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Fourth Runway

Topic » Fourth Runway

3361 days 7 hours ago
Queens, this was not an easy week. Let the death jokes begin.
3361 days 7 hours ago
Joan Rivers
3361 days 7 hours ago
Elle Emayho
Ellen Uhvex
Sora Kotdone Midori
Yellow Fever

You are safe. You all may untuck in the lounge, thank you.
3361 days 7 hours ago
Auburn Marguerite
Caia Alexander
Jessica McMozzerella
Karen Forewe
Vella Morghulis

You all represent the best, and the worst of this week.  We will now begin with critiques.
3361 days 7 hours ago
Auburn Marguerite-

Alexis: I didn't really like your submission just because it felt like you just wrote a synopsis about your not very interesting journey in a game that started a week ago?  It was just very meh, and your look was expected in my opinion. Next.

Giraffez: Your eulogy was HALARIOUS I loved it especially because you had the balls to come after a judge that could easily say you sucked from here on out but I have mad respect for you now even admitting how horrible your outfits looked. As for this outfit I think is more ice sprite then the ethereal I would like to see I do like it though but I could still be a bit more like maybe a sparkle effect.

Brandonator: To me this submission wasn’t very memorable. I just couldn’t find one thing to really remember about it. Other than that I think you should depend more on what you do and not always explain it, it is less impressive that way. I am speaking mostly towards the global warming part, it was funny just saying “global warming and shit.” The rest explaining it kind of made it less funny though. As for the runway I can’t believe Dav_0 snuck into this competition right under all our noses. Really though the look was okay, unfortunately I think others used this concept for their look and they kind of topped you.

SilverShadow: I like that you tied your death with your runway look so are serving Ice cool frozen fishiness.
3361 days 7 hours ago
3361 days 7 hours ago
Caia Alexander-
B: This was a bit too much for me… I know we all love to jump right to the “HAHA I WAS A HOE I SUCKED DICK IN THE WOODS GIRL!” I mean haven’t we all done it? This one was way too much; I mean I really don’t need to imagine you being a pipe where whatever you eat is immediately poop… As for the runway I think I have a challenge for you, something new. No offense but all of your runways look exactly the same: swimsuit thing, no wig, neon eyes, weird patterns all over your body, small lips because a queen wants those? It is all just like one in the same to me.
S: I just want to say first that I've been a fan of your runway looks since day 1 if it was just up to me you'd always be in top looks now moving to this week's critique. I am living for your death look! it's like you died and ascended to your throne in High fashion heaven. I'm aslo glad that you made your eulogy funny coz after reading your lesson plan last week I was afraid you don't have it in you. Continue doing great thing Caia!
G: YES HONEY you show us why you are always on our tops list because this is a great eulogy a good combo of humor and seriousness I really like. Your runway though I don't really like I don't get the normal Caia Alexander feel from this look it seems to I don't know but for me it's not one of my favorite looks from you and I don't really get the little orb of light in the middle of your chest.
A: First of all you shady, shady bitch, I MAY not read books but I sure did read everything you wrote and bitch did I GAG!!! It was so cooky and creative and this is the kind of shit I'd love to more know about like tell me everything about your life darling!!! Your look was very you, and I'd love to see you do something more glamorous and see what you look like without the giant headpieces, though. Excellent job.
3361 days 7 hours ago
Jessica McMozzarella-

A: This is your best work so far in my opinion.  Your story was good and your runway was fitting while still looking presentable. I have no critiques for you (sorry) and I'd like to see you keep this up girl. Also my best shoes would never be used to crush someone BY THE WAY. They expensive bitch.

S: I really enjoyed reading your eulogy, you managed to keep me reading after two lines which some of the queens failed to do, Your runway look is very beautiful I love the glowing eyes but I dunno for some reason I kinda want more but good job overall.

G: I have to say congrats on making it this far with no critics but your eulogy is forgettable and I don't really see the humor in it it seems so bleh as for your runway I love it it's giving me an actual ethereal look that I just love I wish your effort in your look matched that of your eulogy.

B: A lot of queens gave me a funny moment; this one kind of lost that for me. I mean what were you even talking about honestly? “If you touched her you would grow a vagina”, like is that….bad? Or do I want to literally grow a vagina or what??? The Tengaged reference was not a good idea, unless you were really going to make it special but it really wasn’t. The runway was flawless in every way, I don’t think you have ever looked this right. And no one has ever looked so right with a submission just so wrong.
3361 days 7 hours ago
Karen Forewe-

S: For me your eulogy was the funniest! I think it's obvious now that being funny is your strenght. Your runway look is good but compared t the other queens you're falling behind. It seems like your looks are either shit bad or just bland.

G: ok yours was LONG winded and I thought it would never end ok first rule of comedy and that goes to everyone keep it short but not to short keep it simple but not to simple and sadly you did both as for your look, it's a bit too basic for me and the wings look way to small for your body I really wish you stepped up more this challenge sweety.

B: Oh honey…. Every day is a struggle for you on the main stage. Trying to play Willam was a HORRIBLE idea, or to create a new ego named Willam when that is a really identifiable character was worse. No matter which way you meant it, it was confusing and I had no idea what the hell was going on. The runway was cute, not drop dead GAWJUS. But it was simple enough to meet the requirements.

