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Survivor Tocantins Season 2 Discussion

Topic » Survivor Tocantins Season 2..

3390 days 8 hours ago
From mman23
Day 9 Confessional
Jan 19, 2015 09:58:49
to ItsOfficial
What an opening merge round this has been. I was sad to see Luis get booted last round, and while rumors showed that Cedric may have helped with this, I tend to believe he wouldn't cast away such a vital ally of his for no good reason. This seems to put original Jalapao out on an island, and we arenn't too sure how to fix this. Last round I received the exile hidden immunity idol, and I couldn't have been happier. Idols can cause chaos, and I certainly hope this one does as such. Based on rewards given from the auction, original Jalapao will be down 5-2 at the votes. Carlos (x2), Katherine, Ash (who will negate votes from me or Dan), and Emmy Jay are targeting Jalapo. I'm 100% sure if I didn't win immunity, I'd have been the target. Thanks to some thrifty auction play, I saved my money to buy it at the end. Honestly I was thinking the last item would be an idol clue or an immunity advantage, but I'll take the necklace just the same. Now the tough decisions have to be made.

I love Dan as a friend, and he is my #1 ally, but the guy has no survivor aptitude. When faced with the ability to steal any reward, he picked the red pen, one that really doesn't give much aid. Personally, I would've taken the double vote, but it wasn't my choice. Now because of this, the opposition can comfortably split their votes 3-2 on Dan/Cedric, while only two votes from Jalapao side will be effective. Due to this, it becomes difficult to pull the trigger on playing my idol. If this indeed is how votes go, then an idol becomes worthless besides to ensure that whoever I play on doesn't go home because the other one would barring convincing someone to flop in a re-vote.

The decision is tough, and I truly hope Dan or Cedric finds the Forza idol. If this were to happen, and then I played my idol on whoever didn't find it, then all three of us would be covered from elimination and we'd be able to boot Katherine no doubt. It will be interesting to see if we can grab another idol for our use, but if not, I'll sadly have to say goodbye to one of the Jalapaos.
3390 days 7 hours ago
From teamjacz
Tribal Council
Jan 19, 2015 13:45:56
to ItsOfficial
*tearfully reveals vote*
My vote is for Dan tonight.
You've helped me so much, and I was willing to risk my safety to guarantee yours, but you told me not to. I'm going to keep the idol and hope you get your wish and are the sacrifice.
3390 days 7 hours ago
From Nt888
Jan 19, 2015 14:19:07
to ItsOfficial
This is a massive vote for tonight I have a feeling idols are going to fly and the best part is Im not going home and what ever way the vote goes I can slide into that alliance I mean like come on I have. I have successfully reunited both tribes and now I can run both alliances and easily fit into one alliance and still lead the other one my problem is that Kathrine is going to make a move for power and that scares me but now I an making Carlos look like the villain because he "betrayed" me and voted with the other alliance even though I told him to so everyone thinks he is the jerk and back stabs them where as really I was the one masterminded what side Carlos is voting with so Carlos will have jury members hate him and I hopefully wont
3390 days 6 hours ago
From mman23
Tribal 9- Forza
Jan 19, 2015 14:27:26
to ItsOfficial
My vote goes to ASH

Additionally, I choose to use my hidden immunity idol on DAN.

Reasoning- My jalapao brothers Dan and Cedric are great guys who both deserve to stay in the game. I think we have a decent shot in the next round or two to take control. And if not, I know that I'm helping my friends advance further. This round should be the turning point of the game. Ash is a great competitor, and needs to go home now.
3390 days 6 hours ago
From mman23
Pre-tribal chat
Jan 19, 2015 14:47:50
to ItsOfficial
Literally started at like 3pm EST. This is for the viewing lounge to enjoy :)

Josh/mman23 started the chat

Cedric joined the chat 7 seconds ago

Dan joined the chat

Cedric: Hey bro

Dan: hey [smile]

Josh/mman23: Hey

Cedric: ..s

Josh/mman23: so i see you guys both submitted votes

Dan: I actually think they are voting me

Josh/mman23: do we think they're splitting votes?

