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Survivor Borneo Apps

Topic » Survivor Borneo Apps

3880 days 17 hours ago
Color Level:
Karma (don't be lazy, check):
Real Name:
Nickname: (Optional)
Time Zone:
Strategic, Physical, or Social:
Any group game experience (yes or no):
List your best group game placement if yes:
Why do you think you can win?:
Will you send in confessionals?:
Will you be active?
How active? (1-10):

Strategy: (Mail me if needed)
Anything else?:
3880 days 17 hours ago
Skype: alan1mack (u have me anyway)
Color Level:blue
Karma (don't be lazy, check):180
Real Name:Alan
Nickname: (Optional)joey
Time Zone:Gmt
Strategic, Physical, or Social:strategic
Any group game experience (yes or no):yes
List your best group game placement if yes:1st 1st 2nd 3rd
Why do you think you can win?:yep
Will you send in confessionals?:ye
Will you be active?yes
How active? (1-10):10

Strategy: (Mail me if needed)
Anything else?:um pick me
3880 days 17 hours ago
Skype: bagelplatypus (u have me anyway)
Color Level:gold
Karma (don't be lazy, check):994
Real Name:Fire Dragon
Nickname: (Optional)
Time Zone:Pac.
Strategic, Physical, or Social:Physical
Any group game experience (yes or no):yes
List your best group game placement if yes:1st 2nd 3rd
Why do you think you can win?:yep
Will you send in confessionals?:ye
Will you be active?yes
How active? (1-10):10

Strategy: (Mail me if needed)
Anything else?:um pick me
3880 days 17 hours ago
Skype: connor_tengaged
Username: Connor_
Color Level: Light Green, but almost dark green :3
Karma (don't be lazy, check): 77
Real Name: I think you can guess
Nickname: (Optional) Connor
Time Zone: EST
Strategic, Physical, or Social: Stratigic and Social
Any group game experience (yes or no): YESSSSS
List your best group game placement if yes: 1st
Why do you think you can win?: because I am really smart and manipulative
Will you send in confessionals?: if needed yes
Will you be active? yep
How active? (1-10): 9.5

Strategy: (Mail me if needed)
Anything else?: pick me :3
3880 days 15 hours ago
Skype: tuter_tengaged
Username: tuter32
Color Level: Purple
Karma (don't be lazy, check): 400 exactly (might change in the next few days)
Real Name: Zach B.
Nickname: (Optional)
Time Zone: EST
Strategic, Physical, or Social: Strategic
Any group game experience (yes or no): Lots
List your best group game placement if yes: Right now in Survivor ive been calling myself King of 5th Place because the last 3 survivor group games ive played ive gotten 5th place
Why do you think you can win?: Because I will try my hardest and when I put my mind to something I get it done!
Will you send in confessionals?: I love confessionals!
Will you be active? try my best to be!
How active? (1-10): If im not at school events or sleeping my tengaged is usually logged on

Strategy: (Mail me if needed)  I don't have a strategy yet! I wait until the game starts to see im playing against!
Anything else?: Ill win any kind of diabetes competition. Since im a type 1 diabetic xD
3880 days 10 hours ago
Skype: cfff.tengaged
Username: cfff
Color Level: gold
Karma (don't be lazy, check): 3671
Real Name: Brian
Nickname: (Optional)
Time Zone: eastern
Strategic, Physical, or Social: social
Any group game experience (yes or no): yess
List your best group game placement if yes: 1st
Why do you think you can win?: I play an amazing social and strategic game
Will you send in confessionals?: yes!
Will you be active? ya!
How active? (1-10): 7

Strategy: (Mail me if needed) I try to play really social and get people to trust me
Anything else?: I will do my best to win!
3880 days 10 hours ago
because I'm great =]
I hope :s
3880 days 10 hours ago
Mac in cheese
New Zealand
Bit of all
Im awesome