A: Girl... this was kind of a disaster. You didnt really write much and the four sections saying the same thing makes you not want to read it. Also """ghetto""" stuff isn't like funny at all so uh. Also your runway is very boring and I don't know why an angel would have blood orange eyes. Boot.
3361 days 7 hours ago
I can't believe we have finally reached an episode with 0 viewers
3361 days 7 hours ago

B:  Yours was short and sweet, and it mostly worked. It made sense and wasn’t just jumping around to different stories of you sucking dick with a different background which is something refreshing. It didn’t really make me laugh, and if you aren’t going to make me laugh I want to FEEL something and I didn’t get that. The runway was very beautiful, besides the smoke. I get what you were going for but personally I didn’t care much for it

G: I as a self defecation comic love that you spoke the truth about yourself the person who had to read it wished it was funny it's lacking something to make it funny for me and I don't know what but it  is as for your look I like how with this again traditional but you made it new you added a great effect and I love how your pussy is smoking even in heaven *wipes tear*

A: Okay I loved this bitch. It was short and funny and to the point, and it was a story that would have definitely touched the hearts and tucks of everyone attending. Your look is so beautiful and AHHH I am just living for you this week. Also good for you for not wasting alcohol on this messy bitch.

S: I like that you kept your eulogy short but still managaed to say everything you have to say, I like your runway look too but are you trying to tell us you died from a smoking disease with that smoke coming out of your mouth? it's still fab tho regardless.
3361 days 7 hours ago

B: I can’t really blame you for doing what literally every other person did, but maybe the whole group will read this. If you see that EVERY other person in this competition called themselves a flop/a hoe wouldn’t you want to do something else? Other than that I didn’t really like the way this was presented. Like how you hit enter between each line made it not flow so well for me, which may be a strange critique but how you are able to read a submission helps how you interpret it I guess. The runway was actually different which was good. Maybe you shouldn’t make it that dark bitch cause I can’t see over hurrr and also it was some joke where Madonna killed Florence I guess? I didn’t understand that like at all I am not cultured bitch like wtf are you talking about???

S: I'm neutral with your eulogy but thanks for keeping it short. Your runway look to me looks like you died as an old woman and got shot by people you wronged in the past, I don't hate it but I can't say I love it either.

A: *wipes tears from my eyes using a napkin*
That was beautiful Miss Ti.  You did the strongest in the challenge portion out of anyone, and it was beautifully written, so I have nothing much to say about that. Your runway threw me off because it just seemed like a regular avatar in a dark filter, like even Florence when she's alive would wear something more flowy than that. That's all. :)

G: To me it's just not funny and more sad for me to read and I like that it's different your look I can't really see it's too dark not the good kind either I literally can't see shit like I think it's suppose to be a deias delas meurtos look and I honestly can't tell.
3361 days 7 hours ago

B: First of all, binch, what is your problem with Monica Beverly Hillz? Secondly HAYYYY GIRL 2nd place finisher in Tayvie’s drag race right H E R E. Other than that the challenge was okay, it seems like you always try and add all these elements like small shady comments, sexgodd music, never ending references to actual drag race, but it never seems to work lol. Lastly your runway looks like a rejected concept for a Yu-Gi-Oh! card, take that critique how you will.

S: Your eulogy make told us that you had a rough lifr and it showed in your runway look. point for cohesion but yikes!

A: I am just waiting for you to leave or make some shit up better than what you've been doing. I know Miss Giraffez will dig into you well enough so I won't.

G: oh how the mighty have fallen I hate your eulogy just like Karen you need to stop talking about your self I don't really get the song at all or the references this I believe was the worse eulogy of the group as for your look it's also the worse of everyones for me I think I know where you were going with it and it went horribly wrong and I'm actually going to have to pray for forgiveness for having to see it. *does catholic cross thing*
3361 days 7 hours ago
yeah thx giraffez
3361 days 7 hours ago
Vella Morghulis-

S: Your eulogy is fine but gurl yo runway look is giving me the creeps, BOOT!

G: LOVED your eulogy it was really funny I literally laughed out loud and as people know for you to make a comedic person laugh it has to be great and it was I love how you read your self with your looks and your reading your clinic check up was a good touch your look how ever I don't like it's not the worse for me but it's a middle of the road for me.

B: Okay well first of all I am no scientist, I think the first joke was about herpes or some shit IDK why you queens all flopped writing college courses but now y’all got degrees and shit with this smart ass humor I’ve HAD IT! Something that really stood out for me as a really unique moment was the description of the beginning of your career. Whether that was a true story or not it was very down to earth I guess. I definitely preferred it to dick sucking jokes, I feel more connected to your drag character through that. The runway was…………something? It wouldn’t be the direction I would take portraying the phoenix, which is usually seen as beautiful. This kind of looks some weird scaly alien, which isn’t necessarily wrong I guess, it just didn’t hit the mark for what you described.

A: First and foremost, this runway look is so damn severe like its giving me so many kinds of teas I can't stop staring at her. Second DONT CALL ME A SWEATY MAN, sweatie.  And third, vulgarity can only get you so far. You have talent binch, don't rely on dick jokes for challenges because you dont need to. Good job honey.
3361 days 7 hours ago
I'm gonna be honest ladies. I'm still not entirely sure if I've made my mind up yet.

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