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Black Widow FINALE

Topic » Black Widow FINALE

3432 days 1 hour ago
It has been a season of lies, comebacks, and secret nominations! But it all comes to a head tonight where either Sam J., Sam T., or Stewen will be crowned the winner of JJ's Big Brother 3: Black Widow!

#SamJ enters the finale as the final HOH and has a guarnteed place in the final 2. But before he pleads his case, he most choose which of his fellow comrades will join him. Besides from an HOH win in Week 5, he played the majority of the game under the radar. Nominated on 5 separate occasions, and facing the block for 3, he has relied on the votes of others to keep him in the game. However, he comes into the final having won the previous two HOH competitions. While it is completely unfair to call this man a floater, he has definitely kept his cards close to his chest, but does he have the hand that will win him the game?

#SamT has made his way to the final with the help of special powers and a strong strategical game. Having won more HOH than anyone else in the game up until this point, he has also been quite the challenge competitor. But with power comes great responsiblity, and as such, Sam has been responsible for a whopping 5 people facing eviction! 2 of whom now sit on the jury and two of whom are now his only competition. Will his tough decisions come back to bite him?

#Stewen makes up the final 3, but it has not been an easy road here. Been nominated by the mysterious Black Widow more than anyone else, He constantly faced the prospect of possible nomination and subsequent eviction. But defying the odds, Stewen managed to only ever face the vote once, all the way back in Week 2. After winning his first competition at the Week 6 HOH, he quickly established himself as one of the best competitors, and used his multiple veto wins to ensure himself safety week after week. 

Tonight, one of these three will be crowned the winner, but first, SAM J., YOU MUST DECIDE WHO IS TO BE THE FINAL EVICTEE FOR BB3
3431 days 23 hours ago
Oh my gosh, I did not expect to win the Final HoH! (But I knew I'd win Part 2, I spent so much time on it) This is a super duper tough decision.

Sam T, I actually had an alliance with you from before the game, since we knew each other from Tengaged Idol. However, we did not really discuss things after that, and you nominated me numerous times. Also, you are definitely a huge threat.

Stewen, you were a loyal friend after Week 4 when Becca was evicted, and I made sure to stick with you until then, and we did not nominate each other (except for that F4 HoH, but it was random). You are also a huge threat too, but I have to come to a decision.

I have chosen to evict...



Sam T! I'm so sorry Sam but you lost my trust when I realized you tried to start an alliance with Stewen. There's only one room for one Sam in the finale, so I am really sorry and I hope you see this is a game move.

I can't wait to reveal to the jury why I made it to the final 2 even though I was voted as the person who "did not deserve to be here" many weeks ago. This will be fun. :D

Stewen, I can't believe we made it to the end together, and best of luck to you.
3431 days 21 hours ago
Good move. I would have probably won if I was in final 2 so you made thevrightvdecision. Very commendable game both of you.
3431 days 16 hours ago
Thank you so much Sam J. I really appreciate it.

I do have some things to say during the Final 2 vote, so just so you know, I do have quite alot to say to the jury so stick around.
3431 days 13 hours ago
Okay guys it is official, Sam T., you are the fial person to be evicted from the Big brother House
3431 days 13 hours ago
Well Sam J. and Stewen, you have officially made it to the final 2, but tonight, he power now shifts back tot he people you voted out, the jury. So without further ado lets welcome back
and the recently evicted SAM T.
3431 days 13 hours ago
Now jury, I am sure that each of you has been looking forward to saying your piece, and the time to do so has finally arrived. You all now have a soli 24 hours to grill Sam J. and Stewen about everything they did in this game. This is an open forum, so any questions are relevant and you do not have to wait to be called upon. When you feel like you are ready to vote, simple mail me your decision.

Choose carefully
3431 days 11 hours ago
Before any questions have been asked, I'm just gonna reveal my entire game here, no secrets. If I lose because of this, I've atleast been honest.

During the first weeks I didn't really care about this game, and I had no alliances nor had I talked with anyone until Sam J approached me at the start of Week 5 before he won HOH. Thats when I started getting into the game. Of course I agreed to it because I had no one. We actually made a deal that we would go to the final 2 that week, before he won HOH (just noticed this LOL). Basically we worked together and at week 6, Bob reached out to me for an alliance. I cant say no because that would be stupid so of course I agreed as well. Sam J helped me out with the HOH that week because I couldn't understand what #3 was, I helped Bob with the HOH with the info I got as well, because I didn't really know any better.

I went on to win that HOH competition thanks to Sam J and thats when Harry first messaged me asking me to not nominate him. I told him that he's not on my target list that week, but I told him that if he gets picked for the POV, he has to give it his best shot. He asked me to backdoor Bob. Bob was my alliance member, but I didn't tell him that so I said "I'll concider it, but my main target is Connor.".
My main target that week was Connor, because during the previous HOH he never responded to me and I felt like I wanted to get back at him. He told me he respected my choice.
We got Connor out and I forgot to tell Harry to evict Connor, he got mad at me. I told him a white lie and said that I wasn't planning anything,  because I didn't wanna let him know that I had alliances in the house. (sorry harry!)