Dan: You can change them, I asked to change mine once and he let me [smile]

Josh/mman23: it makes total sense for them to do it, if they're thinkin

Dan: I... kinda voted for you. :\ I'm just gonna be honest. Everybody's gonna vote for you tonight except Josh... You mad? [frown] >?I decided to vote off cedric, who did you do? [smile]

Cedric: I doubt they would.... I mean they really don't have the votes to be confident with

Dan: I sent this to katherine and got this reply [frown]

Josh/mman23: well if carlos has a vote doubler

Josh/mman23: and ash has a vote canceller

Josh/mman23: it would be 5-2 right?

Dan: yeah ash is counseling my vote and they are all voting me I think [frown]

Cedric: Do you want me to use it or no?

Cedric: I'm asking again just because

Josh/mman23: So Dan you think you are going to get at least 4 votes?

Dan: I think I need it, but idk if they are lying, it's so tough

Dan: It depends if emmy votes with us [tongue]

Cedric: If you don't need it or don't, I'm willing to use it on you if you are gonna be here to help us

Cedric: help Josh/Emmy if I go

Josh/mman23: What if i told you guys there was another idol for us to use?

Cedric: I told you before I'm willing to go if it's me.. but provided you'll stay and fight

Cedric: There is?

Dan: I won't give up lol [big grin] and no there isn't josh?! [surprised]

Cedric: Freaking Exile Idol

Cedric: They went to exile twice

Josh/mman23: I wasn't going to bring it up because I didn't want to choose who to save

Josh/mman23: but now that we have two idols

Josh/mman23: we should be able to save both of you guys

Cedric: wow

Dan: No way!

Cedric: So you're willing to use it?

Josh/mman23: We know they're voting for one of you two

Cedric: I'm pretty sure you can save yours if you want

Josh/mman23: we cant risk it on just one

Cedric: The thing is, I risk using my idol on Dan and I leave

Cedric: They don't worry about another idol

Cedric: And you'll have it for another tribal

Josh/mman23: Well if that happens, it's still a risk

Josh/mman23: because if i nor dan win

Cedric: The biggest thing in all of this is that I'm willing to go if it's me

Josh/mman23: then it's 50/50 one of us is leaving

Cedric: =/

Dan: No you can't leave, neither of you can, you have to be the finalists!

Josh/mman23: if two idols are played for us tonight, then we know nothing bad will happen to our group

Josh/mman23: and we fight to live another day together

Cedric: your call on this, I don't do well on decision making.

Josh/mman23: one of us wins the immunity challenge and sends like Carlos or Nate to exile. We pull in emmy and boot Ash

Dan: If we did that, we could change our votes and get anyone out

Josh/mman23: then i think we could take this to the end

Cedric: Okay it's settled then- using nothIn

Cedric: both*

Cedric: chatzy is weird on tablet

Josh/mman23: You both want to keep playing, right?

Cedric: Dan said he'd be in for the long haul

Dan: OMG the looks on their faces will be so funny! and hells yeah, I just didn't think I had anything to fight for because it was a done deal that I was gone [big grin]

Cedric: so how do we do it, I use on myself, you on Dan?

Josh/mman23: tbh i think the majority will be on you Dan. But if they split votes, which smart people would, then it wont matter cus Cedric would leave in tiebreaker

Josh/mman23: Ced it can be either way lol

Josh/mman23: p
3390 days 4 hours ago
From Nt888
Jan 19, 2015 16:17:29
to ItsOfficial
Well Ash is gone haha bye bye Kathrine's power but now she is alone and has no one to ally with her so she can be an extra vote for me to take out some of Josh's power since now everyone will be voting with him and I cant risk him just dumping Carlos and I on the side and skipping to the end I need his power to be severed so he is more keen to take me to the end I know its risky but Im not going to float to the end Im going to do what I can do so I get the most power Kathrine likely will be next vote so if Carlos and I vote with her we can force a tie I needed Kathrine desperate so now I was able to start a stream of events that ended with Ash, who was more than happy to backstab me and go to Kathrine I need to pull something big off
3390 days 4 hours ago
From teamjacz
Jan 19, 2015 16:56:08
to ItsOfficial
Shouldn't be here. Nope shouldn't be here (wow I said that after last tribal too...broken record much)
But still, second time in a row I've tried to trust that what was told to me was the truth, and for the second time in a row I was lead astray.

