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Mearl's Game File

Topic » Mearl's Game File

3675 days 10 hours ago
Convo with Mearl & IceIceBaby:

What are your thoughts?

He needs to go since his screwing with everyone

Agreed. Who are you closest with on this tribe?

My wangifold <3

He is in trouble today
3675 days 10 hours ago
Convo with Mearl & IceIceBaby:

Since I want to show you I want to work together Im gonna arch you up to speed. Derek is voting Wang and cole wants to as well. He wants me to (jake is voting with them) and I think he also will try to get John or you too. So it's Ryan or Derek as of now

Has Ryan used his idol?

Only jake and vile have idols still. For all we know cole or jake can idol Derek making votes not matter. I haven't told Ryan yet, wanted to talk to you about things first and see what you thought we should do

That's the thing though, If we do vote Ryan out where does that leave us? We would still probably be the next ones out. I think we need to try and gain numbers and inform Ryan. If these people were smart then they would help us take out Derek.

So me you Ryan is 3. John maybe as 4, but voting derek is risky since an idol an go his way easily
3675 days 7 hours ago
Convo with Mearl & Jxhn:

Filling you in
Wang is in deep shit this vote. Cole wants to work with Derek. Derek showed me our groups pms and said cole gave it to him, cole kept denying before coming clean And telling me he wants it flip. Cole also seems to have Andrea in his back pocket which is why he lied to me at first... He doesn't need my vote.  So Derek jake coke Andrea  is majority.  We have two options
1. Let Ryan leave and team up with Derek and Jake after the vote, Derek says he wouldn't want you out so this is rather viable.
2. Cause a little controlled chaos, we have to execute it perfectly though. We have you and Ryan tell cole that Derek wants to blindside him tonight and that Derek showed them proof that cole was going to flip on our alliance of 4. Derek wants to form a 4 of him jake you and Ryan  as nobody would see it coming and you can take out the big threats of cold andrea and mearl. 
You'd need to sell the fact the info came from Derek and not me for it to work. From there we'd be able to get Derek out or blindside cole or Andrea
What do you think we should do. Make sure to keep this between us

Ugh I mean like grahh. Working with Derek is an option. But idk if I want to entirely - I think we could take him out later. Do you have a preference?

Andrea approached me about keeping Ryan. So we can have 4 votes. Only problem would be that they may play an idol on Derek since cole knows he is our target
3675 days 4 hours ago
Convo with Mearl & IceIceBaby:

So what's the story

He mailed me to vote Jxhn lmao?
What BS, He clearly knows I won't vote Ryan anyways we have evidence of this to get Jxhn on our side now :)
3675 days 4 hours ago
Convo with Mearl, IceIceBaby, Jxhn, & Wangifold:

Let's get on The same page
Gonna just lay it all out there. I've had conversations with you guys on what went down last night, besides Ryan since he did not answer my mail (how rude).
Cole is flipping to work with Derek and Jake. He told me to vote with them as well to vote out Ryan which i hve been working on preventing. However he told Andrea to vote John. So he is voting one of us out and trying to throw votes around. There is a chance an idol will be played on Derek since they know that's how we are voting.
So if we want to solidify a 4 we have majority. I took a risk by talkin to you guys about this today because you are the people I want to work with. So what are your thoughts?

If they expect us to vote Derek then why don't we just vote Cole?
If he wants to flip on us then we royally screw him over and send his ass out of this game.

Either him or jake. We can split 2-2 on derek next vote if one of them still has an idol
I'll do whoever
3675 days 4 hours ago
Convo with Mearl & Cole:

We still good? Plans still the same? Been at work all day

as far as i know. blindside Ryan, right?

Ok cool just double checking

this will be good :)
3674 days 16 hours ago
I'm baffled. It is one of those rare cases where I'm still scratching my head on what happened after tribal ended last night. I dont know what happened, I chalk it up to a lack of communication between ryan's alliance... I sent them a message to get us all on the same page and some people (ryan and john) failed to respond and it led in ryans demise. Sad. I would not have casted my vote against him had he actually answered a single message I sent him since we lost the challenge, and would have voted Derek or Jake. Now it looks like I'm working with Jake and Derek long term. Funny how things work. Hopefully Ryan takes away how important communication is looking back at this season because it is such an easy blunder to fix. You can't make people feel uneasy and often all it takes is 20 seconds and one mail.
3674 days 16 hours ago
Convo with Mearl & IceIceBaby:

We get no poitns for communication
that vote was a mess and Ryan should not have left but ryan and john never responded to the message and our votes were split between jake and derek (rolls eyes). So if its me you john then we are up against a solid 3, 2 of which have idols so lets not hope that is the case

Cole voted Derek aswell. I think we have him to take out Derek so if we just keep doing the same thing we will get what we want.

Are you sure he voted Derek.. he was the one who planned the blindside on ryan.