The next week is really complicated to explain, so I'll only explain parts of it and if any of the jury members want me to explain it more in depth then ask me. This week could also be known as the week I had no clue of what to do.
Basically Sam T contacted me, telling me I was not the target and I said that if he held his word, we could have a last minute alliance. No one would see it coming.
We made a pact that we wouldnt tackle eachothers towers, but I did a really scumbaggy move because I was really not sure whether to trust him or not and told Harry and Sam J that he would go to bed soon and they could try to tackle his tower for me so I would win the POV and take myself off. I just wanted to make it past that week.
I didn't end up winning that POV BUT Sam T actually took me off and asked me for a Final 2 alliance. I accepted, so at this point I had an alliance with Harry, Bob, Sam J and Sam T, leaving Alex without an alliance,

But by me telling Sam J to knock over Sam T's tower in the POV he resulted going up instead of me, but I saved him because he took a punch for me without knowing, so obviously I knew that he was a true alliance member. Bob voted with me as well which means that he would be safe.

We had to get out Alex this week. I messaged Bob this, and I had to throw it but at the same time not get blood on my hands, so I tried to get a middle-ish score so it wouldnt look like I threw it nor attempt to win in the HOH. Holy fuck, it was a mess. I hated that HOH competition. Bob ended getting HOH and he was sticking with the plan to get Alex out.
That week I won POV and I didn't use it, because that would be stupid, and I evicted Alex, because we hadn't talked at all and he was the only non-alliance member I had.

The next week Harry comes back, which means that we have to get him out yet again, so I told everyone that ( i think? ) and we got him out.

The week after that I had alliances with everyone and I really didn't want HOH, so I came clean to Sam J and Sam T by sending this exact message:

I'm gonna be completely honest to you both, because I can't take this much longer.

I have final 2 deals with both of you and I really dont know what to do, I dont want to nominate any of you, but if I win HOH I have to no
3431 days 11 hours ago
I'm gonna be completely honest to you both, because I can't take this much longer.

I have final 2 deals with both of you and I really dont know what to do, I dont want to nominate any of you, but if I win HOH I have to nominate one of you. I dont know this for sure, but if I do I'm going to be in a tight spot.

Can we drop the final 2 deals and evict Bob this round and then we all fight for Final 2 as individuals, and then we decide who to bring to the finals? Would you guys be up for that?

I'm probably gonna be evicted for this but I hope you appreciate my honesty.

I didn't care if this got me evicted or not, I wanted to stay true to myself and not win the game by lying. I wanted to feel like I had done my best and I had played an honest game.

We made a deal that we would go to the final 3 and battle it out and take whoever we wanted to take.

I wanted people to vote for either me or Sam J in that HOH competition so I spammed my friends, asking to either vote for me or Sam. Bob could NOT win HOH, he had to get evicted this week.
We ended up getting him nominated and I tried my best during the POV and I sat for I think over an hour with the POV and I ended up winning with two errors.
The plan was still in tact, get out Bob and get to the Final 3 and battle it out.
And so we did.

Final 3 comes around and what happens?
I dont know who to bring if I were to win, but I'm still gonna give it my best shot.

First round?
I failed miserably, I came in way too late. Didn't have time for it at all.

Second round?
Sat with it for around an hour and tried so hard winning it, but I only got to round 37, which I thought would be enough.

Third round?
Had no clue.

Basically I was screwed, but I was hoping that someone would bring me to the finals.

And that happened.

I'm so thankful Sam, I can't believe we actually made it. Thank you so much for sticking around with me, I'm happy if either one of us wins, which is happening. Thank you.

And just so you know, jurors, I left out some details because I don't think certain jury members want me to tell you this stuff, and I hope its appreciated because some nasty stuff was being said.. No names mentioned.
3431 days 11 hours ago
Stewen: Why were you so two-faced? You lied to my face several times and believe me I noticed. You made deals with everyone only to lie to us all. When I came back, I thought you would apologize. But no. You cut me off entirely & never confessed to what you did to me.

Sam: unless Stewen can convince he is a not a backstabbing liar you have my vote. You did not lie to me once (that I know of). You played a hero throughout this game & you were very honorable. Stewen gets one last chance to convince me or my vote goes to you.

Thank you,

I plead to the jury that they let the unthinkable happen. Big Brother is usually won by villains. Sitting here before me are a hero & a villain. Go against the nature of the game & let a hero win for once.
3431 days 11 hours ago
Harry: I'm sorry that I did that to you, and I don't really have an answer to that. During half of this game I didn't know what I was doing. I think it was because I didn't want my alliances to be leaked.
However, some people came to me asking for alliances and I couldn't just deny them, because then they would probably come after me.

