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Virtual Survivor Season 10- The Final Season- Pearl Islands- Disscussi

Topic » Virtual Survivor Season 10-..

3053 days 15 hours ago
Drake (Blue Buffs):
Julian (TheSexiestDude1990)
Dan (Duke)
Tomas (TR1364)
Kelly (Kelly0412)
Martin (Hudspith)

Morgan (Orange Buffs):
Andalib (Sackeshi)
Tim (Terose)
Natalie (OhNatalie)
Michael (Michael31)
Courtney (Crazy_Courtney0)

Gallo (Red Buffs):
Drake (AlaskanFireDragon)
Jeremy (MMAJunkieXX)
Mearl (Mearl)
Joe (TheEclipse)
Stoner (Gaiaphagee)

Senora (Purple Buffs):
Jay (Jaybirdnifty)
Cole (Cole91)
Sagar (Obscurity)
Jacob (KekGeek)
Zach (Tuter32)

Pacheca (Pink Buffs):
Jet (Leonine_Divine)
Azri (Subfriend)
Nikki (Avatar20)
Glinda (Glinda)
Jake (LemJam6)
3053 days 15 hours ago
I wll be doing assement tomorrow
3053 days 15 hours ago
Jake Confessional

My tribe is a flop
3053 days 15 hours ago
Zach Confessional

Look who's back!
I am so excited to be back! I'm ready to play hard and kick ass! Now I just recently lost my job so I have a lot more time to donate to this and even though i'll be broke, I'll be able to put a lot more into this! I'm really hoping to do well this go around!
3053 days 14 hours ago
3053 days 14 hours ago

3052 days 22 hours ago
Tim Confessional

Fuck me. U have me on a tribe with Natalie and sackeshi. Like no. So I am forced to align with Courtney and Michael. And idk where their heads r at. Hopefully this works out. as of now, my long term goal is to get back with mearl and run the game. There r also several others that I wouldn't mind playing with and I could see myself trusting. Again, just gotta see where their heads r at and see if we can get on the same page. I'm hoping this will all work out. U always put me on shitty tribes.
3052 days 22 hours ago
Jay Confessional

I would like to start off by thanking you for accepting me into this cast. It really means a lot to me! Now, game wise I'm kind of struggling with what to do. The last time I played this game I was targeted before merge (12th) for being active and trying to talk to people after a tribe swap. So do I change my strategy? Or do I stick with it for now.

Right now I've messaged my tribemates solely friendly messages. I remember Snake saying in the last Survivor game that I won that I have a habit of managing to always come out on the good side of deals. And I'm hoping that will help me this time.

This game means a lot to me because your group series was the 2nd or 3rd survivor series on tengaged I played because Nicole16 asked me to be her partner in it. This was back when I didn't know much about survivor and was trying to get a handle on how to play the game. I want to prove to myself that I've grown and can actually play this game. I've made it to the finals in every game since this one, and I hope that I can continue that streak now.

Plus, there's a lot of people here who have played 2/3/4 times. I've played once, and got 12th. I've made it my goal to get onto one of those 'tengaged top survivor players' list, and to do so I need to prove to myself and to the tengaged community that I can hang in there with the best. 

Anyways, more to come whenever these little shits reply to my messages.
3052 days 22 hours ago
Julian Confessional

Well shit, I never thought I'd be playing again, but here I am! There are so many people that hate me in this cast but fortunately a good majority of them are on other tribes. Let's discuss my tribe now

Kelly - I absolutely adore him. He can be a bit psychotic though, so I definitely need to watch out for him.

Tomas - I don't know him that well, but he seems lovely. I don't see myself getting the other 2 on my side so he's going to be very important to my game if I'm going to get anywhere.

Dan - He's not a bad guy, we just never really work well together. Maybe this time?

Martin - Tocantins was 3 years ago bud you can get the fuck over it any time you want now ^_^ He's already started a fight with me over it and we're only a couple hours into this game, like seriously get OVER yourself.

Overall not a bad tribe. I'm a bit nervous for any future tribals, but we'll just have to see where we stand in a day or two. Here goes nothing!
3052 days 22 hours ago
Kelly Confessional

3052 days 22 hours ago
Michael Confessional


Natalie is a raging bitch and her and I have not had a good past. We played together in Link's series and she won because the jurors were fucking morons and thought she controlled the game (when she literally didn't at all LMAO) and I was the only juror besides Adidas that was like GUYS SHE SUCKS. Then for my season Malaysia when I was recruiting, I asked her if she was interested and like the bitter joke that she is she goes "Lol remember when you were a bitter juror on LInk's series" LIKE LOL BITCH IT'S NOT BEING BITTER WHEN I CALL YOU OUT FOR BEING A TRASH PLAYER. I STATE FACTS.

