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House Thread

Topic » House Thread

4237 days 21 hours ago
Head of Household #3 RESULTS - Coins Again?

It is time for the results of your third Head of Household Competition.

In this competition, the Houseguest's were tested on how well they can strategize! Each Houseguest was given 120 coins. There will be 11 rounds, and each round every Houseguest deposited a certain number of coins in the bank. Houseguest who deposited the lowest amount of coins per round will be eliminated from the competition. If two or more Houseguest's tie for the lowest amount of coins, BOTH (ALL tied) will be eliminated from the competition. If all remaining players are tied, we move to the next round.

Let's start off with those who did not submit. Ashlyn, Lexi, casey, and ThaMeow did not submit. Casey is excused because he just had an operation done, but the others will receive penalty points.
4237 days 21 hours ago
Round 1
BBSam - 20
Leoma - 10
Nckl - 20
SamSam - 20
Granec - 30

Leoma is eliminated.

Round 2
SamSam - 22
BBSam - 30
Granec - 15
Nckl - 20

Granec is eliminated.

Round 3
BBSam - 15
Nckl - 20
SamSam - 28

BBSam is eliminated.

Round 4
SamSam - 34
Nckl - 10

Nckl is eliminated.
4237 days 21 hours ago
Congratulations SamSam, you have won the Head of Household!

I will contact SamSam about nominations. Expect them around 8 pm tomorrow.
4237 days 12 hours ago
congrats samsam on HOH
sorry safe about me not submitting. still under the influence of ansesthisia!

good luck with noms!
4237 days 11 hours ago
yaaaay grats samsam
4237 days 11 hours ago
Thanks guys! :)
4237 days 7 hours ago
4237 days 7 hours ago
Hey everyone, I have to go somewhere later tonight and I probably won't be online the time I said I would post the nominations ceremony, so I will just do it now.
4237 days 7 hours ago
Previously on Big Brother…

Masie was evicted, TheBookThief quit, and Danielle was ejected. BBSam received an amnesty key.

SamSam outlasted the others in the third Head of Household competition.


The third nomination ceremony will take place. Who will SamSam nominate?

4237 days 7 hours ago
The houseguests gathered at the kitchen table as SamSam approached the table holding the nomination box. SamSam placed the box on the center of the table and began to speak,

"BBSam already has his key, as he received the amnesty key after the vote on Thursday. Let's begin,"
4237 days 7 hours ago
SamSam reached over the table and pulled the first key, “Ncklpagano, you are safe”

Nckl smiled and pulled the next key, “Graneceffect, you are safe”

Granec breathed a sigh of relief, put his key around his neck and pulled the third key, “LexiVazquez, you are safe”

Lexi pulled the next key, “Leoma_Agent0, you are safe”

Four people sit nervously at the table. AshlynArehart, Casey5705, MyMikshakes, and ThaMeowMeow all hope their key is in the box.
4237 days 7 hours ago
Leoma excitedly grabbed her key and pulled the next one, “casey5705, you are safe”

The cameras panned across the faces of the three remaining players. Who would be safe?

casey placed the key around his neck, wished the remaining players good luck and pulled the last key… “MyMilkshakes, you are safe”

Milkshakes let out a sigh of relief as she put the key around her neck. SamSam addressed the nominees and the house.

“I nominate you ThaMeowMeow and you AshlynArehart.

Meow: I have nominated you because you didnt compete in the recent HOH competition, and I know Safe wants the most active players. You can still fight for that POV!

Ashlyn: I have nominated you for the same reason, and you could be a threat further in this game."

ThaMeowMeow and AshlynArehart have been nominated. Will one of them win the power of veto and come off of the block? Find out next time on Big Brother!

The veto picking will be posted shortly. The veto competition will begin on Sunday night.
4237 days 6 hours ago
SamSam exited the diary room and shouted, "Can everyone gather in the living room to pick the veto players?"

All of the houseguests made their way to the couches, while Ashlyn and Meow stood beside SamSam.

"It is time to select players for the veto competition," SamSam said as he held the bag out in front of Ashlyn.

Ashlyn dug around in the bag and pulled out a ball, "casey5705"

casey jumped up and stood beside Ashlyn. "Now Meow," SamSam said as he held the bag out.

Meow took his time, and picked the ball at the bottom of the bag. "MyMilkshakes." Milkshakes jumped up and stood close to Meow.

SamSam finally took his turn, pulling out the first ball he touched. "Leoma_Agent0"

Leoma excitedly smiled and hurried to the front.

AshlynArehart, casey5705, ThaMeowMeow, MyMilkshakes, SamSam14, and Leoma_Agent0 will be playing in the veto competition. This competition will be posted tomorrow night.
4237 days 6 hours ago
4236 days 13 hours ago

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