge we has really speedy and everyone was okay with it
I don't know what side I'll chose but I will take this for granted to take out big threats
3313 days 13 hours ago

final words


First off I just pulled the fake idol thing to fuck with everyone since I knew I was leaving anyway.

Half of me is fucking pissed that the likes of Maxwell and Chip made it farther than me, like what the fuck have you done all game??????
While the other half wishes I scrambled a LOT more just to give myself more of a pulse.

Tyler is the only one playing the game so far and he's still there and that's all that matters so far. The others can eat a fucking nut except for Mickle
3313 days 13 hours ago


Re: Tribal council -


Confessional - Well, this tribal council could not have gone any worse. Scott wrote my name down; what a moron. We were the only two original Zulu members left in this game and now that Tyler's alliance (of NINE apparently!) voted him out, I am the last remaining Zulu. That means that if they continue along the path they are currently on I am getting voted out for 10th place unless I can find an idol (not even a cursed idol can save me) or win this next individual immunity challenge. And now Scott is saying he may have given Tyler yet another hidden immunity idol, how can I possibly take Tyler (who no doubt knows that I declared war against him) down if that is true. Scott was a threat in this game and he was also an idiot so I am glad he is gone, but now I feel truly alone as I am the only one left who did not write Scott's name down. Unfortunately, it seems as though Tyler will win this game with very little opposition. I do not understand how these people (especially Mickle!) can let such a big threat walk to the final. Last immunity challenge I got taken out because of a mistake, but this time I need it or my torch gets snuffed; if I win I may force the alliance to turn on each other and might be able to stick around a while longer. This season will come down to me against Tyler if I have anything to say about it; the first one of us who gets voted out means that the other one is definitely winning. Everybody better be joking about giving Tyler their idols because that would be the stupidest possible move anybody could make in this game. And my fate comes down to an auction; if I lose at least I can rely on the fact that I could still get lucky and somehow survive tribal council.
3313 days 13 hours ago


Re: Tribal council -


my confession no.2 -

so here im viewers after a few days gap from my first confession

so i said already that our original 6 were intact then there was a tribe swap and i was put up with chp in a tribe with natalie,rick and the quitter

thank god 1 person quit so luck may be on my side so that brought us in equal terms and natalie and rick were close too

my strategy was simple to rely on my social skills and survive which i can do 9/10 times :-P this is where i get ahead of big players like luis and tyler !! so me and chp were tight so we talked to both rick and nat and nat lied to chp that she will evict rick which i doubted and shes a smart player in the end it was a tie between chp and rick and thank god chp won again luck favoured us :-P:-P

i talk to everyone so that makes others think im on their side but i only extract info from others what i want to know and once i get it my target is fulfilled this is what smart players do they talk and gather info and see whats good for their gameplan

then nat and chp had an arguement lol that kept me away from chopping block again so ofcourse me and chp evicted nat

to be continued
3313 days 13 hours ago
Selena/Martha is the Rodney of the season with less charisma
3313 days 13 hours ago
Re: Tribal council -


confession continued..

so me and chpman survived as the 2 members left from a 5 member tribe and i came out without a single vote against me :-P this was not easy for sure and also luck favoured us :-P

then at merge steve msgd me i know he is very smart and can cut my throat any time so i just say ok to whatever he says :-P

so he asked me why did u save chp lol isnt it predictable that im with him lol

then he made a f5 with me,chp,steve,maxwell and batman lol i cant stop laughing !! my targets are maxwell,steve,tyler and luis all these stand between me and the title so i have to just take them one by one and patience is the key so i surely know if i keep calm i can out last all of them !!

so i said chp lets listen to his plan but we still do what we gotta do :-P

so steve needed a 6th member and he added luis to this

i could spill the beans but i didnt because this alliance can take out tyler and jacob that could take 2 threats out so i thought let me just sail through and the others will self destroy each other :-P

so tyler won immunity and that earned more target on his back remember never do well on few challenges immediately after merge because thats a crucial period so lay low

so all wanted fobby out including luis and jacob so they all voted fobby

so i thought let me do something different and a smart move hence i threw a vote on selena incase fobby had an idol and i already said i have a tendency to throw votes randomly just for strategy just like kass :-P

so fobby went out and i dint go with majority i listened to their shit but still did what i wanted to do

so i hope soon jacob,tyler,luis,steve,maxwell all self destroy each other

im suspicious that steve is with maxwell and luis is with tyler and jacob

im soon gonna insigate fights and suspicions between them just watch out

i just hope i survive so i can show some unusual and entertaining moves :-P

thats all for now


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