Then of course, there's fucking Sackeshi. You hosts alwayssss have to bring that damn troll in these games and he just HAD to me on my tribe. Omg at least hopefully he's an easy first vote.

Terose I swear I played with him, maybe on Rivals vs. Duos. Is he the guy that I fucked over to save myself in that pre-merge tribal where people were targeting me and I flipped it? Whatever, I get bad vibes when I try to remember this dude.

Crazy Courtney or whatever is the only one I don't know, but her name has the word crazy in it so she can kindly step away from me tbh. Literally I'm just going to sit in the shelter and not speak to any of these mother fuckers. Let them implode themselves. My tribe is a hot mess I hate it.

Drake (Blue Buffs):
Julian (TheSexiestDude1990) - It's been so long since I played with this dude, but he won Tocantins and he was kind of cunty to me if I'm remembering correctly - I feel like he sits through games doing nothing a lot
Dan (Duke) - Heard of him but don't know what he's like.
Tomas (TR1364) - Who r u?
Kelly (Kelly0412) - Who tf r u too?
Martin (Hudspith) - What

Gallo (Red Buffs):
Drake (AlaskanFireDragon) - Ooh you bitch, how you won Ben's All-stars, I will never know but I am not a fan of ur shitty gameplay. Get out of my game
Jeremy (MMAJunkieXX) - Idk who u r
Joe (TheEclipse) - YAS I'm excited to play with Joey again cuz tbh I don't remember us ever being close at all in games but I've always wanted to work with him.
Stoner (Gaiaphagee) - Omg idk why but Gaia intimidates the shit out of me like i am legit scared to message him when we play together and IDK WHY I'll face my fears this time tbh

Senora (Purple Buffs):
Jay (Jaybirdnifty) - Idk u
Sagar (Obscurity) - Heard of u but idk u
Jacob (KekGeek) - Bruh this dude is a gamer. One game we played together he was like the other hardcore gamer like myself and I was intimidated af by him cuz he's literally me
Zach (Tuter32) - Didn't he get second in Rivals vs. Duos. I remember everyone dragging him at the FTC and it as funny tbh but I think I defended him

Pacheca (Pink Buffs):
Jet (Leonine_Divine) - who
Azri (Subfriend) - Azri ily let's work together (he also got third in my series, but he probably doesn't remember lmao)
Nikki (Avatar20) - She was Natalie's fucking sheep and the reason I lost Link's survivor so I lowkey hate her. I was nice to her at the end though cuz I tried to get everyone to vote for her at the FTC cuz Natalie played like shit
Jake (LemJam6) - Idk u but I know ur name
3052 days 22 hours ago
Drake Confessional

I hate to put myself in an underdog position for a third time in this series...Not to talk myself up or anything but having won a returnee season would superficially make me one of the biggest targets in this game. I don't know any one on my tribe besides Stoner who I just backstabbed in my last group game. Plus stoner is going to have an extra vote and some one to help push whatever vote they are going for in mearl. This is a fking terrible tribe for me and honestly Im just hoping we can win the first challenge becase the last thing I want to do is go from sole survivor to first boot. Also wish my buddy tico was here. If we go to tribal I can't afford to lay low. I need to absolutely push stoner or mearl to the other dudes on my tribe. If I were them I would vote with me because if the tribe did not swap they would be in jeopardy still but if we went to two tribals we could vote both of them out.
3052 days 21 hours ago
******************************* Final Season Cast Intial Assement ***********************

Drake (Blue Buffs):
Julian (TheSexiestDude1990)- Julian, ya know I love ya but, you got an UPHILL battle to climb. A lot of people in this cast HATE you, and you have a bit of a rep for being kind of a floater/sheep. I genuilly think the best Julian can do is Finals. He could play the most perfect game of survivor, I don't think there is anyone he could sit against that would result in a win for him, and even if there was he would take someone else anyway.

Dan (Duke)-Dan is another winner and another person I see struggling early on. He is shady and people know that and they will want to axe him soon. I don't think he has enough time to play the social politics this game is gonna require, and overall I think he will fall behind, like in MvU, and it will cost him the game.

Tomas (TR1364)- The only person on this tribe with a relatively realistic  prayer to win. I can see him becoming a powerful swing vote on this tribe, and that could propel him through this entire game. Unless he is seen as a challenge detriment, I honestly don't see him going anywhere, unless he is swap fucked.

Kelly (Kelly0412)- Kelly has pre-merge written all over him. He is ferice and will probably hang on RI for a significant amount of time, however unless he changes things up, I don't think he has the staying power to hang with this cast. I think he will go after the first swap.

