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Kolby's Survivor: Thailand

Topic » Kolby's Survivor: Thailand

2359 days 7 hours ago
Episode #10 - "The Spirit of Survivor"
Immunity: Brian (FireX)
Eliminated: Chris (Chrisdooger) [5*-2-0*]
Idols: Dono (donosaurus_rex) [Lahu] & Ryan (Born2Pizza) [Hmong]
#Hmong - Tribal Council #12
- Ryan (Born2Pizza) --> Chris
- Chris (Chrisdooger) --> Ryan
- Brian (FireX) --> Ryan
- Logan (Chillum) --> Ryan
- Richard (richardcglover) --> Ryan
- Andrew (DallasAndrew) --> Ryan
- Dono (donosaurus_rex) --> Chris

Ryan = Idol Play "It'll be definitely interesting what happens now"

Dono = Idol Play "I lied."

Ryan: 5
Chris: 2
2359 days 7 hours ago
Logan | Confessional, Day 14, Hmong

I'm not too sad chris is gone he was helpful while he was here but he's gone now so too bad for him . I'm actually kinda happy he's gone it leaves a good path for me to get in the final 3 take brian,richard and andrew to the final 4 and then get rid of brian at the final 4 because he would beat me in a final tribal council easy
2359 days 7 hours ago
Logan | Confessional, Day 14, Hmong

The 4 of us me,brian,richard and andrew should make the final 4 easy from now on unless richard decides to flip flop to to the other side again I don't really understand him sometimes. All I need to do to get there is get my broom out and sweep the trash off the floor and out of my way called dono and ryan and then get rid of brian
2359 days 7 hours ago
Ryan | Confessional, Day 14, Hmong

I'll be trying my hardest to win, this upcoming immunity challenge. I'll need it the most and it's the most important one yet! We cannot have Logan winning it, because I plan on targeting him, this round.

Just to clarify, Dono and I went for Chris because we both knew he would've never been open minded enough to work with the both of us. + He's just Brian/Logan's lap dog. I don't know who specifically but we knew with Logan & Brian together in the game, there will always be drama and a chance to get rid of either one. Brian definitely wanted us to get rid of Logan, if we did do that, we definitely would've been the ones on the chopping block this round. With, Brian easily heading to finals but with Logan in the game.. I know Brian doesn't wanna risk keeping Logan and he's backed in a corner right now and isn't going to pass up the opportunity to get rid of Logan.

I'll be working extra hard on Andrew, more specifically because I believe he truly does want to work with me. It'd be stupid of him, to unnecessarily lie to me. That'll just make me a bitter juror. I can swing a Logan vote this round, definitely. Let's just pray!
2359 days 7 hours ago
Brian | Confessional, Day 15, Hmong

Makeing a deal with ryan and dono is like making a deal with the devil
2359 days 3 hours ago
That was a crazy tribal
2358 days 4 hours ago
Ryan | Confessional, Day 15, Hmong

Tonight, we're blindsiding Logan.

At least that's what Brian has been telling me the entire time, I believe him to an extent. I need to see it to believe it because he's been nothing but a liar this game, to me. I guess voting out Chris was the right move for Dono and I, Brian wants to get rid of Logan and is willing to use his idol on me. He doesn't want the vote to tie at all and it shows how much of a social game, I've been playing. I'll try to speak with Andrew and get his vote just in case Brian is lying to me but I highly doubt he lies to me this late in the game, there's no reason to unless he really wants to lose my jury vote.

You've been nothing but a thorn in my side, hopefully this is the first and last time I write your name down. I am either getting played or I get my way, and you head to ponderosa!
*writes Logan's name down*
2358 days 4 hours ago
Dono | Confessional, Day 16, Hmong

It's a nice feeling being safe tonight.

I'm used to living in constant regret. It's just some things I can't seem to shake with time. I'm a person that holds on to things I suppose. Sentiment is important to me. So when I made the decision to play the idol, and then almost backpedaled on it with you, I opened a path I should have followed. I didn't, and I can't help but feel a bit of remorse. But life throws these lessons at you all the time. I've learned that it's almost never a bad thing to fail, or to be wrong, so long as you are honest with yourself. Reflection is the most important step in growth. So with that being said, I must move on and not look back. The idol was a fun tool, I got almost nothing out of it, and that's the way it goes. I'm still in a fair position to win, and I've got the advantage of being a challenge threat. There are only two left, and I know that no matter what happens tonight, we are getting rid of a challenge threat. If it's Logan, cool. If it's Brian, even cooler. And if it is Ryan? Well, even though it seems like worst case scenario, I still don't see how I survive Final Five without immunity, even if Ryan survives this tribal. The twosome of Ryan and myself succeeds when I cannot be targeted. So it is a better situation for me to have immunity than Ryan, or at least that's how the dice have been rolling.