Quick backstory on what went down. I told Dan "Everyone's voting you. Let's freak out and cry!" We spend the next hour freaking out and crying. Emmy Jay runs up "VOTE KATHRINE. VOTE KATHRINE." then runs back under the rock he was under before (love that guy!) Out of nowhere Josh comes and some snaps us into shape and it is then that Dan mentions he has an idol clue and about 3 clues deep to get it. We go search and thankfully I snatch it up (THERE WAS LITERALLY A 1/5 chance of me getting it) DAN is saved! But oh no, Josh thinks they split the vote and I tell him that they wouldn't DARE lie to me again.right? :3
He has the exile idol, suggests we play both, and I nearly talk him down because I'm SOOO sure they wouldn't vote me after they said they wouldn't (idk what game I thought I was playing, What "The Amazing Survivor Friends or something?)
I decide to be safe and listen to Josh, and one by one, my name is on the ballots. I fucking hate Kathrine right now. lol yeah crap I was plotting her demise this whole time but at least I was never exposed of it. She just tried to screw me my actions were justified from the beginning. She is currently trying to explain how she thinks Carlos  or Nate told Josh and Dan who the original vote and that I was the only other choice but I know she is lying. She could have voted Emmy at the very least.
Josh gave Dan and I a little timeline of how he'd like things to pan out and that made me realize what a monster I've let survive our second tribal council. Would Zach be this aware of how to make the game play out? I mean I could have thought of the same thing but I'm a bit timid so I want others to say what is on my mind. But he's all for a Jalapao final 3 and I'm good for it too as long as one of my buds (or this guy) comes out with the win.
3389 days 9 hours ago
From mman23
Day 10 Confessional Part 1
Jan 20, 2015 10:50:27
to ItsOfficial
I say part 1 because I know tonight or tmrw I'll have more to write :P Last round we successfully blindsided Ash, but it was slightly unsuccessful due to my wasting of an idol. I feel like using the idol for Dan solidified my trust in him, and I seriously hope this doesn't come back to bite me. The immunity challenge was very revealing, as Dan got a lot more love than I anticipated. Additionally, he scored the most points in the challenge, besting me by one point to secure the victory. Many of the "threat" questions belonged to me, but I already knew that. It's flattering to hear that my opponents agree.

This will be the definitive round of the season. I said that last week, but I'll switch it to here because this is the first round in the past four that I've been eligible to be voted out. I know I will be getting Katherine's vote. The question remains if she is able to convince three others to join her. I don't believe there are any active idols, and tbh I can't afford to think about them atm. I feel really good about Cedric and Dan being on my side. If last round didn't prove my confidence in them, then none will. I'm pretty sure Emmy voted Katherine last round, so it shouldn't take much to get him to do it again. The problem with him is communication- he's clearly the worst person left in the game. Nate is very enthusiastic to work with me, but I hope it isn't fake. Carlos I'm putting a weak effort into recruiting him as I believe he has the least to gain from booting Katherine.

No matter what happens, I've played a solid and entertaining game. Surely worthy of an all-star appearance if that is in line for this series lol. But for now, I focus on making it to the final 6!
3389 days 9 hours ago
Jan 20, 2015 11:16:19
to ItsOfficial
Yeah, host you're right. I really have no freaking idea what's really going on. I'm playing on a surface level when everyone else (probably even E.J.) is in the core of things. I was so sure Kat wasn't voting for me. I was sure of it. Dan went to her and confirmed she said, "no I'm not voting Cedric, I'm voting you Dan." I was so sure of it. And I was so wrong.

