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Virtual Survivor Season 10- The Final Season- Pearl Islands- Disscussi

Topic » Virtual Survivor Season 10-..

3060 days 22 hours ago
Pacheca (Pink Buffs):
Jet (Leonine_Divine)- I think Jet is another Casualty of war victum here. He just doesn't scream anything that will let him be inside either major faction, and that will cost him, prbaly mid pre-merge.

Azri (Subfriend)- Final Juror, He is cursed, nothing can change that, nuffsaid.

Nikki (Avatar20)- She is FIRECE, and if somehow both her and Natalie can make a swap together they will be a dangerous force, but the odds of that happening are slim at best. Nikki's best bet Is to organzine the right forces and pray that for once things fall into the best place for her, because she has  ahard time with that.

Glinda (Glinda)- First boot. I don't think she is active enough to avoid it.

Jake (LemJam6)- He is cursed with unluckiness. however he will play with Gaia's alliance and over all  he will try and turn on Mearl either too soon or too late and that will be his ddownfall. I really hope Jake comes in without anything holding him back but there could be a lot of resentment based on how Jake has acted throught the site toward group games over the past year or two, and that could realy, really hurt his chances.
3060 days 18 hours ago
Jet Confessional

25 fucking people...holy gods this is going to be a shit show...anyway I'm super excited to be back for another season last time I was here I had my best showing and couls have won but I got too trigger happy with my idol, this time I'm going to have just a bit more awareness than last time, I am in a tribe with people I'm not too familiar with, I mean there's Glinda who approached me with an alliance which I accpeted, I just hope she doesn't remeber I've had a had in a couple of here early boots in other games
3060 days 17 hours ago
Sagar/Cole/Zach talks

mana's a pooh head and wont let me go to exile xD
>yeah unless you dont want to do it at all, im flexible
>>So Jaybird tonight?
>>>eh i'd feel kind of bad, i feel like he did more work than us in this
>>>like yeah he didnt do a good job at all but i'd say we should give him a chance
>>>>That's why i'm torn. Part of me wants to keep him and give him a chance, but part of me knows that Kekgeek may flop again :/
>>>>And he's a really good friend of mine that's what hurts </3
>>>>>yeah I would rather Jaybird go. I mean I know he was busy but he wasn't here at all other 4 of us were
>>>>>>i'd say jaybird but idc either way
>>>>>>>So since were going to Tribal the three of us need to make a choice :/
>>>>>>>We either have to vote out Kekgeek for flopping at the first part
>>>>>>>Jaybird for not showing up
3060 days 17 hours ago
Tim Confessional

Omg I love this. Me and Michael won the challenge by ourselves. With me being on mobile. I have quite a few connections in this game. And I hand picked who went to exile to lock those connections in. I didn't know who to send from Julian's tribe. But he mailed me saying he would return the favor. So that made my decision easier. Even if he doesn't, I didn't know who else to send. But hopefully he will send me eventually. And I have formed an alliance with Courtney and Michael. I hate Natalie and sackeshi is...yeah. So they will be the first ones to go. I was nervous coming into this game, but it has already turned around and I'm already in a great position at this point in time. I couldn't be happier.
3060 days 17 hours ago
Michael Confessional

So Tim and Courtney both messaged me so far and Courtney seems chill. Tim and I talked a bit and GUESS WHAT OMG.


I'm soooooooo happy and relieved if he is telling the truth because I want her OUT. I'm still gonna remain cordial about everything so she looks bad cuz we all know Natalie acts like she's on BGC all the time, but YAS SHE'S OUTTA HERE.

So Tim is working with Courtney and they want a trio alliance with me. Sounds good to me. Natalie and Sackeshi will be the first two out of our tribe if things go as planned (hopefully they do and people aren't blowing smoke up my ass) and I'll be a happy camper.

Also side note, with me winning this challenge, I've survived 3 days and I believe I have now hit the 100 day mark. Hell ya
3060 days 17 hours ago
Kelly Confessional

How I feel about Mearl

I will not bend down and let that diabetic self absorbed fucking shit faced cunt walk away with a million dollars for the THIRD TIME THIS SERIES people need to get their heads out of Mearls fat rolls and MAKE THE MOVE
3060 days 17 hours ago
--- Mearl gets the first idol clue---
3059 days 21 hours ago
Zach Voting

*walks up to the voting booth
On a tribe of 5 we CANNOT afford someone like you on this tribe.
*uncaps pen
*writes Jay
Sorry man, best of luck on Redemption Island.
*folds vote and drops it in the urn
3059 days 21 hours ago
Natalie Confessional