Martin (Hudspith)- Probaly first out from this tribe, or eventually taken out/used by the majority alliance. I can't see Martin coming out and playing hard, it really is not his style. However the Stealth shit he normally tries Is not gonna fly with this cast, and there gonna stamp that in the butt as soon as humanly possible.
3052 days 21 hours ago
Morgan (Orange Buffs):
Andalib (Sackeshi)- I really want to see Andalib go far, even win. If everyone got together and decided to hand the win to Sackeshi, I would be so happy, however his biggest issue is that he is an easy first boot. If he calms the fuck down, and shows his tribe that he can win some challenges, and waits until a swap to stir the pot, I think he could have some major staying power, however as it stands now he is easy fodder for the other egos on this tribe.

Tim (Terose)- Tim has a habit of no matter how bad things seem, he somehow dodges the bullets, but when things are easy, he fucks it up and gets sent home. Let's see how things unfold for my.Timmy

Natalie (OhNatalie)- Nattie another winner, and another person that has a lot of hatred in this game. Julio will be out the first shot they get at him. It is unavoidable. His only prayer is idols/immunity/redemption and I don't think he has what it takes to pull this off.

Michael (Michael31)- Fucking THREAT man. They don't see it, they wont see him coming, but sadly he will take them all out while he follows Mearl, this time to a loss. My only issue with him, is that he is gonna help enable a Mearl win, so eww at that.

Courtney (Crazy_Courtney0)- She is probably gonna stick around for a bit, and be a fodder vote. Quite honestly a keep the peace/no other option vote that happens some point pre-merge. I don't think she has the power to get into one of the two waring factions that will appear early-mid pre-merge and she will be a casualty of the start of the wars.
3052 days 21 hours ago
Gallo (Red Buffs):
Drake (AlaskanFireDragon)-  Already starting the anti Gaia/Mearl shit. This is gonna be fun. Drake has 0% chance at winning this game. He is legit going to be taken out early because half this cast hates his guts, and the other half think he is a joke and are bitter he won more AS gamees then them. #TRUTHTEA

Jeremy (MMAJunkieXX)- I really really hope you surprise me and start the game off right taking out one of the fucking monster twins, and make this game start with the meantilty to play your ass off. Mearl and Gaia's fate is very much gonna rest in his hands, and I think Jeremy is gonna get to comfortable in that alliance and its gonna cost him when they turn on him for there sheep.

Mearl (Mearl)- The winner. It is already over. Mearl is a beast, he has a knack for finding idols and overall Mearl is just gonna be hard to get rid of. Even if you mange to vote him out, he has the safety net of Redemption ISland. There is no stopping Mearl. It is over.

Joe (TheEclipse)- Strong in challenges. Strong socially, maybe a little immature. Joe's biggest issue is the cast that might not appericate his humor, and that he will be fed up with them by Wednseday. I think he might be able to avoid a early boot if this tribe even loses once, by letting AFD take the fall, but I think Joe will struggle to go deep, because, I don't think he has the power to get into any good factions.

Stoner (Gaiaphagee)- Gaia is a hit or mess thing here. He could sheep friends and lose to them at finals, or he could be out early. I really hope Gaia plays hardcore and takes no prisoners, starting with Mearl, but I Genuially don't think Gaia has that in him anymore, and his laid back stoner air might cost him the final season.
3052 days 21 hours ago
Senora (Purple Buffs):
Jay (Jaybirdnifty)- The least memobable cast member. He got on due to a free pass. However He is coming in with the idea of changing thijngs up and showing people what he has. I think he is gonna struggle because this tribe might see him as an easy boot, but if he manges to get past that he could go very deep in the game.

Cole (Cole91)- I don't think he has the focus to play anymore. People know how he is here, so that is why he fled to the org scene. I think, Cole's biggest issue is gonna be himself. If he can devote the time, I think he has enough game to make it to the first swap, after that its all about where the chips fall.

Sagar (Obscurity)- Safar is this tribes saving grace. With his comp powers he could carry this tribe to the swap, however I think he will struggle to get into a good group and be taken out before he can join the Stoner/Mearl faction.

Jacob (KekGeek)- A lowkey threat winner. I think Jacob is gonnna struggle with getting intergrated and being a known threat, I don't see anyone taking him in. If he manges to worm his way into the Mearl/Gaia cult he might make merge, but I think he wil be unable to enter it truly, and be left outside of the Resistance, and thus he will be taken out as a causalty of war.

Zach (Tuter32)- Gaia sheeple right here. Sorry bro. He can play this game, but I don't think he will start playing the way he can until it is too late and by then it will be too late to change his fate, because final 2/3/4 is gonna be decided probably by day 1.

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