The BIG thing I realize is that I'm not the biggest saint in this game either. Yeah I was trying to get the better hand but I think I'm sort of an anti-hero in the game. I have my morals and way I'd like to play ideally but I am setting myself up to be voted out just whenever by doing that. I want to feel proud of how I played even if it wasn't the best on paper. Because FU to perfection. Perfection sucks. So, EVERYONE is going to have to lie at some point. Kat just did it unnecessarily.
I'm not sure what I'm going to do but I want to do something risky again at least. I may as well. Going home now wouldn't change anything since I don't think I have the best chances of winning (but damn me if I don't try)
3389 days 9 hours ago
From Nt888
Jan 20, 2015 11:32:03
to ItsOfficial
Results for the challenge came back and I was pleased that it did not make me a target but it cemented my belief that I want to vote out Josh. Carlos and Kathrine would hopefully vote with me but Emmy and Dan will likely vote for Kathrine with Josh. That leaves Cedric in the middle now I need to convince him that Josh is the bigger threat I cant risk having another powerful player in this game I need to be the powerful player and I dont want to share my power. Josh has made an alliance with myself Cedric Dan Emmy and Carlos and undoubtly he knows that he wont go to the end with me why would you? Josh's power is growing and Im not going to float to the end Im fighting until the end Im giving my tribemates the illusion of choice I suggest to them either Kathrine or Josh and then push a little more for Josh so this way they can "decide" who to vote out really I am pushing them to vote who I want them to vote for but they think that it was their idea so they are more likely to agree with it and pursue it this will be a crazy night and Im excited whether I go out or Kathrine goes out this night will be a big player going out
3389 days 7 hours ago
From KathrineOliver
Tribal Council voting + confessional
Jan 20, 2015 12:17:42
to ItsOfficial
I'm voting for Josh.

"Josh, I'm sorry. I'm voting for you cause you're the person I talked to the least. Also, it's the only way to secure my position. Right now I'm in the lowest point of my game and I need my old allies back. So I'm hoping that they told me the truth, that we'll vote for Josh. And for some reason people think he played the best game (?)(The "Know Your Tribe" Challenge) so I guess it's our best option now. Additionally, I really have to follow this round and not lead. Cause I've voted or gone against all of my allies (Nate, Cedric, Carlos) at one point or another. And they really need to trust me. If I'm not gone tonight, I'll need it. I got a lot of crazy plans in my head right now, and none of them will work without their trust. And if I leave, no surprise either. But they should know that I'm a very bitter person and I will not give my victory at Final Tribal to anybody that had a hand in taking me out."
3389 days 6 hours ago
From Nt888
Jan 20, 2015 14:26:51
to ItsOfficial
I am voting for Josh he is too powerful to keep in the game and besides I dont want him to be the strongest player in the game I want to be the strongest player in the game I dont know who is going out tonight I have went all in on this tribal whether or not it will work or backfire I dont know right now my plan is to take Carlos and Emmy as far as I can because I could easily beat them in a final 2 but I have no doubt that all of the other players have that same idea I dont know what will happen tonight but I know that a big player is going out and Im excited to see what happens
3389 days 3 hours ago
From Nt888
Jan 20, 2015 18:20:29
to ItsOfficial
This vote will either catapult me up or send me crashing down so much needs to come into place one misstep and my plan fails and Im as good as gone in this game all I really can do is hope that people stay true to their word and are willing to listen to me and make a smart play all my cards are on the table now its time to see if I go bust or get the jackpot
3389 days 2 hours ago
From Nt888
Jan 20, 2015 19:21:25
to ItsOfficial
Im getting so nervous this is a big moment for me its either going to A.) give me a big move and power B.) fail miserably and be voted out in a couple tribals or C.) it explodes in my face and I go home the more I talk to people the more that my gut is telling me Im next my fate is in everyone elses hands and Im super nervous for this next vote
3388 days 23 hours ago
From wym395
Jan 20, 2015 21:02:23
to ItsOfficial
Today it was an obvious choice but sometimes obvious choice isn't the right choice. I wanted to make a big move and take out Josh but he has close allies that aren't willingly to jump ships.

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