*walks towards the camera*
Hello Pearl Mothafuckin Islands

Tengaged Group Game Royalty has graced the last ever "Manalord's Survivor Series" season. *pictures of Gaia, Mearl, Glinda and me appear*

Omg where do I start? So I logged onto Tengaged 15 minutes ago to find out that I was placed in the most atrocious tribe to ever grace Manalord's Survivor:

Sackeshi - Hates my guts
Terose - The last time we played I tied up the votes in Link's Survivor Peru and made it possible for him to get rocked out with an idol in his pocket. LOL
Michael - Gave him third place. Also in Link's Survivor Peru
Courtney - No recollection of ever playing with her. Gonna make her a close ally of mine. We need the estrogen to stay this season.

I see myself getting pre-merge if these tribes don't switch up SOON. Even if tribes do switch up soon, I think I'm fucked and thats putting it lightly. My closest friend on this site is Julian and we aren't even that close....

People who I have beef with and DEFINITELY to MOST LIKELY want my head
- Tuter
- Gaia
- Mearl
- Kelly
- Cole
- Sagar
- Nikki
And - AFD

Like, I'm really not over exaggerating. This is bad. But that just means I have to win these guys over somehow. Maybe being gone for a month and a half can work to my advantage? We'll have to wait and see... :s
3059 days 21 hours ago
Tim Confessional

So Natalie is now trying to talk to me. Trying to be buddy buddy. Lol!!! Either she doesn't remember the last time we played together or she thinks/is hoping that I have forgotten. But I haven't. She will be the first one out on my tribe if I have anything to do with it. Sure I'll go along with ur plan and act all nice to u all day long. Just wait til tribal.
3059 days 21 hours ago
Cole Confessional

Wow! God it's been a long ass time since I've played a group game on tengaged. You know what though? I'm pumped! Last time I took a hiatus from tengaged and came back I won a 36 person season so game on!!!

So do I attend to be shady? Hell yeah I do! However not as transparent as I was before. Obviously a lot of players know each other. I know like maybe 5 out of the entire cast and I have no close ties to ANY of them so that should make this very fun lol. My main strategy this game though is to stay below the radar. Look like a helpless sheep and whenever I see a move to make and it's out there in the open, grab on and take that plunge. I'm excited to get started again. And I don't plan on playing dumb. Old Cole would look at my tribe and try to separate Sagar and Tek. However new Cole, join them. I'm on a 5 person tribe and no way in hell that can last forever. So just chill and make sure I'm not anybody's target. All I have to do is make the swap and I can move over. Right now, I'm tightest with Sagar. Do I trust him? No. He's one of the few I DO know how they play and he's shady, loyal to his friends (which I don't think I am), but shady towards everybody else. However he's a big character and has connections everywhere. That's what I need in a game where I don't know many players. Connect with Sagar means I connect with his friends. Hopefully that gets me some where lol
3059 days 21 hours ago
Cole Voting

*Flips Parchment*


Sorry bro! I like you, I do. However you're the only one that didn't show up to the challenge and trying to fight and save you would ruin my game. I'm good with Sagar right now and can't ruin that by trying to save someone that couldn't even show up to the premiere. Later bro
3059 days 21 hours ago
Jay Confessional

So I'm in some deep shit right now. Since I had to work at the time of the challenge, I was the only one not to respond to any of the messages my group was sending. I can pretty much tell that they've all agreed on voting me out. But I don't want to go down without a fight. I have to try to find a way to weasel my way into some of these people's good graces. Through any means neccessary.
3059 days 21 hours ago
Andalib Confessional

I am going to stay hidden until merge and if I go out I will just dominate redemption island. This game is going to be a walk in the park
3059 days 21 hours ago
Zach Confessional

In seasons past I've struggled with the lying aspect of this game. I don't lie in real life and I don't want to have to lie in this game and it's always gotten me 4th, 8th, 3rd place. Last time I played I did a little bit of lying and was still considered a hero at the end and was given the win. You can't win this game without a little bit of luck and lying. Tonight I had to lie to Jaybird. So that way he votes for Kekgeek and hopefully it lights a small fire under him to perform at the challenge today because I absolutely CANNOT come back to Tribal Council. Because my other "counter" on the tribe is Kekgeek and if he goes home that brings it down to me Cole and Sagar, who I assure you have a long history together and will have no problem tossing me to the side. You don't have to be the strongest player in the game, just as long as you aren't the weakest. The weak players get eaten alive day in and day out in this game and it is terrifying to be the second to weakest on this tribe. But i've played my challenge ability (Or lack there of) to my advantage before and ill do it again if I have to.

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