I suppose it would be nice to go to the final two with Ryan, but realistically, he has played a fantastic social game. He has played at least an equal part in communicating with our enemies. I have also never been so social in any tengaged group game as much as I have in Thailand, so I still think I could beat him in the end. Honestly, I don't care who I go up against in the end. I'm desperate enough to just get there at this point, and I stand a chance against anyone left in the cast. I think I'd have the toughest time beating Ryan, so I won't be too upset to see him on the jury.

Tonight, I believe the vote will either be Ryan or Logan. I don't think there are any idols left (probably wrong but fuck it), so it will hopefully be straightforward from here on out. Brian has been vocal in pitching a Ryan, Brian, Dono Final Three. I don't buy it. I called him out last tribal with sending Chris home, so he is probably out for blood. I suspect Logan will vote with him once again. I hope that by voting out Chris, we didn't forcibly align Logan and Brian, but that's seeming likely. I have no belief that Richard wants to work with me, but I really think Andrew might. I really like Andrew, and I think he could definitely vote with us tonight to take out Brian or Logan. Neither Richard or Andrew stand to benefit from eliminating Ryan. From my perspective, Ryan and I have been kind and in more cases than them, honest. I can't possibly know the relationship they share with Logan/Brian except through voting history, but there is no consistency in that either. Andrew seems really barely there and Richard does too. But they have brains and do there own thing, it's quite strange. They are just... quiet. I'd love a Richard/Andrew/Dono F3, oh man that is ideal.

I don't really know how to talk about my game. I don't want to start thinking about it, but the whole finale is in one freaking night, so i don't have much time between now and my opening statement, assuming I make it there. I am not convinced I will, but I had no clue this game would go the way its gone thus far. I have ZERO votes against, that is a huge surprise. I thought I'd be getting votes left and right. Most times I think I just got lucky or was feared to have an idol, so maybe that idol did some good after all.

So I'm going to bed, and I'll be sending some more confessionals (and my tribal council vote) throughout the next two days, because I have to keep my head in the game. It's sweet that tomorrow is the real Survivor finale, so my head is gonna be in it come Thursday.

2358 days 4 hours ago
Logan | Confessional, Day 16, Hmong

Nearly in the final 5 wohoo but I don't really trust Brian at the moment he seems to be planning against me from what I've heard him tell others Im a bit curious about him place he voted me at challenge after he promised not too
2358 days 4 hours ago
Andrew | Confessional, Day 16, Hmong

Well, my vote is pretty clear for tonight, however I don't know too much about what it's happening. Dono and Ryan should stick with me and vote for Logan, after I warned them to play an idol on Ryan last time. However, they ususally were careful and tried a safe route all the time, like at the last tribal, when they voted for Chris and not for Logan as they said. But this time, they need at least 3 votes, so I think they will count on me. RIchard's discussions about being able to vote me out scared me a little, and then when he came to me and said to make a splt vote, 2 for Ryan, 2 for Logan and 2 for Brian, I was convinced that he is targeting me. But he seems to be sincere in the end, because he changed his mind and now says he's targeting Ryan. I don't know what to say anymore, he's also very sincere about his vote with Brian, which makes me think he wants to stay in good relationships with potential jurors. I will be careful about him though cause I wouldn't be surprised if he will be targeting me at this tribal. I won't comment too much on Brian's speech at the tribal, he just showed that he's desperate and more important, that he has no idol (which most probably went out with Ikah when he left). He wouldn't have spoke about playing an idol if he wanted to do that, he would have simply done it. It's true, I didn't find in the rules until when an idol can be played, if final 6 is last time, his speech was much more nonsense.
2358 days 3 hours ago
Brian | Confessional, Day 16, Hmong

Hiii VL!!!!

So i have been working my ass off since my goat and best allie iv ever had chris got voted out. Its hard to find someone who will vote hiw you want without questions.


Ryan says he wants to work with me and go to F3 with me. Hes even said he would take me over dono to F2. HOLD THE GOSH DAM PHONE. now i want to go to F2 but if you think you can veat me then you better stop right there. I know i would be the dumbest person to take ryan to F3 or F2 but it could get me there.

Dono has told me he has no choice since hes got no idol. Also went on to say i am playing the best game and that erik(My Rival) was impressed with my game. OK LETS STOP KISSING MY ASS.

Ik i am playing a really good game and stand a shot to win. I want to win so bad. The thing is i have to make sure richard and andrew feel they can beat me which is not hard since richard said goats can win. Im not sure if he thinks hes a goat since he did make a move and vote ikah out which if you ask me makes him anything but a goat.

Ok so me and andrew are def good allies and i think me and him will stay close allies but this is survivor and you never know.

So i made a F3 with ryan and dono lol. This would be the third time i have done that. I think they trust me and want to use me i mean work with me. To be honest i wamt them both gone. I want a easier way to win and going to FTC with them is not.

Richard wants logan out. I think this is due to the fact that hes also a rat and has been giving dono and ryan info.i really just want richard to vote ryan out ASAP.

