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[S17] Jury Questioning

Topic » [S17] Jury Questioning

3227 days 9 hours ago
Sean y should I vote u when u were given a very arguable unfair power that is prettying the only reason u made it here?

Actually Amanda, myself having the power really saved my two closest allies Danielle and Oswald. By placing two returnees instead sending one of them home which unfortunately was you. Which I understand why you may feel so much amonsity towards me for having to send you home twice in the game. I think having this power made more enemies out of me in this game and hence more blood which I was ready to accept and take. For this really drew the line of where we were (returnees vs non).

I definately think I was here based upon gameplay with my closest allies in Oswald, Danielle, pat and even Tim at one point. I feel you are under-estimating me due to the coupe which again I understand but thats one twist anyone could of gotten in this game if they paid closer attention and spam for it like I did.
3227 days 9 hours ago
Honestly its been a blast playing this game, and like Oswald said we had the same drives and ambitions against the returnees who we realize were trying to tear us apart alongside with some of our allies (non-returnees)

Ozzy and I made a real friendship and we saved each other multiple times without blinking and fought hard to make it here and we been waiting for this day where you must choose between us as feel both are deserving and will respect whichever way you vote.

In all honesty I wish Johnny and Tim were here to see this but I am happy to see Mikey and Nick S as replacements as well. Just a lot of drama arise because of us and we were not afraid to get any blood on our hands due to the positions that we were in!
3227 days 8 hours ago
Sean, you made big moves, but you also made a lot of enemies, and most importantly, constantly threw me under the bus. Yeah I knew about that, thing is I knew a lot of what was going on. Hence me secretly targeting you. I just really suck at comps, but anyways why should I vote for you: and I don't want the "I made big moves answer"

Response to Jay: Jay I only threw you to Pat because you oddly switch to wanting to save Tyker over PAt when thought we all establish on wanting to get him out due to my bad blood I had with Tyker and one who was more active at the time. However I could of talk more with you on why Pat should go over Tyker but obviously was thinking more gameplay on my end because I had more trust with Pat over tyker prior before when we didnt have the obvious war of Returnees vs non.

However although I made enemies I also felt I did my best to work with my allies and any other potentials to run the game to my favor and in essence of playing the game to the fullest.

I felt I had made the moves I needed to make but also expose the truth to others to rekindle the hate that others may have for me for playing a hard game like this. But besides gameplay I felt I played a good physical and social game that help shift this game with multiple allies and Oswald being my strongest and bestest ally on who I love and respect so not sure what else to say.
3227 days 7 hours ago
Also Jay:

One big move I made was when I won the "Tasks" POV. I not only saved Sean but also I saved you which ultimately kept you in the game. Johnny had posed to us this final four deal between us, him, and Marcus. However he put up Sean anyway? We knew when he was up to something.

I really didn't want to create waves with the veto but I was afraid that Johnny couldn't be trusted so I decided to use the veto on you and Sean which forced him to name two replacement nominees. Had I not done that, you probably would have been sent home a lot earlier.
3226 days 22 hours ago
Thank you gentleman. I have my pick decided.
Good luck.
3226 days 19 hours ago
Thanks Patrick, its been a pleasure playing with you :D
3226 days 16 hours ago
Now thats the answer I wanted Ozzy, but anyways I just want to correct you on that. I would not be going home if I was on that block. I was aligned with practically everyone and everyone had a threat they wanted out which wasn't me,  I just suck at comps so I had to find a new way to stay in the game. So even though you saved me, you didn't really save me.

Yet I want to point something out. All or most of your proclaimed moves seemed to be including saving Sean, if thats all you contributed then I argue those are the best moves in the game because now Sean can make the final two and be crowned as rightful winner.

Sean, honestly you deserve to win this game. Yeah, you had an easy twist, but anyone could've had that twist. That twist though wasn't the only move you made. You brought several alliances together, you were never mean to me and was honest to a lot of people, you played as honest as you could and had a far better social game and strategic game. In the final 3, you were the only one to make a deal with me in the slim chance I won the final HoH, but college got in the way. Smack I totally thought I sent my results btw. Either way you covered your bases, did the things that needed to be done. If it wasn't for you the game would have been way different.

To angry Jury members. Vote for Sean, he actually played the best game and managed to get to the final two being the obvious choice to win. Not to mention, his game was far superior, and he really is a nice guy. Good luck Sean you deserve this
3226 days 15 hours ago
Hallo my lovelies!