I'm sorry that I cut you off, and I totally understand if I don't get your vote. I don't have a real answer to this question.
3431 days 9 hours ago
Time to reveal my secrets, I'm very very sorry about what I'm going to have to say, but this is the truth.
3431 days 9 hours ago
Well, this is hard, I am now facing the f2bitches, why do either of you deserve my vote?, and don't answer with "because I played the best game, I had alliances everywhere, blah blah blah" give me a real answer.
3431 days 9 hours ago
Before the game I was very excited to finally be into the game because I had applied last season and had not made it in. I also had a few friends already going into the game. Two of these people were Harry and Sam T, who I had my first alliance/agreements with. But before that, Andalib had sent me a more convincing mail and we were going to go to the end for real.

Week 1:
Well that alliance was such a fail. Andalib got out but that was okay, because I still had Harry and Sam T who would not vote me out. Becca told everyone before the nomination ceremony that even though she was HoH, no one had tried to make an alliance with her. I swooped in and asked her if we could do a F2 together, and she told me that she still had no alliances with anybody, so she became my number one F2 alliance, followed by Harry and Sam T.

Week 2:
HoH competition, I did not do so well, but that is okay because my friend (at least at the time) Sam T won it! He then put up Ruben and Stewen, and when Bob won the power of veto and did not use it, I was quite grateful. Ruben happened to be my Black Widow Target for that week and so I made sure all of my alliances voted to evict him over Stewen (who I still did not have an alliance with yet :P). Then he was evicted (yay) and I became the next Black Widow.

Week 3:
Becca won HoH, and since I had Black Widow we were both so happy! We put up Noah and Sam T with some fake nominations to make it look realistic. Sam T, I can tell you know that you did have a good reason to want me out, we almost put you out on Week 3. At this point, Bob, who I knew from a game he had just hosted, and there became ANOTHER F2 deal, with now many alliances that I had at this point. I obviously could not tell Becca that Bob was my alliance, so I could not do much to stop her from putting him up. But, I told the others that Noah needed to go home, and so he did.

Week 4:
By probably random sad luck, Alex, along with the Black Widow put Becca and I up on the block. That sucked a lot, so we had to make sure that one of us won PoV. When he told us that the first person who stepped out could win, I immediately was the first one to step out, because I thought no one would be dumb enough to let one person stay. Well, I was wrong. The boxes tempted all the people out until only Connor and Becca remained. Apparently Connor made a deal that he would save Becca with the veto. And then after he won, he said he would save me. But he lied to both of us, so that put Alex and Connor on my hit list. But since I had so many alliances and people thought Becca was a bigger "threat" for winning 2 Head of Household competitions, I was saved by a unanimous vote to evict Becca.

3431 days 9 hours ago
When I was HoH and Becca left, I had the most power, I was HoH with The Power of Black Wido, so I controlled the nominations
3431 days 8 hours ago
Week 5:
Before the "festivities" of Week 5 began, I knew that my alliances with Sam T, Bob, and Harry were never that strong to begin with, but I still kept them up with everything including evictions, nominations, competitions etc., pretending to be with them every step of the way. So guess who I found to be my new number 1 ally? STEWEN!!! That's right, Stewen, my biggest alliance after Becca, was aligned with me AFTER I was with Harry, Bob and Sam T. At this point, you should now look at who were the Final 5 people in the game. *cough cough my F2 alliance members* And to top it all of, now that I had a F2 with the majority of the people in the game, I won HoH! Time to start getting some of the other 4 players out. The first 2 I wanted out were Alex and Connor, but only Alex was nominated, so I put up Alex and Tyler instead, not caring if either one of them won. Unfortunately, Alex won PoV and took himself of the block. At the point I found out the results I was at a smoothie place in Miami. So I typed out with my phone I was putting up someone (I forgot), then realized I made a typo so I ended up putting Bob for "not playing" which is what he said himself he had been doing, but I knew people would want Tyler out instead. Which is exactly what happened.

Week 6:
Since I had finally won HoH, I knew that I had to get one of my alliance members to win so they would not nominate me. I gave them some "hints" to help them win the HoH. Because of this, my new BFF Stewen won HoH, thanks to my help! My  targets, Alex and Connor, were then put up by Stewen, as per what I had told him. Since Alex unfortunately won the PoV AGAIN, I got Stewen to put up Sam T as I thought he was being a bit fishy with me (It turned out he hadn't been doing so yet, but he did right afterwards). But even though Sam T was becoming a concern, Connor definitely wanted me out, so he was sent to the War Room, evicted by Harry, Bob, and I.

Week 7:
I believe this is when Sam T decided to flip-flop on me and start an alliance with Stewen (which I found out about a few weeks later). Since Alex was not there to be selected, Sam T put up Harry and Stewen. After winning PoV, he decided to save Stewen which puzzled me, but then instead put up ME over Alex, which was the turning point in my trusting of him. Alex thought that for sure I was going to be gone, but I knew Bob and Stewen had my back, and he was furious that Harry went to the War Room.


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