I voted ryan BTW
2358 days 1 hour ago
Interesting to see how it all ends, a great season so far!
2358 days ago
It's inevitable that Dono or Ryan goes at 5, whoever doesn't win immunity. Then at the final 4 it depends on if Dono/Ryan wins immunity or Brian does. Might be difficult for Dono/Ryan since they don't know the confessionals of a lot of the premergers since they almost never went to tribal.
2357 days 4 hours ago
- Andrew (DallasAndrew): Well, Andrew pulled off a huge move. I think it positions him very extremely well to make it to the end. But he has a significant problem that he's caused, and that's that now f4 immunity is CRUCIAL that whoever is left of Dono and Ryan doesn't win it. If they win it then he could easily lose. Even though I think it's safe to say he's played the best game. By far. If he can get to the end with Richard and Brian he's golden. And he can still win with Ryan or Dono there, but it's unlikely. From a results-oriented perspective, if he wins this was his best move since it set him up to be the person solely in power. But if he loses this is a huge blunder since he gave the minority a bigger chance of getting to the end. From a non-results-oriented perspective, I've got no clue what to think of it. Overall I probably lean towards it not being a good move, I think he had the advantage to win and was in a good spot even without this move. But I've gone back and forth a bit.

Interesting move nonetheless! Definitely puts him in a spot of power for f5. It's just f4 that worries me for him.

- Ryan (Born2Pizza) and Dono (donosaurus_rex): Like Max said, either Dono or Ryan will get 5th. I'd be shocked if any of the other 3 reacts to that last tribal thinking that taking Ryan or Dono to f3 is better than taking one of the other 2. However, I wouldn't completely cross out that possibility. I don't see Richard or Andrew doing it, Brian might be crazy enough. It's also possible one of these two finds a last minute idol. But realistically whoever doesn't win immunity here is toast. If neither do, then Dono is probably a goner. It's a sucky position to be in, but that's where they're at. If they don't win out then they're almost definitely screwed. If one of them makes it to the end, they have a REALLY REALLY great shot at winning. Honestly, I think it's actually pretty possible one of them pulls it off. The other 3 haven't been AMAZING in challenges. It would definitely be tough and likely some close challenges, but it's possible. We'll see.

I put them in the same spot because their odds are basically the same. And I put them above the other 2 because if one of them makes it to the end then they win. Whereas if the other 2 are at the end I don't think they win no matter what.

- Richard (richardcglover): Bad look for Richard last episode. I'm assuming he was the one who voted Brian. Having Andrew be the mastermind who made a big move last tribal. I definitely don't see Richard being able to beat Andrew anymore. His best chance was with Logan at the end, and that's no longer possible. I don't see Richard winning. He's played very well, but I think he's lost. Better luck next time Richard!

- Brian (FireX): Well, after last tribal, I think Brian is fucked. He can probably make f3, but I don't see him winning. It just seems very unlikely at this point. I don't think he can beat Andrew or Ryan/Dono. I just don't see how he pulls it off. He should've made a move earlier rather than waiting for someone else to make one. I was starting to feel like a broken record saying he should make a move to blindside Andrew/Richard, but I'll stop saying that now and instead say he should've made a move to blindside Andrew/Richard. That opportunity is gone along with his chances of winning.

- Logan (Chillum): And Logan is gone! Sad to see him go. He did deliver a lot of entertainment throughout the late late premerge and the merge. I think his biggest mistake is similar to what I was saying Brian should've been doing. Once you've lost the trust of people and are seen as a crazy person, you can't then rely on those people to stay with you. It's actually kind of crazy to me that Logan didn't try to flip things. He PUBLICALLY called out Andrew and Richard after they made a move earlier. Terrible move btw. And then he laters trusts them to stay with him this tribal instead of voting him out? Just terrible. Andrew still has all the power because he has used the minority to keep his majority allies from getting too much power. He's been doing exactly what Logan and Brian NEEDED to do. By remaining content in his position Logan effectively gave up power. You've got to continue to make moves. Logan didn't, and that's why he's here.

5: Dono wins immunity and Ryan leaves 3-2
4:  Brian wins immunity and Dono leaves 3-1
3: Richard; Any votes he could've gotten go to Andrew instead.
2: Brian; He gets some votes, but many think he had terrible jury management. Plus he lacked a lot of control and didn't really do much throughout the merge.
1: Andrew; Wins with a lot more votes than the other 2. Jury respects his game and his control over the merge.

It'll be fun to see what happens. I could see it going a few different directions, but ultimately this is what I'm betting on.
2357 days 3 hours ago
Episode #11  - "It Was Me"
Immunity: Dono (donosaurus_rex)
Eliminated: Logan (Chillum) [3-2-1]
Idols: N/A
#Hmong - Tribal Council #13
- Ryan (Born2Pizza) --> Logan
- Brian (FireX) --> Ryan
- Logan (Chillum) --> Ryan
- Richard (richardcglover) --> Brian
- Andrew (DallasAndrew) --> Logan
- Dono (donosaurus_rex) --> Logan

Logan: 3
Ryan: 2
Brian: 1

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