So anyways =D I have had very positive relationships with both of you. Ozzy and Sean, you two are the most deserving of the final two. I commend you!

My question is for the both of you: If you were in the house with several crazy people, would you stick through to the end, lose it and quit the game, or join in and go ballistic?
3226 days 14 hours ago
Omg Riri you are hilarious I love it!!

To answer your question, I hate quititng any group games I take part of, no matter how crazy and ballistic it is I would join in and go full out with it :D

I've had my share of ballistic games and I would consider the drama in this season to be one that was challenging but quite fun nevertheless. < 3
3226 days 13 hours ago
For RiRi-

Haha I love it! Thank you for being such a positive energy in this house. You always put a smile on my face in the face of all of the stress.

I personally thinking quitting is a coward's way out thd door so I would also have to go ballistic and join in. If you're not having fun with this game, then why are you here? I did have a lot of fun this season and I think the experience was 100% worth it win or lose: final two or evicted first.
3226 days 13 hours ago
To Jay-
I don't care that you don't like me for whatever I did to you but calling me "not nice" is something I don't agree with. I may have been mistaken about some of my facts and fought against the vets but that was a game move I made when my back was against the corner. I didn't have the luxury of sitting on my ass all summer like you did. I was never once mean to you or anyone for that matter. If you had to face Johnny like I did Jay, then maybe you could see it from my perspective and understand the choices I made.

And to all the jurors out there, please don't let your vote be determined by one bitter Betty. Jay says I didn't do anything this summer which is false. I was always a target and yet I made it here with sheer determination and focus. I had to get my hands dirty and play the game like I never imagined. If I had special twists and powers on my side like Sean did maybe my story would be different but it isn't.

I played hard, I did it without and special twist and powers, I made a bold moves that no one else wanted to, and I am here. I had fun this game. I would obviously do stuff differently but for now, this is what I got.
3226 days 13 hours ago
Jay acts like I can go back and change my gameplay but I can't. I don't agree with all of my choices sure but that dosen't mean I can pretend they didn't happen. I played hard and I'm sorry if I hurt anyone along the way. I fought to be here, and here I am.
3226 days 12 hours ago
I appreciate your comments Jay on my game I do, but lets not discredit Oswalds great game as well for I appreciate his game moves too as we both had out backs against the wall and hence our greatest trust fell between the two of us.

I too would like to say I would love your vote but would not be upset if I lose to Oswald for he played a good game too just think this FinaL 2 is the best of the best from all the obstacles we had to face to get here.

However again Oswald and I have a great friendship and we do not want to put anyone down for the game we had to play in order to get here and think season was a blast to fight and push through between all the drama and all that took placed.
3226 days 5 hours ago
This question is for both Ozzy and Sean.

Sean, answering Amanda's question, you stated that Ozzy and I were your two closest allies in the game. Ozzy, I am pretty sure you felt the same way. Instead of choosing me, you both chose to take Jay to the final three. Sean's reasoning for that was because you two and Jay had made an all guys alliance previously in the game. He had also assumed that RiRi and I had formed an all female group (which we previously had with Amanda). That female group had eventually fell sour, however, because I actually prefered playing with both of you than playing with RiRi or Amanda. I had convinced Amanda that RiRi was the one to turn rogue and I had even supported the decision to vote out RiRi when she was nominated (which I easily could have flipped the votes to evict Sean, let's be real). RiRi was someone who stayed loyal to me for the entirety of the game, but I still chose the both of you over her. Jay didn't win competitions nor were his allegiances to you two as strong as mine were. I'm also positive that you and I had made a final three deal long before Jay had even entered the picture. So here's my question: Why was y'alls word to Jay so much more important than y'alls word to me?
3225 days 21 hours ago
For Dani-

I think the turning point in our relationship was when you beat me out for final 5 HOH. I tried to talk with you during the competition but you didn't respond. You then stated that you won because of "paranoia" and I was hurt that you couldn't trust me. I was afraid that you were after me for some reason. And since you couldn't trust me to win F5 HOH and keep you safe, then I couldn't trust you back. While Jay didn't win any competitions, he hadn't made any outward moves against me which made me question is loyalty.

You also did amazing at this game and you were a competition beast. You had a huge shit at winning this and you scared me a bit. I hope you understand my angle but know that I still love you and have immense respect for you and your game.

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