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Interview Stage

Topic » Interview Stage

2199 days 9 hours ago
Thank you very much it was a pleasure 馃槀
2199 days 9 hours ago
and at me being safe and still got evicted that鈥檚 some funny shit, has that ever happened to anyone else before.
2199 days 9 hours ago
lol it's deff a first
2199 days 9 hours ago
Ahhh look at me making history
2197 days 8 hours ago
*Logan exits to lots of cheers*
2197 days 6 hours ago
Let's get this over with.I'm going to be wicked honest.
2195 days 9 hours ago
Logan Interview:

1) Were you expecting to leave? This is your first time not making a final, or getting third place! I know that you were really trying to tie with Lorenzo for his 5-nomination survival record.
I did since I caught Daphne meddling in the poll votes, her and Aimee did me in.
2) Why do you think you were targeted so early? In seasons past, you've been targeted at the very end, if at all, but this season, it happened midway through.
I think I was targeted for the simple fact that I was a two time finalist and no one wanted me to make it to the finale again.
3) You continuously threatened that housemates would feel your "wrath", but we really never saw the angry Logan come out, except in confessionals! Do you regret keeping so much to yourself?
A little but, I tried to get my revenge in my nominations but, Daphne had too much control that I could not alter the nomination much.
4) Despite being a big target, especially as of late, you kept your under-the-radar strategy throughout the game, like many of the other housemates that have made it this far. With this in mind, what could you have done differently to keep yourself from being targeted so much? Do you think you could've connected more with housemates, or were they dead set on getting you out?
I think I should have connected more with Megan, Camilla, and even Dylan but, by the time I did it was too late and they knew I needed to go.
5) I can say, without a doubt, you have a new record-- most days spent in the BBUK house. How does that feel?
It feels great, I actually did think I could pull this off since I could blend in more easily than the other three best players but, I actually did not think I could survive so long without them.Kyle K, Nicole, and Tom, we all deserved to go further.
6) You didn't really seem to have any ride-or-dies in there, but if you could choose, who do you want to see winning this thing?
Scott, he didn't start out as my ride or die but, by the time Kyle k left, he was my only option to work with.
7) Who does NOT deserve to be in that house? Anyone? And is there any bad blood between you and other housemates?
I would have to say only Camilla doesn't because, she had an inact in her poll. My bad blood is strictly to Daphne, we started out fine but, she became someone I despise for meddling in business she wasn't even in and I will have my revenge on her.
8) Final thoughts? How did this season compare to the last two seasons? This season was definitely a lot tougher than the last two seasons since there was a lot more people and a lot more vets to deal with, if I could do anything different this season, without a doubt it would have been to get all the floaters out and help spam and save real players of the game.
2195 days 9 hours ago
*Daphne exits to a chorus of exuberant cheers and a few boos*
2195 days 9 hours ago
* Cries on her way down the stairs *
Hey everyone!
2195 days 9 hours ago

So much must be going through your head right now-- but first, how hard is it to be evicted right before the final?
2195 days 9 hours ago
It's extremely brutal, but I saw it coming.
It's a hard thing to go through but surprisingly enough, I'm not upset or anything. I guess I'm just proud of the way I played the game this round and wouldn't change anything.

Although I will make one point.
It's completely okay for housemates in the game to spam to evict me, but someone like Piddu spamming me out despite not even being in the game? that just sucks and irritating.
2195 days 9 hours ago
I am Piddu....?
2195 days 9 hours ago
Wait what?!
2195 days 9 hours ago
Like Scott said, he IS Piddu. Does that make it better, or does it still not change anything?

Also, let me just say that, as a host, it floored me that you were able to make it to this point of the game. It seemed like you were the only non-floater/big target that was still able to intergrate themselves and make power moves without being consistently targeted in the house's mob mentality.

How were you able to integrate so well? Would you say that you were in control for most of the game?
2195 days 9 hours ago
That makes it better knowing I got evicted based off Piddu being a better spammer.

I would definitely say I was in control majority of the game.
Whenever I needed to, I would throw votes at someone else that I know the house is voting, so that in the event I got votes, I knew the other person would get more votes than me, that happened with Aimee, in the week were you said 4 people for sure would be up? I threw a vote at Aimee so that Aimee & I wouldn't have tied and both be nommed.

I'll be honest, even I was shocked I made this far lmao. After Nicole left, I really wanted to leave as well as I thought I'd just keep getting nommed. But then, thank god the week Nicole left, X and Nik were revealed to be great spammers and bam target went off me and onto them! Then after that I knew for my own game, I needed Logan and Kyle K up and got that, but looking back i regret going after Kyle K, he was genuinely so nice to me, I don't regret going after Logan at all.

I think people just got tired of nominating me and seeing I stayed every time. I MEAN LIKE I WAS NOMINATED 3 TIMES IN A ROW, A ROW! And stayed! And for some reason, you cast a cast of idiots who forgot how many times I was nommed and just started doing as I said lol.

I feel things would have turned out differently, had I told Dylan to nominate Thomas&Silver at f10, bc then John & I would have had immunity and probs made finals, but aye you win you lose some!

The best fact about this season, was definitely me trying so hard to win this thing. Winning challenges and immunities, special powers and just playing a good social game. I definitely think the personal relationships I made with some of the housemates got me this far, housemates like Nicole, Kyle R, John, Dylan, Aimee & Thomas.

Interesting fact, just bc I'm full of myself!
In the first 2 seasons, i lasted a total of 24 days.
In this season alone, I lasted 29 days.

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