He was either the vote for Derek or the vote for Jake. He confronted Myself, Jake and Ryan telling us to vote Derek, You or Jake and we all agreed on Jake or Derek.

Well seeing as I voted Derek it appears he just split our votes. He is playing everyone it seems. I just wish people could see that.
3674 days 8 hours ago
Convo with Mearl & Cole:

So what game are you playing? Im rather confused

I was going to ask you the same thing. Derek said you told him that i ent you a confessional by mistake about wanting to vote you out. Is that true?

You did send a message saying to our original alliance on who we should take out 'mearl, jake or derek'.

I did? I really dont remember saying that at all. But if i did why didnt you confront me about it instead of assuming thats what i meant. I was not planning to write your name down at all this season, but Im a bit worried your playing me just like Derek is right now :/

You had lied to me about sending Derek our chat once and it seemed like you were trying to railroad me

But i was honest about it, and straight up. I told ypu right after that i did it. I had to find out from derek that you were saying stuff to him

You only told me because Derek told me first and I knew it could only be you. It's apparent that we are not the most revealing players and somebody is using that to turn us against each other

You think Derek is trying to pit us against each other? Regardless, Im sorry. Lets try to get back on the same page. I promise I have your back if you have mine. And if I hear anything, you'd be the first to know. So are we good?

If he's not trying he's doing a good job with it anyways, but yeah we need to start new and moving forward have each other back.
3673 days 18 hours ago
Convo with Mearl, Jakehou, & Bryjow:

Plans for the vote?
Cole told me he wants to vote with us 3, but he doesn't really have a choice since he can only tie it otherwise. So who do we vote out? John Andrea or cole

Cole  dude

ill do whatever cus i trust and love yall no homo broskyes

Yeah let's just vote out cole tbh he's playing everyone

Go on skype
3673 days 18 hours ago
Convo with Cole, Mearl, Jakehou, & Bryjow:

Everybody good with voting out Andrea?

I'll do whatever you guys want. Sorry, had friends over but they just left so now I can talk

It's ok I do too!
3673 days 13 hours ago
Convo with Jxhn & Mearl:

whaddya wanna do for this vote?

have no clue since i have no clue what happened last vote. I never heard back from anybody on what we were gonna do, which resulted in wang leaving over split votes

Ok so here's exactly what went down:
I know Jake and Derek did wangi
I personally did Jake - i was concerned about if an idol went a certain way that there should at least be a back up.
Cole claims to have done Jake.
Which based on that means that Ryan did Derek.
Now here's what gets interesting: Cole is going to try to convince you to vote out Derek and try to convince Derek to vote for you so that way he can get Andrea and he thinks he has me to be a majority and send home Jake with just 3 votes, or send home one of you two. What we can do is: send Jake home easy boom you and I vote Jake and he's gone as long as Cole and Andrea are on board, convince them to vote Derek and therefore Derek goes, OR you, me, Derek, and Jake vote Cole out because Andrea would probably be easier to take back in later.

Who would you prefer to leave? I mean the question is can we trust Cole/Andrea enough to split on Jake and Derek (in case idol is played), or can we trust Derek/Jake to vote out Cole.

I think what we CAN do is convince both Cole and Andrea to vote Derek and then we would both just vote Jake. Idk if we can convince them to split we may but idk.. I think though Derek would vote Cole and Jake would probs come along too

so we either become 3 and 4 with jake/derek or andrea/cole.

yup. its just who you'd rather work with haha

only thing is that cole has told me to vote andrea tonight lol

wait actually? he told me that he wanted to get you to vote derek and vice versa. i mean then if andrea goes its not really anyones fault but his own lel.

Yeah he says he wants to work with me jake and derek to make a final 4 (keep that between us). He is being super shady though. if he was gone me you andea could be a tight 3 or we could take andrea out next and be 4 with jake/derek and hope for merge.. we need to win a challenge
Unless you wanna vote jake/derek tonight, in which case im not sure how vote would be going. Cole's vote is always a mystery
3673 days 13 hours ago
Convo with Mearl & IceIceBaby:


I think Jake is our safest option. Jxhn also wants to do him and since nobody is really with him we could just get a free pass this tribal?

Sounds good. Lets just hope he doesnt play his idol. Added John in here so we are all on same page
3672 days 23 hours ago
Convo with IceIceBaby, Mearl, & Bryjow:

If you wanted to vote Cole then all you had to do was tell me. I would actually preferred that to most of the choices Y'all was telling me. I just want to stop these goddamn lies between us all and just start acting like civil people for once.

I am sorry, although we didnt get to talk that much this tribal but you know im always open for talk and i agree lets act like civil people :)

I know you would've been good for it. I think we can be a strong group moving forward.
wanted to see what John was going to do
3659 days 12 hours ago
Convo with Mearl & Bear:

So what's the plan

Tbh I havent even thought about anything, renagade and aj are pissed at me for forcing the

You grab two I grab two and weake finals

Im down with that, give me a bit to see where I stand with em...

open group


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