Loyal to the point I cant trust them
3880 days 1 hour ago
Skype: minervini219
Username: mminervini219
Color Level: blue
Karma (don't be lazy, check): 390
Real Name: Mark
Nickname: (Optional) Mini
Time Zone: EST
Strategic, Physical, or Social: strategic
Any group game experience (yes or no): yes
List your best group game placement if yes: still in progress with first group games
Why do youthink you can win?: balance of physical social and strategic, outsmarting others
Will you send in confessionals?: yup
Will you be active? How active? (1-10): 9

Strategy: (Mail me if needed) I can read others well, I know who I can or cannot trust and using that I build a solid strategy
Anything else?: only played a few group games, I'm really looking to be a part of a great one to keep my interest going. Thanks so much for hosting!
3880 days 1 hour ago
Yes use to play a decent amount
Not sure I've won but I've made a few finales
Im somewhat smart and good with people so that might help me out.
My strategy is to play a solid trustworthy game and to always think a step o
3880 days 1 hour ago
Skype: tengaged_ricky
Username: rickyr777
Color Level: yellow
Karma (don't be lazy, check): 35
Real Name: ricky
Nickname: (Optional)
Time Zone: est
Strategic, Physical, or Social: strategic
Any group game experience (yes or no): yes
List your best group game placement if yes:1st
Why do you think you can win?: i can minipulate people
Will you send in confessionals?: yes
Will you be active? yes
How active? (1-10): 7.5

Strategy: (Mail me if needed) i dont have one yet
Anything else?:
3879 days 23 hours ago
Skype: jflora18 I think
Username: jflora18
Color Level: Black
Karma (don't be lazy, check): 416
Real Name: AJ
Nickname: (Optional)
Time Zone: EST
Strategic, Physical, or Social: Strategic and Social
Any group game experience (yes or no): Yes
List your best group game placement if yes: Look on my Profile. It has every single one
Why do you think you can win?: Because I have enough experience to
Will you send in confessionals?: Yes
Will you be active? Yes
How active? (1-10): 8.5

Strategy: (Mail me if needed) We will see when I am there
Anything else?:
3879 days 22 hours ago
Skype: thetrumpetman2
Username: thetrumpetman423
Color Level: Red
Karma (don't be lazy, check): 529
Real Name: Jackson
Nickname: (Optional) Jack
Time Zone: Pacific
Strategic, Physical, or Social: social
Any group game experience (yes or no): yes
List your best group game placement if yes: disneygeeks HG 1st Rage: basics 1st
Why do you think you can win?: I'm pretty good at challenges and think I can outsmart my components
Will you send in confessionals?: yeah if u want me 2
Will you be active? Yeah (but I still have school ofc)
How active? (1-10): 8 (depends on if challenges are after or b4 school)

Strategy: (Mail me if needed) hehehe
Anything else?: nope
3879 days 22 hours ago
Skype: Zach3051
Username: Zach3051
Color Level: Light Green
Karma (don't be lazy, check): 190
Real Name: Zach
Nickname: (Optional) Zach
Time Zone: EST
Strategic, Physical, or Social: Physical and Strategic
Any group game experience (yes or no): Yes
List your best group game placement if yes: 1st
Why do you think you can win?: Yup
Will you send in confessionals?:  Yup
Will you be active? Yup
How active? (1-10):9.8

Strategy: (Mail me if needed) lol i will mail you
Anything else?: ummmmmm you will see in mah mail
3879 days 22 hours ago
Skype: wonderdog98
Username: Wonderdog
Color Level: Dark Green
Karma (don't be lazy, check): 137
Real Name: Tim
Time Zone: EST + 1
Strategic, Physical, or Social: Strategic
Any group game experience (yes or no): Many
List your best group game placement if yes: Twice runner-up
Why do you think you can win?: I think I can win, because I am a good strategist.
Will you send in confessionals?: Yeah
Will you be active? Ya
How active? (1-10): 9.5
Strategy: We can't have a strategy before going into this type of game, so I don't have one.
3879 days 21 hours ago
Skype: acyutarocky
Username: Acyuta
Color leve: Orange
Karma: 199
Real name: Acyuta
Timezone: IST
Friendly and deadly

open group

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