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Interview Stage

Topic » Interview Stage

2204 days 12 hours ago
( Sorry for taking long to reply, I want to answer this interview as honest as possible and say everything I want )
2204 days 12 hours ago
Oh and most definitely, I was indeed the only non-floater left!
2204 days 12 hours ago
Hey,im also your friend and i was saving you every fucking time when other people was telling me to nominate you
2204 days 12 hours ago
You DEFINITELY have everyone shook, Daphne! Hands down, you've become a BBUK legend and you were one of the only third-timers to really change up your gameplay from seasons past.

Let's talk about the difference from Code Red to the first two seasons. Did you genuinely like a lot more people in this cast, or were you just more socially-aware? Lots of your blowups happened in the beginning of the game, but you seemed to mellow out a bit after the first few weeks (apart from the Chanelle/Daphne showdown).

Also, now that you're gone, who in the final 6 is playing a game that's worthy of a win? In the season of floaters, literally ALL of our final 6 are bona fide floaters, to a T!
2204 days 12 hours ago
Oh yes you too Camila!
Sorry I seem to forget that you actually had my back!
I was surprised by that, so thank you!
2204 days 11 hours ago
You got that right, everyone left is a floater, truth be told!

Okay now back to your first question.
This season I definitely enjoyed talking to more people than usual, it wasn't just strategy talk, but actually getting to know the person. To an extent, I was more socially-aware since I would want to say something but instead just send you a confessional saying what I wanted to say.

I feel I am known for my explosive outbursts and fights so I had to stay true to myself. But eventually I was like, you know what? Let me try to be nicer and maybe people would trust me, and it WORKED!

I knew it was in my best interest to mellow down and stop making myself such a huge target, at one point, Chanelle and I were actually friends but then that bitch targeted my again and well people just seem to have trusted me more than her and supported me in getting her out haha!

A game worthy of a win?
But if I had to pick who I'd like to see win, it'll definitely come down between Aimee, Camila & Dylan.

I would have said Megan too, but the bitch fucking nommed me when I always had her back, always! So i am a bit bitter towards her.

Overall, I really hope Aimee pulls out a win! She came in the game late and absolutely destroyed everyone!

Also just to clarify, this was indeed my FIFTH NOMINATION/EVICTION
First eviction - against Tom, Nicole & Darren
Second eviction - against Nicole & Lorenzo
Third eviction - against X, Nik, Nicole & Chanelle
Fourth eviction - against John
Fifth eviction - against Scott, Dylan, Thomas & Aimee

So surviving 4 evictions is something to be proud of, and I am proud of myself.

Also if this was a vote to save, I would have definitely not been here and instead still be in the house.
2204 days 11 hours ago
I don't doubt it! You should be proud, It seems that the votes to evict almost ALWAYS take out potential winners/big personalities.

And speaking of being more social, who, overall, did you really connect with in the house? If you come back for future seasons, who do you see yourself linking up with, and, on the flip side, are you leaving with any newly-formed vendettas?
2204 days 11 hours ago
I'm being a hypocrite here because I wanted X to get out due to the vote to evict, so yeah maybe it's just karma?!

Overall, I connected most with John. He was my partner and I guess it just brought the two of us really close. I also got along with Kyle R, the sad part, is he really trusted me and I fucked things over with him, but I wouldn't have changed what I did, because at that time, it seemed like my best move. But who knows? Maybe if I kept Kyle R, we both would have made finals?! I also connected with my sweetheart Nicole, #DICOLE, it was so unexpected but the best things in life come unexpectedly! I also got along with Aimee & Camila, I got a whole lotta love for them!

If I get the opportunity to return again, I would definitely align with the vets 100%, no backstabbing! Gotta get rid of floaters you know, otherwise Season 4 would be Code Red 2.0
Also I better get an invite if there is a potential all stars season!

Vendettas, mmmm just the same one going on with Chanelle for the past 3 seasons!
Maybe Logan is mad at me for spamming him out as well?
Otherwise no vendettas, i loved everyone!
Logan i hope we can still be friends!

This song goes out to Nicole!
2204 days 11 hours ago
Ooooh also made a surprising friendship with Dylan! He's one of the sweetest guys I know!
Hoping he pulls out a win!
2204 days 11 hours ago
Oh, I definitely was mad for you helping to spam me out.We'll see where we end up
2204 days 11 hours ago
Are you upset with Dylan for not submitting nominations in on time-- because if he did, you MAY have otherwise stayed?

And let's talk about you and John! Out of all the pairs, I was very interested to see how you both would play together, because he truly did seem to be quite different from you. Was he your ride-or-die?

And, finally, in regards to the vets-- they outnumbered the rookies this season, yet the final has FOUR rookies! Are you surprised that they were able to outplay so many vets?
2204 days 11 hours ago
I'm not upset at Dylan, because was going to nom Aimee and Camila/Megan. Although I wish I was online when he sent me a mail asking should he nom, then I would have just said Scott & Thomas and yeah things would have turned out differently.

John! Oh sweet John! He was definitely my ride-or-die! Thank you for pairing me up with such an amazing partner! I had so much talking to him! #ESKETIT
He was honestly such a nice person and he calmed me down a lot, put me in my place!
I definitely think John & I were the best pair!

*Pretends to be shocked*
Nah I'm not surprised. As X called it earlier on, the vets were targeting other vets and all strong players were targeting other strong players. The finale is, as you said full of floaters hence why so many rookies made it to the finale, i mean look at it, Scott, Thomas, Camila & Aimee made the finale from the rookies, and well they didn't have any bad blood hence why they made it that far. As for the vets, it's surprising to see that Dylan & Megan made it, wasn't expecting that, Megan has redeemed herself from walking and being irrelevant to season 1 to being irrelevant but making finale night in season 3. And Dylan just played a good under the radar game!
Although this finale is going to be very interesting, I feel everyone equally sucks. * Sips tea *

Overall, thank you BB for this great experience and letting me be apart of it! It was truly a pleasure!

PS: Who was the secret assassin? I think it's either Thomas or X.
2204 days 11 hours ago
That will be revealed at the reunion tomorrow!

Do you have any final thoughts?

Thanks again for being an amazing housemate this season, Daphne! We'll hopefully see you at the live finale tomorrow night when we crown the Season 3 winner of BBUK!
2204 days 11 hours ago
Final thoughts of the season, is that this season is a season of the floaters!
Thanks for the great game & see you finale night!
2204 days 8 hours ago
Silver Interview (I know, I'm late with this!):

Hello! Thanks for being a part of BBUK: Code Red. Here are some questions.

1) Were you shocked to be evicted? You obviously went up as a penalty nomination, but did you think you'd get the most votes to leave the house?
I wasn't shocked at all something came up and I wasn't able to send in noms, I should've done it sooner but I was mad indecisive lol. The people in the game spammed me out and good for them because I felt like I was the best spammer left in the game.

2) Who do you want to see win the game?
I want to see Tom win this game of course at first I was like why is this noob my partner but I've actually grown to like his simple ass, and I think he would be a deserving winner.

3) You won the Secret Partner immunity twist with Thomas. Was there any strategy behind that? Did you guys specifically target pairs, or did you become the last pair by coincidence?
It was by coincidence tbh, but it worked out I'm glad that we were the last pair standing.

4) You pretty much stayed out of the drama in the house, but were there any housemates that grated on your nerves?
Yes people did get on my nerves Lorenzo he's a dumb ass, Daphene has a smart ass mouth but she's a great player and I have to give her props for the game she played. Most of the other house guest I don't have a opinion on really. The only people I liked were Kyle, Tom, Raven, and Scott towards the end.

5) You were a poster child for the "floater" strategy. Was that your plan all along? You definitely kept yourself from being a target for nearly every week in the game.
Yes right when I entered the house everyone knew I was doing it like my favorite house guest is Paras come on now. It worked out great until I didn't send in my noms. I tried to hide behind Kyle I was using him as a shield but are whole alliance got blew up which really sucked.

6) Final thoughts? I had fun, I think that a lot of the house guests where really immature and took the game to seriously, but it's whatever, I wish I would of made more connections earlier in the game but I think I did good at least most would probably disagree since they didn't respect my floater/coaster game but it brought me far. So yeah thats all from me until the reunion.

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